3600 Dev Nord Subdiv ., !! . " " , 6. , ' ','-, , .' .. PETI'rION NO. ----,¿,DÓ' DA'l'I; rILED no,:"""\"" Ii' , 1<11(" FILING 1:'1::1:: "::"""",, Imçp'.l'.,I1~ . .' ,,'; ",':, '.. ' " . . , ' " . 1\PPT,IC1\TION FOR SUBDIVISION ','.: , '\' \~:'- 1. Name of. Subdivision: /lonl JubJi'/ision ;, 2. Location of Subdivision: Legal Description: f.. ll'ac\, of lau'l local<..>(j in the ~;Qulh }! of the Southeast Qual'ler of ;'¡eclion 26, Township 1/. :;ou,th, ¡(ange ) WU3t oj the ('lh I'nnqp:Ü ~:endlan In '.he GUy of Salina, :.;aline Counl~', };ansas, morc IBrticu1al')~' Ù"C3cribed <is fpl1ows: 3. . " Co:rmuncing al' lhe Soulhuasl col'nel' of naiel Seclion 2), lhence ;icsl a)o,i¡~ the ~)out r line of saId :;ccllon on :UI assuTleJ bearing 01 t\b'¡U~!:Ptl a dl.stance OJ 1326.)11 flj Thence /;0.02' ¡.; a disl:lllce of 1/,2.)) fl. lo the ;oinl of beginning; Thence NO.OO'¡'; a diulance or 1l~/..~1 feel; thence /lg')056'O6"\'¡,a distance 01' W').OQ feel; Thence m.Oo19' 5)"'.-1 a distance or )'J.)9 fect; Thence 1\8')°56'06"(/ 'a dislan';e of 212.66 focl; Thence on 11 cul'Ve Lo lhc l'ight ha'llng a radIUS oj . 5ß'í9.6~ feel and a long chol\1 of 1)60.)6 fcel :11)1 a bcal'il1ß' of 5)0°02'1';, an " al'c distance of 136).1,1 fcel; Thel\ce S87°19')O"¡'; a distance of 166.52 feet , back to lheoinl of beginning. The abo'/e described ll'acl of la¡yl conla1ns 1... ¡;-oreor ess, eusl'O:lWayrll-o,wa~'. ,',' 4. Land Area (sq. ft~ or acres): '5I.2.S87 St¡. Fl. or 12,4561 nGrCS 5. Present Zoning: A Hesidenli¡ll " Proposed Development (describe): /~obilc Ho:r,e Park i, 7. Subdivider's Name: r;efmc lh Nordtoe ,,' I, , Phone: 827-9256 Phone: 827-9256 Phone:' 827-<)710 Address: Houle 4 Salina. K'lnsas 8. Property Olmer' s Name: ----1:!.£Q.!!£lh JI.9_I'lboc Address: " Houle I. 9. Engineer or Surveyor's Name: Address: 1.)1 IL 13lh Salin,'l. K,msas- Galen L. Forgv Sa) j!1~~:lnSa5 10. Authorized Representative's Name:' Kennelh Uordboe (Self) Address: Phone: ¡{oule I, Salina, r;ami:lS 827-í}256 The applicant hereby certifies thut he is familiar \-lith all of the provisions of the Subdivi~;ion He<]ulations and he intend5 to fully comply \/i th the provisions therein. Applicill)t (s) Si<jllature: '\} d ,./'0, ¿,.--yv/'U I ?l.ø-)2-..-<- - , " (He\'. 9/'i'I) , , , ,i I I (, " ,', Ii '.' , ' J PETITION NO. ....:3¿DO DATl::f'ILI::D II'cl/;1,ldIIK'¡(('jll' f'ILING n;g 5 ')-/),{}() RECPT..1..25J.i APPLICl\TION f'OH SUDDIVISION i: 1. Name of 5ubdivision: lIeI'd ~uodi',iuioll 2. Location of Subdivision: 3. Legal Deser iption: A tt'a£.Lor Ian) 10<:at.cd in t.hc Sout.t. ! of the Southeast. Quarter of Sccdon 26, To'..lOship 14 South, ltange ) West. of t.he 6t.h Principal Meridian in t.he GUy of Salina, S:,~~~~u_n.':l..z_K~~..?J._~,ore pat,t.icularly described as follows: Com:r,endng at. t.hc Sout.heast. corner ~f said Se<:t.ion 2).' then<:e West. along the Sout.h line of said Sect.ion on an assumed bearing of N89°~81\~ 1\ distance of 1326.38 ft"; -.-------- Th.e~e NOo~~~_~~~~~~,:ce of 142.31 E!:..to_~he point. 01' bep,inning; t.hen<:e NOoQO'F; a dist~~~f__!l~~..~]. Je~tJ.._~t.e~c':!.~a.~~?61_0_6:'.\i a dis~?_~<:- ~~. 847.21 feet; then<:e 01\ a curve to t.he right. h~ving a..~'.:I~.~_~f._~~J.65 feet and a long <:hon:l or 1360.36 feet arYl a bearing o~-$~~_o..~'.~~..,:~~~<!.i~~~<:e of 1)63.41 feet; thence S87°19'JOIIE a 4. distance of 166.52 feet back to the point of beginning. The above described tract of land contains 12.8843 ac-res-~~~lès~ less roadway right-or-way. Land Area (sq. ft. or acres): 561242 ~q. Ft.. or 12.884) act'es 5. 1\ 6. Present zoning: A fiesidentia I Proposed Development (describe): - /l.qbile Heme Park -------......--... .._...-_.--.. --- -- --_.- - .. - -.... -- '__--_h._- ._------- ._-- h_.. ... ----- -- ......-- --- _"---"h_--_- ---- ____h_..__....------ -....- 7. Sul>J iv.i (~('.:' s ~.~:, ;~,,: --__K~'1Jîe.t!1..I~ù_t:~.l\,,-qQ.. ----.... Address: -1!9utc 4__~linil~'ill§.~._-- Phone: 827-9256 B. propel;"Y OHnel"~; Hi'.'!'_-; -..-- -~~I).!IçtJ!.l{or~_- --'- Addr('<..s; _l!.9.11ttL!L----_- _.:..3al.in_~..--J~_i!!!¡¡.ML. Phone: 827-9256 g. Engineer or Survey"" ,~; ¡¡¿¡If,,': - _Qa1en L. ~'orp.v Address: _ru.._N..:...!J.th _._-- -- ~&lfi_'l.l_.fu!~-,-- Phone: 827-9710 10. Author ized Representative I s Name: o. .~enneth Nordboe ~elr) Address: _Hout~.A___._- - __~oall!!~l_~~.s_a..s -------- Phone: 827-9256 'fhe applic¡)nl, hereby c.~'('.rl if ies thé1 t he" is rami liar with all of the provisions of the Suhdivisión Regulations ,and he intends to fully comply with the provisions therein. Applicant (s) Signatuz:;e: J)~ ?l~ '.'..~,'. }/1,)) I . . I I I i I i , I ¡ I \ I ! , II I' '"~ . '" Jli~QU) ~lJ ~ "6 J -.: ck~: f"L 6V'--