3470 Sewer Repair Worsley Add r--- """"'- ~ PETITION NU~mER jJ{?O Date Filed:J1\""", I, 1')'1:) Salina, Kansas ~ TO TilE IIOttORABLE BOARD OF CO~~\lSSI0NERS OF TIlE CITY OF SALINA, I\ANSAS ,- CO~~\lSSIONERS: We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in th~ City of Salina, Kansas,-do hereby petition your honorable body for the instigation of immediate corrective action by the city at the city's expens~ in regard to defects, improper Instal1ation and/or use of the city sel-,age disposa' systeM in the area of 300 Maple, Salina, Kansas; that the public Interest demands th~t the si tuation be corrected for the following reasons: (1) 'That in its present state the sewer systen is causing water (continued on --. back of this Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are respectfully /Í- FILED BY ~ \Þ7.rU- ~¿(i¿&-- &j- "ìn ~\.-L~\ JAyt.'M-> K.S.A, 12-6a, which is the General Improvement and Assessment Law, states: shee t) I' "Nal'1es J:1ay not be wi thdrawn froJ:1 the pet i t ions by the signers thereof after the governing body co~~ences considerati,on of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing, whichever occurs first." , ' LOT. ----- - - --, - -.- - -, ,- \ I - ¡ " - '... i\ II '., ,./ f {I .,--- to be backed or forced into several residences when rain is recel~ed and ~Ihen the seller becÒT'es plugged iI't some location; further that under SOMe cond it i ons ~Ihen a PUMt> r,lotor COMes on it pUMpS \/,Her I nto res i dent I a I basCl'1enls, 2. That consideralJle d.,nage is berO\) caused to local residences both In property loss and financial losses and repairs, " 3. That the public v,eHare Is endangered because of thc Haste water being forced or pumped or which back flows Into residential units and that the same presents a substantial health"hazard. " oj I'. " \. \' " '" /I L " " I' ._- - ----.