3477 Driveway Wilbur Add I' ( , ,-... '" I'ETITIO:--l NUflllER .'!il/,!? Date FilC¡\:&'l'!.I',I':)'~/q'I' Salina, Kans s TO TilE IIO:--lORABLE BO,\lW OF cm!.\llSSIONERS OF TilE CITY OF SAL iN^ , KANS^S COH\IISSIONERS: We, the un¡\ersicned, being resi¡\ents and prope~ty owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honor3blc b')¡\y for the ",' ("i,-"~1r"V(;, <;t-(' {./"¿'VC'«""/'-( ¿'<// ,0,-// (6,-1 ,J/l/¿,1- .v ;'7/- /t'7 ~ ..J .6 (f?; £.f-/,S'{<C, .3 -' ce//.8/1',' //é/'/'./' 1'./ , T~usting t~ai the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are respect ful I y FILED BY l..1IJ,rM¿Æ#-_~¿t&J.-J \I )(,$,1\. 12-63, which. is the General Improvement and Assessment Lali, states: "Names nay not be Hith¡\rawn from the petitions by the signers thereof 3fter the governing body comMences , consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such fil ing, I'hichever occurs first." NAHE ADDRESS LOT BlOCK ADDITION f -- ~-_. --_.- 1--. -- -- ? Î Il A< 1 Æ¡/?f1I .tIMW'~;-::/ './í ..' . ./', I, ¡,C-¡ 1 3 Idi1 !l ¡;J [ -6.~L, ' '4f..¿ f!J. " -- ----- (-- --------- ---- .. -- - -- - -- ---- -- ---- - -- -- ---- ... ,. -- - u"-- - - " ,---- ,- -- I' ,. -- ---- --,- - -- ..-- - -- -- - -- - ---- ¡. - -- -- f/ --- - -- -- c . " \ -- , . -- - --- ------- --- -,..- - ----' '--- --------------- --- ----------------- --- - -----------.. ." -, / I I " ., i I I , I i i :' ¡ . i 1.1 1, I: