3605 Amend Zoning Waters Subdiv ~ ",' {tf¿ ,IŒtLl) tJ¿l¿RJ ;;Pt)BU~ATION DATE ÖO(i.14 j97.~ HEARING DATE ....\A~~,;p. lf7" '/ VICINITY MAP ATTACHED. ;(O~~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT RMw~ I " ' ¿ . 11') (.. PETITION NO, -J¿'O5 DATE FILED n{j¡~ ~óllq1~ FILING FEE $25.00RECPT. # /Zg3)~ APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP 1. Applicant's Name: 2, Applicant's Address: Waters Realty 3. Telephone (Business): 726 North Washington. Junction Zi P Code nh441 City, Kansas 913/825-1567 (Home): 4, Owner's Name: Waters Realty 5. Owner's Address: Zip Code 6. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned: Lot(s) North 50' of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2 thru 5 in Block No. In Waters Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application): N~,;A. 7. Approximate street address: 8. Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) 3.11 acres 9. Present Zoning: 10. Requested Zoning: A .. ,Use: Cnmmer~ial and ReRiòential (See below.) Use: 11. Are there any covenants of record which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy) : None North 50' of Lot land all of Requested Zoning: Lot 2, Block.1. Change zoning of "A" (Rev. 4/76) LOtl3 )- 5. Single ¡"amily to "D" Locill nusiness. Change from "/\" Single Fa~ily to "C" foIulti Fami ly. Ii \' '. 1\ " II ': " ¡ I I I I ' I ¡ i I I I If. ¡, (, \: ~ ~ 12. List reasons for this request: .(Attach additional sheets if necessary) Pl-esently pl'üparing land- for initial düvülopment. consistent with the Future Land Use Plan. The rüquest is 13. Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, schools, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: (Attach additional sheets if necessary)' In development of the Future Land Use Plan. these factors were 14. considered. ^lso see previous Planninq Com!ll!§siq!L9isc\lssion "Waters Subdivision". ' Will there be sufficient off-street Vdrking piovided for the requested use? Yes Explain: -.J:lill be in~~Q.~,~LQÍ'-zpnin( Ordinancp. requirements. -.----- 15. List exhibits or plans submitted: None PROPERTY O',{IIER(S) SIGNATURE: . ^">£ lj¡L~-~ VP{:'~J/¿ -..-.u_-- ,,~> I 7iJj;;:===.- --- -- ._-_.- APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: tJ,,\cr""-5 í?<",11, . ~~,- ) ¡ --. i .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¡ I If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please complete the following so that correspondence and communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. NAME OF REPRESFNTATlVE: Düv£!..o~fI.t. Consul tants. rnc. ( Tom Dame 11 ) ADDRESS: P.O. ßox 165~31 N. 13th. Salina. Kans~--- --- ZIP CODE .'§'~1Q..1-' TElEPHONE (Business): --- ~V-:-_§~35___. AREA CODE 913 (Rev. 4/76) /- '; j, I ~ " " ;-. ¡; I' C> ,,~ ' c' '" PETITIOIIIJ 7/'-' ~~ REQllm ARE^- WATERS REAL TV ' . No,th '0' .. !' , .11 of L of Lot' ,,' ' , "J' ,- .. 'at ot, , 'hco 5 . ' . ".JI~ -, .~":",.::~:: T-¡'l ' er~ ;,bd;V¡' 10" ,Blk. I . :i.~y~ry!¡:,.~L~ ~ '. A - "C'" "0" . . 'Jç~:~~3~J j(lUUl~~1 ,,'; j ë.;:,~_uu_J~ ¡ ûlJI j[ J01\1 . ... ~rAJJ ~ \ <:' ,~, ' I ¡; , ., ' . ,"U .' ' ~..",-; ">',~"Æ:!. f-:..::~':.î .-~ 6\ ..ìQI -1$(tTO" .! I ,\~ \.: """,<11 - -- --. = . ' <.' . -~;~,-~,.:. -:-.:=J C .... w' . ¡ ~ . \.: ' .' ., .",AYL \\.,. I ~...' ~~~Jr5:~\~':" '~D,\~ ,. ,; \ ~. . - ,,: ..L-.. ~ l",3' .. " (, ( . ' / N '~.- -----'~'" , I ,,-;~'... ,. C~';:' " c' (,~ ,;\". '~ \," \ìT~11 " ; " 'I