3572 Amend Zoning Schilling I , ¡ --------- -------'7 I 01 S'c.hi ¡L'n] t?øct. I ______n___----' I I' ! I I., ¡ " L., . ~ ¡- nd \ C\ I (J C \ hcJ.l\, PUßLlCATlOII DATE ~j..uLk 2 (1)(( Llr..- f¡[ARIIIG VATE Jl1Jlj..é)J\_L(tL(1.L__- VICJlIiTY 111\1' ~,TTACII[() --.i'------- Pl^,INI!/G VEPARWEIIT ((EVIE\! jií {.' 1.3__- ¿.:;/- ,"~ I'rTI11011 110. ____~--i;)R-_- --- VAll: F I LW --___~-=_L!;5_~JJ~- --~- rII_1I1G fE[ J2!.i. QJ! RlCPT. (J <)0 C)¡ API'LlC^TlOtI 1(11( MII_rm:'II:rIT TO TilE DISlBICI IOllllHì ¡-1\P I' 1. Appl icilnl' s I/ùllle: ~E!.~_~_ILJq!-'=-_lW..tl1qri!:oi_...____---------------- 2. Appl iCilllt' s Address: S,!1inQL~~______h____- Zip Code ~1~ , 3. 4. ----- _jllollle)': ------":__--_h__n Telcpkmc (Uusilless): ~7-3914_- O~lIIer's flùll:e: .-- Sa.!in~D.J?I',=-l\uU~~i~yu- --_d_d -- _--_--h__ud - _U--h-- ---- ,.- &. Owner'~ Address: ~~1ina, Kal.'s..as___d_- --_u- ---- ------_____Zip Code. ?I:!.°1- 6. Legal IJescription of property rcquestcd lo be re?olled;, , . t~ _--East 580-=~J~~_of_--_- ------------ -------_____--m~ Block 110. d--6:- --- In Schilling ; Subdivision ------- -_u - --... --- -----_--___'n- --------------- Neles ilml bounds description if unpl,1lled (a Surveyol"s Ccl'tificate n:ust be fifcd with this applicatioll): -------------------- ----- n ----------- - - - u_- --- ___-._n- - __h -- -- - - n . -- ---------------------- --_u m- - -- - --- m--_- -- -- -- - - - -- ------- - - -- _h -- - - - --- --- - - --- -------- --_u_--------- ------------ - -------------- ----- -- - U_----- -------______h_____---- ___n- --------,------ ---.._------------------------ -~-_.._----_u_------ ------ _h-_____-------- ., -- --- _n- -- ---------- ------- -- - - ----------- ------------------ 7. Approximatc street ilddress: \~_OC)'\ I '-IC)~ 'DL('~'I<s 8. Arell üf property (sq. ft. lind/or acl-es) - __!i,2..äc.rc.:L- 9. 10. Present Zoni,,!): ___'~f~_____-------------- Use: ,~L~anQ- i¡ nCf\UeS led Zòn i \I : . -~- -~F.' -- - -- Use: _-1!911t J_nQJ,§t!;J_ilL___--- - -- 11. Are thC're any covenants or rC'cord IIhieh prohibits the proposed"developmcnt? (AlliJch copy): _00--__- ---------------------------------'- (nèv. f¡/7ú). ,.: -< , ., ,-- . . I: , . . . 12. list reðson~ fol' thh request: .(Allilch addil i(lllil1 sheets if necessary) -- -.--- Pro~rty i 5 -,~!J~.<:-~~ _t~.J~rw~_~~1... £~~~~~ . expaIlsÜ~~~- eKisling faei Ii t_~~ -- - --- ~~~eq)lat~'5!___------------ --- ---- -- u_- Supply filell'" 1 datll ShOllil1l) the {>ff(>ct the r<,quc~t lIill. have on present ðnd future trðffic flOI/, schools, utilities, ..efu~c collection, surrounding lrOp~l'ties, etc: (AU,1Ch addition.11 ~h(>ets.i n<,ce~silry).___------ --------- Nor'£! at present tiITc 13. ------ Hill there be sufficil'nt off -~lreet pill'l:ill!j provided for the requested use? .\ --------------- - ----------------------- -------------- , 14. ----,---- -u_-------------- -- yes ---____Jxrl,1iu: ------------------ ----- --- ---_.. ------- -------------------------- .._--------- ..___n - 15. --_u- ----------- -------------------------- - ----------- __'-_n list cxhillits 01' plilns submitted: h_____~~~::_-'- -- d ---- --------- ;, - --------- ---- _m-__- - - _u- -------- --- ------------- -- ,-------------- ,- I'HOI'ERTY O:-IIIER(S) SIG!lA1UIŒ: APPLlCA!IT'S SIGlIl\lU!([: I -I}~t ~~~rj_~'y' -- -~----- u_------- --- --. c¿.~¿t.~~~~_____nu--:_- alrTIHn --------------------_u_- --------------- ----- - ----- ._~¡"'t- .;~.!:I~~~:_l.Y.._---_n -u-------- ------- -- $'-~~~ --- - --- ---- - ( ¿¡UTInn -----------------------------------_u"'..--u_----..---"-----------------------------------------------. u - u - -_u _u ----- ---- - - - - -----n---- -- If the appl icant i5 to be represented by leu"l counsel 01- iln authorized agellt, rlease co:¡:plete thf! follm'linu s.o thilt colTespolllknce ilnd con¡¡¡uniciltions pertaining to this. application milY be fon'¡ill'ded to the iI\lthol-ilcd individual. !lANE 01 ŒPHESlIlI^lI VE: --- --------- -- -- - ---- -.. --- - ___n_- -.. -- ADDRess: --------------------- _u..------------------ ZIP COO~ --- , , ---- - ----- ^IŒ^ CODE -- HLEPIIONF (Busines~): --------__~___n----_-- m- I: ;' '\: (I!ev. "/76) II I:. " Ii -\ -. PETITION # 3571. SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY East 580.5' of Blk. 6 - Schilling Subdivision "e" - "F" N