3567 Imp Georgetown Addition
PUlTlorl NUmlER --~J~;/','j-
Oil te F i 1 ed ,- -D~4 \ '\ '! C, - -----
TIle Gov<>,rn i ng ßody,
City of Salinil, Kansas,
. (A) He, the undersigned, being O\"ll1el'S of recor,d of (!roperty 1 iùþle for assessll:ent 71
' for the folíowing í1l-oposed illiprovel:¡ent: -(~&..,,"-,:,:::,~?-~(í~_C~r-~j~
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hereby propose tha t such impl'over:lent be made in the r:wnner provided by AI'li cl e úil,
Chilpter 12, of the I:ansas Stiltutes Annotated, ilS amended,
(ß) The extent of the proposed ill:provc;]:enl district t6' be assessed is as follolls:
'~~-C~---~\'--- ------------ ---c---- ----~--- -----:---
------------- - - - ------ -----
-------- ---------------------,--------------------~---
---------- ------- - - - ----- - ------------- __--h--__-- ----_____h___--___h- U -
(C) lie funher pl'opose that such iO1prove~lenl be made ~Iithout notice ilnd heÚing as
requil'ed by I:.S.A. 12-úð04( 1), as amended.
~--ITOnanïe-ï'ïðŸ--be-ÎinÎld,'aWñTI:-O~î Tfi{spêETtTo-n aft]r ", .' .
the Governing Body COTInences consideration of the
petition or later than seven (7) days after this' "
petition has been filed with the City Clerk. v '
(I~:S_A._J.?:-_6~Q1L__- u_--- u_-- _:~ - -- -- ---- ' ,,-- ./' ,
Respectful'ly submitted bY:/--:-~~.é; .;;"-~~~"-------------------
, Telephone lIullbel':_--.3'--'-.t:!' ~ ----' " '
Date and
Time of
Signature '. Residence Signing
/7' - -- - ----- ,,-------'
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,/ . ¡9. a'" - r/- ~Y.~. '"
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Property Ovllled
Withi n Proposed
l!ny!ovemer.ll.....°i s t~LcJ
A/eel :
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