3599 Amend Zoning E Crawford - !. " Nbr Ln TU< -¡7.mD ¡ PUbLICATION DATE K.tOI r .;~(), ./Q'r (-f HEARING DATE 'iJkr un ru.JL ",11, .1 Cì 7 VICINITY MAP ATTACHED ¡/ PETITIDN NO. ..3599 DATE FILED {L""d~^ 11 ¡q1L , FILING FEE $25,00 RECPT, # 1).,5à3 ~ NC,~õ PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEW /)l21/-,,/1 APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP ßI!il~,.Pre$byteriàl1 !~J!1or 1. Applicant's Name: by H.,I,Steele 2. Applicant's Address: 3, Telephone (Business): 105 N HiJ.ldlÜe Hd Zip Code-624Ol- (Holne): g?)~68)7 4, Owner's Name: . Timothy Ale"".nder Foran 5. Owner's Address: 332 W JeHeJ.J. ~SaUna Kansas Zip Code~ 6, Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned: 1#I1IfI/í;~ SW t of SE"( ] 7~] 4~~ In 11.,1'"0 no,,""¡, in Block No, Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application): 7. Approximate street address: E CraHf'ord Rd 8. Area of property (sq, ft, and/or acres) 40 acres 9. Present Zoning: Agri cultural . Use: AŒr; milt1Jr"] 10. Requested Zoning: zone 6 ,lIultifamilv Use: J'.1!m.~!iÐ Ret.., remont Homo 11. Are there any covenants of record which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy): no (Rev, 4176) ".. 12, List reasons for this request: "Attach additional sheets if necessary) - lie ¡¡j sh to buj] à a Prebvterhm Rethement Home 13, Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, schools, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested use? ves' Explain: 15. List exhibits or plans submitted: tJ flAC r\ t1. -:;'~6 ?/f){ e /J6!Zlfd ,-P!æS9c'"tvt I I ~,.....r ~' PROPERTY OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: J<; .:. . /.";;tt)~1t;~ ,q '~~: ' ". ]:1. I.-e)c..</ "",>,?LL -5ALf.¡//1 Saiinæ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: pre~tGee by, " H.II.Steele .___n_-__nnnn____n_-__n_nnn_n______--_u--u_-----_u------------_u_uu__uuuun_u. If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please complete the following so that correspondence and corrønunications pertaining to this appl ication may be forwarded to the authorized individual. NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Business): ZIP CODE - AREA CODE - (Rev, 4/76) ~ .- ,. ~~,:F [L ~ ~ i~ / / [QUEST AREA " ~ ~ -, /'\1t , ,:< PETITION # 3599 , , SALINA PRESBYTERIAN MANOR COMM. (Harry H. Steele) SW~ of SE!;o Section 17-14-2 (40 Acres) N ~~ \