3568 Amend Zoning Wallerius Add . e-" 2. 3. 4. !I 5. 6. !I '\,. . I . /\ -7U}.c~_,- 0.) u~::;Ut a IL'- PUßLlCMIOfl DME -4LlJl,lL~/_L!t1L~ . IIEI\P.IIIG D^TE -£ìí~LLlLJ..-__(-'-<' JS]~LL) VICIIIIT)' I"AP M¥Acm:D ---~ _\(u -- -- _u - - P[;"lTIO11 uo. _--_.3S1,,<;{ -'- DrlTE rtUD --'l1Q-.Ýd: :J4, Lcz.1~--- FILING FEE $25.00 RECPT. U ..t1~i..3 __un ---- - . )uJ PLAIIIII!lG DEPflfnrmn REV JEll fJ) lJ'- fh AI'J>LIC^TIOIi FOR MIEIID~1[11T TO THE DISTRICT ZONI!IG /.11\1' \, 1. API' I icilnt' s !lame: -.. !~"x..1:cCl_i~lloc\{----------- __--_h_____----- Al'pl kant's Adlh-ú'ss: ~- f)laror;on_~:i'lf1,,-~~!_~;¡,. K:lns~__- Zip Code ~~'71 Qi Telephone (Dusiness): __f27-3,(21______--___jllome): __~-l~?:~___------- OHlH~r' s lIall,e: ¡.~,)X: ;.:cCl1¡¡:;ock ---------------- - -------..-------------_--__u_n - ------------ (}..mer' sAddress: ---- '1)5 Cll<\'ú/';')"~ 'ì1'!~,:,-,__?!,l~n~._- t{...~sas____Zip Code __~71'_Ol Legil 1 Oeser i ption of prope.'ty reques t~.dto be rezoned: Lot(~) _IlJillL2.L !11...ocu....l&!.s_2..- 91_a.n~j_lOL.!3lQQ~~-_i-&.ß+ooI¡.~.- --- 111: Lob 8. 9. an;-lO. :01001'. 'I, Lots 8. 9. and 10, Block 8 all in ;Iallol'iu," Subdivision, ----------------- - - --- ---------- .\àJiUêiñ"- 11eles and bounds description if unplaltèd (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed llÌth this application): - -- --- -------- ------ - --- -- - ----------- ----- ----- --- - -- - _.. ------------------------ ----- ----------------_._------------ - - - ---------- ----.. - H_U U --..-- -- -- - -- ------ --------- ----------- -- - -m- - -- ---- - ------- -- - - -- -- - - - ----- ------ -- -- --- ------ ----------------------- -------- - -- -------- ---------- _n_- - --- ----------- -_u_----_____h_- ----------- - - - --- -- - ----------- --------- - - -- - ------- ---------- - ------ --- --- -u 7. 8. ¡,Ice /<'5 Orl -rí,/oncò ¡\V,-. Approx i n~a te" street addn'_ss: u~Q?-~E-_OQ--~ffl~_~.9---~l~!,:?___- ",I, Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) 7 lots est. av::!:~Ec_?~.9 squaro foat 9. 10. Present Zoninu: ,\ Use: -------- --- u --- ---- n_____- Residential -- --- ---- 11. " Reflllesled Zoning : --~------.......::.._-- Use:- ~.!::'l!1ily - duplÒ:5____-_u- Are there any coveniHlls of record Hhich prohihits the proposed, develop1:ent? (Attilch copy): ---_l'.9I1'J-1d@_LL_:sr...ol!._of -- - -- -------- ------------------ (Rev. 4/76) " Ii -J<. ;' ¡; I: " " ,. ,~ ~ I I ( I' I ,. " , '~ ~It.. "-', r~' 12. Lht j'eJsons for lI:is request: (Illtach Jdditionill !.heet5 if nccessllry)'___-- __":'ico ,),I;~'l".t.Qù._1.f}.t.l'LC ---------------;----- --- ---------- - ----------- -------- ------------- ------------------ 13. Supply f.lctUill dataslio\'iÏn9 the effect the requc5t lIill have on prcsent aud future trJffic flol', ~(;h()ols, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: (fIltJch additional sheets if lIecessary) --_.L~1<;>_1!0t...J!i!Y!LJ!!IY-- --- J:~2_t'!'! ~!3_- ,:1; _ll:>!s _'la t,,:...::.J..~~l. ~o~'."- _!:!,-~~- \~ -r,_€l.li--oxphJ!X~)_Þ.Y_.Yl~;.¡ lnoho_- - - ~~~~1,!;"-,,l?~_?Ç - ~'!-'~_<?~':! !..._--------- - - ----- ----- - - - -- -------- - --- ------~- ------- 1'\. ~ ill thcn', bc sufficient off-st,'cet larl:îllg provided for thc requested use? no - - - Y()1?- -------- ---- Explain: .. ~~~_.:~I:~~.~t:'p'£,_rki~"_.: lD:._bo _~l~_l..ll.'l.OCu:..o~:._~_<:_~I.-_-- ----...':!!:'_i.!:_~ :;_t~~ ~.9.<i~- ------- ---":'_------------- ------ --------~ ------ --------- - ---- ------- ------------- ---- ----------- i; , List exhibits or plans submitted: __~_J.:l_~~~~~J:.I~b d;¡,t~_._----------- 15. I' - ------------------ ----- --- --------- - u_--------------------- ------- ()-(U"~C!.n._" ~¡J;- PROPERTY ~: NER(S) SIGN(ITUR[: (~R-~Æ~_(~H~:Z:?- -- ______n --- u_------------------------..- --- - APrl"'"" S S I GliAl URI'~~~~;:.2-- == ----------------- ---_u ----- _..- --------------- -- - --------..-------------- ,----------------....---------------------------------..----------------------------------------------- If the appl icant is to hel'rc llesented by legal counscl or an authorized ~gent, please complete the follollin! so th<lt con-espondellce dnd comunications pertaining to this ilppl icat ion Iray be fon-Iarded to the authorized individual. ' " IIAr'lE OF REPRESHITATI VE: -------- - --- -- __n- - ------------ , fIODHESS: -- -- h--- ---- ZIP coot -- --_u_--- - - - - - ----------------- HLEPl!œlE (Business): -------------------------------- AREA COOE,___--- ( (Hev. 4/76) ,. , i I i , " (. tJ , /"'"'0, r' PETITJOI/ {j_J5~K_____- r.¡'1X IkCLIIITOCK ,,¡¡nel'Îus Addition "^" _. "ß" .',\ - J-l ..L.:l~LJ L.J. '_L- :1 II IWt. jI :^( .,õ" .. ',' rŒQUEsrflRE 0. ....J ---~O;J. '~',: -, . "','-. " (, IJ ;' i, ~ " N Ii ," ~ \ \ ' v, "....., /.J..:, (' 'i 'Y (, Iclc'¡>"ooceu.J/())/f'O {\o,n:/2J2S.>cttISJdJrC/S,lr.J.Ka"s3S61<OI n'1 ""'C£""" / SU.uro,' / COV'JH;C'Al I '"I\A'SA'S G/..g....",,' L.I3 F",TAtS I ...,.S II""""'! ~ REAlIOfl' City Plannin(~ and Zoning City - County Eu ilJ ing S'Ü lna, Kansas 67/IOl I' Ðoar ,'5irs: I wish to roquost aocl sub:1it a potitioo fo!' rezoning tho f~lJmlinG lot" to (n) zollin:;¡ 'I' Lots' (3 ,10'] 9, 3lock 5, IJ)ts ß. 9. a"e! lO. HIoc" G, Lots 8.9. 3.1Y.\ 10, ;llock 7, Lots 3, 'J. and 10, 31od: 8; all in 'c:allerius t.-Jdition ¡ I feel that this I'aquest is very ¡';Ol'kaule at; tho lots .01'055 the street to th(J east in Uloeks 2 and 3 'ire zon~cI (D). I have co:rVloted an apal'tr.cnt house on Lot 1, Block 2, and intend to erect ,,-,ol'e. Ih~ lots in 31oc~ 7 and 8 are across the street f~o~ the n9W '.:al't-l !lotor Co:>1p-lny and I feel that this r'equest sioould b~ allowe;! as th is ',lOuld "ake. a gooi buffer b-3t;JOen the apartC'P-nts. ,Iarta ~.'í:>tor Coëlpany 'iM the rasidenti'il c()nstl'uetion to the west. Thanking you, I ranain, /_jr_ceralY,. " ~'~ - (' /;//Þít#d-i:~ é r: ~~<~ ¡,';Ix :,:cCl lntook ¡'J,¡!1g Ii II c' \I j. . l I I I í 1\ ! I " , BlocJ.;;...!i.. II 5 10 AGREEMENT BETWEEN WALŒRWS, INC, AND MI\X McCPNTOCK AND WILLIAM STOVER 1'ITLE Recitals Sale and Purchase Purchase Price Ta)(eS and Assessments Insurance Warranty Deeds Obligations of l~,cClintock and Stover Utili ti es and 1,0'0 Improvements ùdault Wdtten Notices Applicability PAGE _Ni!" This A.greement contains all of the terms and conditions REAL, ESTATE agreement made this ,/,0 d. day of a Kansas to as "WALl,EUIUS" and Max McClintock and WiHiam Stover, a joint venture, he.œinaftc:r referred to as and STOVER". WITNESSETH" POR A.ND IN CONSlDERA'I'ION of tho mutual covenants payment of the moneys as this Agreement accMdinq conditions hereinafter set forth. SEC1'WN 1 REC I T1\1,s 1 SELLER the owner of the following described real estate located in the IValledus Addition to the City of Saline County, Kansas, to-wit: 4, 5, and 7, Block 2 ?1~ 10, and 11, Block 5 4410 LØT~ ~ Lots Lots 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block Lots 6, 7, and B, Block 7, of which is hereinafter referred to as "REAL ES'rA'rl!"" 1.2 McCI,IN~'OCK and STOVER desire to purchase said Rl!l\L which WAI,LERIUS desires to sell, all according to the terms hereof. J'anuary 1., for the amount of such payment (iii) hereof, payments of principal and in paragraph 3, (i) and the escrow agent hereinafter named, '" 3 -- Such ti tIe insurance company of Kansas, merchantable be to YjcCLINTOCK and and restrictions of record and those in similar title insurance ¡(ansas. SEc'rXON 6 upon the execution of this general warranty deeds to each lot of the merchantable title to such REAr, .ESTATE encumbrances except easements and of record. Such deeds shall be delivered to agent to he delivered by the escrow agent to and S'FOVER upon .the payment of the purchase ,. 4 -- to ESTA1'E 0 SECTION 9 DEFAULT In the event ¡qcCLINTOCK and or porform any of of this WAJ,¡,ERIOS shall give such failure to payor' perform, shall fail to so pay o,r pcrform the date of such notice, to declare this Agreement in - 5 - 1\11 payments shall 1'11.8 parties shall escrow, agent shall be paid by l~.cC),INTOC!( 10 \:'7!'I'~TE~U~.CJ~:r.g-"ê notice" as used herein deposited, postage prepaid, - 6 o. - iJ -