3591 Imp Wallerius Addition , ,- / , P[1)lIOII IMIßER --~~L--- Oilte Filed ------~~1. 1~1(, TO: lhe Governi ng Dody, City of Sillina, Kansas. (A) We, the undersigned, being owners of record of propertY liable for assessment for the follo~1Ìng proposed improven~ent: ------------- ------------- At> ~r2.-6.í. j - /A~~-=-~__-- ---- - ----- " ------ --------------- -------- --- ------ ---,---- -----------,------ --------- hereby propose that such improvement be made in the manner provided by Article (ia, Chapter 12, of the Kansils Statutes Annotated, as amended. (ß) lhe ~xtent of the proposed i~provement district to be ilssessed is as follows: .' ~ ~-~_~~."Q_'-L~S - - - ,-çJ~-Q.A!l---_u- - --- --- -- ---- ==--- f4 S:t,~9JIOJI"'..1-1...~~_~'-'--~ '-t)~- f~_~_L~~2ølt1~ " '~--- /.:4 L~ _-t, £-¡'_~_7 t-.J. Ad ~ùi' J~LÞL~- --~- (C) He furthel' propose that such impl'ovellient be made l'Iitho_ut'notice and heilring lIS ,'equired by K,S.A. 12~GaO4( 1), as amended. .( . . : -.ITo--/ïa-.,-;¡- e l!lay.- be l~iTlïdr ãllñ- -.f-I:om 'th-, (s PctiYion-a-rterl the Governi 1:9 God,Y conTT~ences cons idera lion of the ' petition 0" latel' than seven (7) days after this ' pelition has been filed Ilith the City Clerk. (,. },.. 12;:::::;;" 1 ;~- ,"OO~;t"d ~y ~~~ / Telephone Nul1lbel':__r~ 7-....lZt:!~_--- ili.!!.il_t~~ Date imu Tilf,e of Siqn5!1.9 , Pl'opel'ty O;~nl'd lIithi n Proposed -'.mJ>-,~o_~'~:r~!.~~tl'icl Residence --_u_- ~~ '¡~/L~ .L?~7f- - ____n___- ---_. PJ¡J{;;t /{Lu !i~-~=J - p! r: - f1Â~~. A~- ;~~ 4: Z ¿ ~--~---~= - - - --- ~N~k~~-!~.J., ----'--. -- - -- -- -- , ' -__--__h______- .------- -- -- - ----- -- --- ---- - ----- - --- ----- --- --------------- ---~-------- ----------- ,---- ----------- ---- ---- -------- --- - ------------------- ---- h_-- ------------- ------------ - ----------- ---- ----- ---- -- ----- ______n !. I I .' I I I i I ! I I I . I I ¡ , Ii "