3612 Amend Zoning Country Hills \ I ' tl .;. PUBLICATION O¡\1[ _rloLl~t~I:_.!_il!J_'1-~_i!!:,~__llLI977 IIEARI/IG OAT[ -- ~~~'!:'~_!)'_h!!_J..9Z~_- d- ---- PETITIO!! riO. ____~,I2.. -------- DATE FILED ---L~_/!_~2 -IrJ?£___- VICIfII1Y r'AP AllACIIED --- ~------------ PlMlIl1IlG OlPARTI~[f1T IŒVlll-I _':222//-.13_-- FllIlIG HE .$25._Q~ RECPT. i!.f.",iyr¡;l. APPLI CAT 1011 FOR IIf-\E/Il)~IErlT TO TIlE DISTIncT ZOtIlHG 1-11\\' " 1. Ap(ll icanl' s lIame: --- ~[ORGE--~~~!.~I~_~~I~~g~I___________n_---- ---- Ii 2. Applicant's Add"ess: _443 Au!!~?od-~i~_~-'-~~~~__u__Zip Code,_6740~_- 3. Telephone (Business): ____ß2!.:~:J38 ---_u_-----_h_____jllome):"__~?_?_::64_00___--_h 4. Ol/l1er's lIilrr.e: G. & K., Inc. and A. B. Seelye, Co., Inc. --- -- ------- - - -------- -------- - ----- -- ------ 5. Ollller' s Addres s: 2103 South Ohio - Salina, Kansas _Zip Code __~7~0~- --------- ------------ - ------- - ---_u_- 6. legal Description of prope,'ty requested to be re/oned: lot(s) - -~?--'=-~- and Lots 5. ~~~~~~---- --- --- ----____--in Block No.1 1 In -- ~çpJ<!!--oL~!.Q~_k--1 ~_J_~--!.-,__Cou_ntrr.._Hi!.I_~__Ad_di..!..ion #l. ------ ---~--': Subdivision r~etes and hounds desc,'iption if unplatted (a Su.'veyor's Certificate must be filed ,-lith this application): ------- -----"---- ------ ______n ------ ----- ----- ------ - ----- ---- ----- n- ---- --- ------ -- ------- - ---- --- ---- ----n-- - ---- - ---- ----- ------ -------..----- ---------------_u ---- --- - -- - - --------- ---- - ------- _u ___n__~----<';' ---- ~ - _u_------- ------ ---------- ---------___--__n__~_------- --- --- ___--_m n-___--- - ----- -- ----- n--__------ ---- ------ -- ---- - - -- ---- - - - - ----- - - --- ---- - ----- -- -_n-- -______n---- ------------ -- --- - - -- --- _..- - ---- --- ---- ____on ------- -_u ---- 7. Approx i 111ÜC street add.'ess: 2J9.0_J!J.k. _on~ry- _Hills- fula.d~ 700 lH9cJ....illL£ ~i rda 1 e '. 8. Area of prope¡'ty (sq. ft. and/m' acres) - 3.04~__~~r.es____- h__---"--"- ------ 9. Present Zoning: "C' -Apartl1'.ent lJouse- "R-3" Use: Vacant - . , ~ ----Lots ¡~- 3-,-10 î-Y,1", -i3ïk-:-ltõ- "A" (R=ï) u_------ - h_- . 10. Requested Zoning: " 1, 5, 6, 9,11, 12, 13 to Use: Single-family and 1i9ht density ------ ---------"ßõITR-=2) ----mü1ti-familŸ-'-------- 11. Are there any COVClhll1lS of record ,.¡hich prohibit:> the proposed development? (Attach I' «:py): 11.0--__- _.. ---- - - - -- ----- - -- - - -- _._-- --- - h----_--_- ------ - ------ (, (Hev. 01/76) 1\ I I , I I I I i Ii .. 12. List "easons for this request: (Attach add it ionill sheets if necessary) ------- ~erovide__sin91e f~~I~~:L~~~~~L~~~~e fd~i1Y a_~~o~~!,,:_~_~eet~- ---------- - ----------- -------------- - ---______n n ----------------- 13. Supply factual dilta shOllilHJ the effect the request I-/Î 11 have on present and future tfilffic flOH, schools, utilities, ,-dust! \..ulleclion, surrouI\\Iin9 properties, elc: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) ------.---_u_-- _.J!?~pp 1 i ~a ~~~: ------ - d__-U__n_------- - --------_u - . ------- -_u ---- u -, --------- ------------------- _00- . Un - ------------------ -- 14. I/iìì thefC'. [¡e sufficient off-st"eet parking provided 'tOf the fequested use? -_!~~-----------__.Jxplain: .-------------- --------------------- --------- ---------------------------- -------- ----------- ---u_-- --- _un ----- --------------- --- 15. list exhibits or plans su[¡r¡iUed: h___-------_U- -_u------ -- d_---- ---______n__- - _U_-----------U - u- --- ----______m--_h_--___---- -~:_~-~., Inc: - ---______n Jkp;v~Ø~,/-I.:.~, ~~ B.: ~~~ye- ~o:_.'- !~:.: - - - -- _.-l;Üt?~I,,;tf/./-(v.~t..~~ APPLICMIT'S S IGNA1URE:u~~~~-~-~~=~~== -----7')}-{~Y'<- ~~;;;4.~~ PROPERTY or:NER(S) SIGIIATURE: - -- - ------ -_u_---- ____n___n-n ----- - -------- -- -------- --_U .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----j If the applicdnt is to be re >I'esented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please con;plele the fol1O1lin9 so that colTespondence and conlwnications peftainin9 to this. application may he fon-¡arded to the authol'i7ed individual. NAME OF REPRESfIlT^TIVE~ - - --_u_- ----- n .---------u--------- - -- ADDRESS: - - -------- -- - -- -- - -- ZIP COOl ---- d -- -- --- -- TElU'lIOIIE (Business): ----______d--___U---------- AREA CODE --- I: (Rev. 4/76) ,: t. (: i' I' u c. ., ); . . ~, " REQUEST ARrÄ PETlTlùli ii _~\~'l2.::_-- GEORGE C. ET/iERINGTO:¡ _,,-L::: ..., -..-:=.::--: :-~ < ' ~ N ~ .~ I