3613 Amend Zoning Circle Add (;,' \ '...,. I( t~./ < l( III ¿A!ì ,< 1- ~, /7 ~'~':.JBlICATIOt DATE ,)0;: -_J L_LfJ >j 'I PETITIO/I /10. --' ;¡" \ HEARING DATE ~b I. /:'j "j '.(-- DATE FILED ---.ld -;u- Il!.._- VICINITY HAP ATTACIIED --1L___....- FILING HE $25.0Q RECPT:'O !3J:;? PLAN/WIG DEPARTMENT REVIEW /n 1.'Il).- õ-~! E -ë Ë-¡\¡-if D -1 - , , APP,lICATION FOR AMENDNENT TO TIlE ù ~ (; 21 1976 I DISTRICT ZONING MAP , " PLANNING OEPT. Clo~~_I-;. and Dal-vin D. Dent' ------- 1. Applicant's Name: 2. Applicant's Address: 417 Scott. Salina, Kansas " Zip Code 67401 " 3: Telephone (Business): 825- 7787 (Home) : 825-7787 4. Owner's Name: Cloyde E. and Darvin D. Dent 5. Owner's Address: 417 Scott, Salina; Kansas ---- ___Zip Code 67401 6. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned: Lot(s) 12-13-14 ¡i -_--_n__in Block No. ~-,--- In I' - ____Subdivision Circle Addition Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application): ------- --- -' 'n- ---- 'on_- ----- --,--, 7. Approximate street address: 170l to 1717 CloudCircl~_h--- 8. Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) -- 22,800 sq. ft. , /, 9. 10. (R-2) Vacant Present Zoning: ~--puJP~cx Use: -..-, 0 - ' Requested Zoning : "~fo1ulti-fami..!Y~:1L- Use: {'\palOtment 11. Are there any covenants of record which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy) : No ' (Rev. 4/76) I ¡, :' t, I 1 I i I ! " ! II ,', n i, 11ore ccQ!}ornicaL...!!.§e -<l.f la!.1..Ç.l.o list reasons for. this request: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) ------ 12. \' 13. Supply factual data showing th~ effect the request will have on present and future traffic flOV/, schoóls, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, étC: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) No significant effect. Yes Explain: Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested use? 14. Ci~a!Hlards will be adhered to. ---. ... - ------- 15. list exh.ibits or plans subnitted: . None at this time PROPERTY OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: ~ / ~ ¿--¿:L:. - ,~</';-?'(/ é.t V¿~~~ ~f~-<-: L «~- t~-'~ --- _...----- APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: " ------ > ----.. --... .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ., n ------ If the applicant is to be represented by' legal counselor an authòrized agent, please complete the following so that correspondence an~ communications pertaining to this ..:"..application may be forwarded to the authoriled individual. . NAME OF REPRESnnATlVE: ~-... __Development Con_~1dJ-J;.A_nj;~ Inc ° ¡: ADDRESS: -.1 :}.L!'Lorth 13th Street , Sali...Q.§j _J<ansas 'iELlPHONE (Business): ._- q- - 823-6235 (! .. c. -- ZIP CODE 67401 ,: AREA COD~. ~ \, (Rev. 4/76) !" Ii " ,"J> PETITION # ..3¿,13 ClOYDE E. & DARVIN Lots 12-13-1<1' D. DENT Circle Additi~nB1k. 5 liB" ( R-2) to "C" (R-3) ~ N