3593 Amend Zoning Riverview Add -/ / '. VICINITY MAP ATTACHED PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEW tror J.,,~:}rE.I~ ¡t¡r'JAJ PUBLICATION DATE 3efJ+. ~ f!.' J qlJ ~ HEARING DATE I!JŒ-lobLR Jo¡¡;q¡u V m~/ PETITION NO. 3595 DATE FILED . q- ((;-/91 f:; FILING FEE $25.00 RECPT. #~ Ýi APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP 1. Applicant's Name: """J rYh17 J/JwoRsií 2. Applicant's Address: Ií ¡f3 ßû-t,962 t9 3. Telephone (Business): 'frJ..3-i3Cj (Home): :: :::::: ::::,,?~~tr ~<} '$ ¿ ~"U~ J 6. Legal Descri ptionofpropertyr.ëquested to be rezoned: Zip Code 57/¡0 I )'/7 /?7 <' Zip Code Lot(s) f? -1~/ 0 in Block No. 3 In f!r5'rJd.- ß,;eA JlI~ uJ IJ c1j;f¡óp Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application): !?Çllött 1/~9 871.IJsJ, 8. Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) v<..~ 0 DO ~ //¡J!. 9. Present Zoning: cÇ/~qk ,.Fßm!!vf} . Use: tI fT('I'1t1/f. 10. Requested Zoning: uü£?/e.y ¿3 Use: /JUC/<:¡,( V " ' , 11. Are there any covenants of record which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy): NO 7. Approximate street address: (Rev. 4/76) " I. I. "... ",. 12. List reasons for this request: (IIttach additional sheets if necessary) ------ - - 7;L~_.L~lj2JD(CL_-- Á~~{_/J.J:.,y2¿~:L~ç,--- ------------- - ---- ----------------~-- 13. Supply fi.'C tua I d,1ta shol'lÌ n9 the effect the !'eques t I'IÌ 11 have on present and future traffic flow, scl~ols. utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: (Attach additional sheets,;if necessary) _j~".Ol :(..,- -- h hh - --P --_____--n__- -_U- h______----- - -------------- _n- ----- -- -------- u- - --------- ----- h____-_--- - -- --------- -- u- u_- 14. Hill there lie sufficient off -street parl:ing provided for the requested use? -ft-~ _____--Explilin: --- - --------------------------- ------ - -------------------------------------- ------ ------ --- 15. List exhibits or plans sulimitted: --------- ------ ---- ------------ ------------ - ------------ -------- -------- PROPERTY OHUER(S) STGN^lURE: --¥-if-~_1l.e....<--,,:~~~~----- u-- -- - -- ------ - - ------ -- - --- --------- ApeU CAlI" S 51 GNA lORE' -J2ß:i~: of/?; ;,~:'~ ~~ u_- --~ ---- " . ---- -----_. -- ---------------------------------..------------------------------------------------------------------- -_._---- --- If the applicant is to be represented by le9al counselor an author¡)hd agent, please cor.lplete the fol1O\/il1g so that correspondence and co:rnunicalions pertainin9 to this appl icat ion may be fonlilrded to the authol'ized individual. NAI1E OF REPRESfllTflTIVE: .------- ._._------ --.----- ADDRESS: _u_----. q---- -- 7IP CODE ---.------- -.- lELEPIIONE (Bllsine5s):,__--- -----_._---- - -- - . .__._-_. - MEA CODE (Rev. 4/76) 'Il <, " t, .... ( PEnTION n 3SB JOHn J. JAHORSKI Lots 8-9-10, Blk. 3. Riverview'Addition -- "A" - "B" /~----, ST, --::~_l~;;:~~~ ... H C' . REQUI';ST1\Illi1\ IRON Av£'. , rE~~~ fFl' rTIlTT- 'Ji[¡,Jl } UJ~I,I ~ --,- ~ - -~~6Rì~"'- ~l ~. I~--¡c" , . 10 II 1 -n__- - -- q- ':<' '. N " !,. " u