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3466 Fuel Tanks Gardens Add
,-.., !' " I';'ITION I'mI!\ER'~ÍL. \)a tel' il C\I : I - G. -. 7 \-- Ralil,la. 1::lII~a~ TO Till: 110:\01::\111.1: B<Hlm OF CO~'\II ss lO:\rllS OF TilE CITY OF :>,\1,1:\'\. K.\:-ISAS cml'llsslo:-;EI\S: Ne. the \11\l1l'f~i'.I1(',I. heillg n'~Ìl'(,lIts alill propl'!'tr ("mer:; ill the City of Salilla. Kallsas. ,10 hcl'd»' petitioll YOII\' h5>lIol':IIII(' bodyL'or the' í~~,?.."",,!>~,C.J To pItH_e. f.,.vi.. i-I\,v¡c.s ("z-.&"" .~I. t',~ctf) FC>fL '.ro)¡L<if)'"- '()/~C:"I'I!:.""""" ¿ci¡(o:..l Iv('.' oV /..<'1' ,'2-- l~'dle.l"",,"r-lQ- <::,:"...IL(H"/'I-.S. LJddllillV Iv II.c' ('"!,I-,/ <,¡'- '.J~t/"..'/I" /,(dl<'..}.1(, r' J " 'I 's',I//1 /'/'<'/'C'_,.T/C..f ;,/,' ¿c"v".£) C'7 /kHpa L-",cÝv,I¡-~'/c.?I. , / ' / Tr\lstill'. respectfully thâC;:h~ ';~~'Á of the petitiOlle,l'S Hill he &r~:lItcd. ----?' ------ C/ -é!;;/Jh, t":- ( .Jc:::~-dZ(/'{j 1'1 LEI) BY K.S.^. 12-(':1, "hich is the (iellcral Ilo)lI'o\,(,;1'.elll alld "SSI'ss~ellt La\~. states: "N:mcs l1ay IIOt he Id t hdl'aHII fron the pel i t ions by the si £11<'.1 s t hereof aft el' the '.o\'el'l1Ì II!,: body C("'ù~ellc(,s considCl'aLion of the pelit iolls or lalcr than scvcn (7) (!a)'S after s\lch filing, "hichevcl' occurs first," " 1/1.' arc ~ ' fl" n(~' .} ,_, D\\'ì' I, ' r, , ' N,\~IE M))RI:SS LOT _J!.I~o_r£ ,- ...^~I>IlJ_~ /' .-/ u_-------------------"----------' /),;J ;L/'/~Û//(~f/.~_.- -:-------------. --. .-- i Z:- --~-- -!'c/!<:.!!/,/a{.f;",¿~ , :" ,7)/1 u..<:_~ .#/t'/,/[p-y..: _. - - -------- --___--n__-- .. . _.- ----.--- ----------- ------------- , ---._---~-- ---------.--- ------- ---- ---------- --------------. -------------. . -.-------.- ._----- --~---- ----- - --.--------- _n ._. ---- _h - _____nh---- -------------- --------------.-- --- -------- ---- - --- ---- -.. ._---._----------- ,____n.. . -------------------. -_. -----------'-'--- ----- . - ---- ---------.---- - ----- --- . ---------------,- ----. _.--. ----- ._----- - ._---- ------- ------ - -- - -------------- ,--- ...- ._- ----- ----- ---- - -- --------- ------- n------ ------ ._- , I. --___n--_____---------- -- >1---- ---.-------.----- -c--- ------ ---- ------------ , ---- ----- --- _.- ----------- - --- -- ---- --------- ---------- \: .---------------.....-----.------- --tì----'-------~---"----- ,-------- -----.------- . _...._.._h-""- ----- u_--_--_--n__------.---'--- ---...---------.----..----- i'. ," -.,.. .-., -",'" ",,-""" ...........-- ..' ------- ---..,,-..------- ,.. .,... ., -.,.,' ,..,." --.... _____d....-..'Un___'" ,_.... - _n -... _u. - . - ._, Ii' .,----":--:::':---:.:-,:',:.:-"I--"'-":','.::-:-:i~-':, :::-. ,-,:--.:'::,.., -"" '::-, ::::..----- ,', '.' í ¡ I I '\ I I ,,' '. . ,)