3474 Amend Zoning Vanderbilt ... <,. 1 I i ¡ i i \ I i ¡ ! ¡ ! i I I I 7. 8. .9. - 10. 11, (0 12. .r'\ r'\ IUII!.IC/Ì'!'lO:' IWi'\-: ù1.fLf¡¿U!...iLÆ1LJ:..,~)F/-7c) m:ì\I\WG ONi'r; ().o!) Ù. fe;,. /r? '/-.lj :,:311 ?~ l'E'fl'l'IO:! 110. PLANNING DEPT. REVIEI'l nlfJ/ DI\'l'1.:: l-'IJ,l:D -IJ..1.lfft<'.h ", 1'Í1Ç FII,ING n>l:: $25.00 RECP'r..,"~~~-D ~, J\PPI,ICl\'l'IO~ FOR lI1-:ENrH.mtIT TO Till:: DIS'l'rnC'l' ZO;aNG HAl' 1. J\pplicant's Name: AAA Electric. Inc. 2. ,Applicant's I\ddress: 1506 Beverly Drlve--P.O.Box Zip Code: 67401 . 115 3. "Telephone (Business): .-822-5081 ~' (1Iome): ,¡ 1\ 4. Owner's Name: Warren Culley. Rooor't Dilvis. 2296 Roach 222) Fliwaros Owner's Address: Lyle Johnson 61>1 South 12th Zip Code: 5. 67/ .{) 1 6. Legal description of property requested to be rezoned:.. Lot(s) in Block No; East 60 feet of Lot One In Vanderbilt Addition Ii Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a surveyoris Certificate must be filed with this application): !I -------- -- -,-- ----.:--- ,------------------------ -- ----------------------- Approximate street address: 1 50(, HF!vürJ y ÐrlY!L lIt'ea of propt'rty (se}, ft. ,mellor. acres) -12.,000 sq, ¡';L 'Present. i'.onin~¡: -_.ß ------- Use: _~.ElJ:drl,, Tn",-_-:-_Eled.r\"lll.-- . Contracting .; Hc<1nu~;te<1 "'on i ng: --_-'2-.. ----- Use: --_lUAå-Elcc.t,r\", Tn" -- Elecl..rical_-- . Cont-metinr; lire there "ny covenants of: record vlhich prohibi ls lhe proposed development? (J\t.tach copy): .---1:12. . List rca~¡o )s Lor. lIlÍ~; re<jlic:;l: Business expansi~~.fuL<U'-'L..._--- ¡¡ plann!!:!.~n buildIng Il ne\{ louilùing. --_..----- - ---------------.. ,,:,. --- --------------------- _--n______,------- - -- ----------- --- --- ----_.._- --- -- ---- -,---- ------- ---- -- .. ----- .. - - -- ' ------- .----------...---.... --- - --------------.. ,--..------- ___-1'-..-..,_------------------------.-------- -------------- ---- ----- -'-'-----------_.-~-- ----- ----.. ------.---------------- (H<":v. ')/",1), !! .. I: , -: ~ .' \ , 1 '. í 1 ! ¡ I' i I ¡ I I I I ,~ i í i ¡ ". ...,. r-.. ,.... 13. f:upply r,ICLII,11 (l.:Ita "hoHin(j lhe e "r(~cl the rcl ue:;L will lI¡wc on pl"e~cnl ill1Ù future ll".I(Cic: [low, ~choul:;, utilities, reCuse' collection, surrounùin<j properties, etc: Non" \ , ". 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested use? Yes ¡';xplain: Parnlng l.ot.. 15. List exhibits or plans submitted: NeRO Property o~}er(s) signature: Applicant's signature: ; " : . I L___~__---------------------------------------~------------------------------------. ¡ , If the ilPplicant i:; to ,be r'cpres(,nted by legal counselor ùn authorized I : agent, please complete tlw follo;ving :;0 that correspondence and I ' , corrJ11unicatiOJ),:' pertaining lo this dpplic:ation Ir.ay be forlvilrdcd to th~ authôrized ilÌCliv idl\ùl. ' I' 'I' Name of ¡{epresentative: ----- ------- -------- Address: Zip Codc: ---------..-.. .'--------_____nn__- .-- nn___- Telephone (Business) :_-- l\n~¡¡ Code: ----- ------ ----- :: ---- -~~=-- - -- :::-:-::::-:':=-"'::-"::_:::=::::-:-::::':':_.-::-:_--::::-:: ::::~ --:-:::--'---: ::..:::-:::::-- ::-::_-==--~--::::::--=.:~_::.-=-:::--:::::::= <. DO 110'1' 1-¡IO'm IN TillS SPACE ~~I.r.~OUI~1...i_J.):J ]~-~)J2_~~t Y. Xone U:;e IJOH'l'/I SOUT/I ¡';lIs'r --------"------ .. -- ---- -..-- u----- --------..-- .n______------- .-------- "---'_.'. ------- -- ---------- I'ms'i' ,----- ----,-----..-.--~- ___h____--_------..---- ,- - -- ---.---..,.-,----. - ------ '--'------___n____-'----- ChaJ'¡lcter o( the J)(~i(Jhhor ¡ood ------ --.-----.--- ------------- -------.------------ -- Helatiol!:¡hip lo 1...11<: Uf;(, 1'1;!n _n__.._- -'---------.-..-..------..--..- -"-'----------. (He'!. 9/"/,1) , " ,', ; I I I I 1 ! Ii Ii