3565 Amend Zoning Georgetown 1 .. &~~~ PUBL1CATIONDATE .. !5 J. CfIÝ-...,.. HEARING DATE Cf/cUi1.L/5/ . J9Î t.p VlCINITY.MAPATTACHED . ~t-<;' PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVI,. . ..ßø .~ S.I7.1171> . U PETITION NO. DATE FILED rV!rw I ß Iq ~L í ' FlUNGFEE~25.00 RECPT. # <rßf,,1{ 9v APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DlSTRICTZONTNG MAP 1. Applicant's Name: ~~~2Hl;iE CO. 2. Applicant's Address:J?;or Zl3 ÂrM/.£M.E . Zip codeßi14f.O 3. Telephone .(Busine$s):913-~$ (2/0 . ..... .. (Home): ~ 4. Owner's Name: Gi::oll:Gi'E:.C, ß+!f.elAlCrro,<.J 5. .Owner's Address: ...&IC t/3 ... -Å[Z;lt.E1J.E Zip code~ 6. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned: In I-to QfQ eG,f; -re ~ &l in Block No. 6 Lot(s) Subdivision Metes .and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with thisapþl ication): . J~t7~ ~ . J(.I.f)IZ!:û Í'-/v, tt..L~ I Ð/J 1~E. VJE$ r ~ G~~E'tOW}.l e.DAl>, ÐO7t4~.sOLtT~ ~ Ct.AWf()e.PÅ\l~,}~,Q 't~~ \JVç$il.~---fÅteDAƓ~ 7. Approximate street address: Æ VU..tA<:;E tA/JE 8. Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) Áppeo~ 7 AC.2:.I:Ss, 9, Present Zoning: ~' Use: ~U/"Tl- ~L'{ 10. Requested Zoning: -----"RD. D. Use: GiS/.l P;USlJJE~J 11. Are there any covenants of record whi ch prohi bits the proposed development? (Attach COpy):--1.JD (Rev. 4/76) ì, . ,(. " fP'\, I" 12, List reilsons for this request: (lit tach ildditionill sheets if necessary) -------- ____n___-1:!g£_AJE~Q--@ß.._-ç(> ~ I(p/-t IEtVCE .' ------S~\jLCt:.S_----- --- ____~n___~__------- 13, Supply factua I d.1la sholli n~ the c>ffec.t the reques t IIi 11 have on present and future trafficflO\", schools, utilities, refuse collection, sulTounding - properties, ctc: (Attach atltlil ionill sheets if necessary) --_u_--------- -- - -- !+JJ.J.JMAJ__- --- - - ---------- --- -- h- h _u - - u------ __h__- -n --. ---- ---U_----- --- ---- --- --------n---------------""-- --------- -- nnU_--___- 14. Will there be sufficient off-street larkin~ provided for thè'requested use? -----____--_Explaill: --'i~S+-_I11E-~J...I E XC,Pec>S --_Zo~aMG__,~SG flJ,!f]JQ}.{ ~e~TS - -_n-----U-- _n- --_nu- ------ . . 15. List exhibits 01' ,pla',\s subr"itted: -....---- ----------- --- ___:~rrE_E~~_f-~~V4-1\O~5_4- ~lLTn--_--_n ---- --- PROPERTY O"'FR($) SlG"AlORF, -. 4' Æd.~.._t;.,..~6. _d h~~< -~------~--- APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ==~-~'- þ~~ ~ r---- ~;;;-=~-~= .~ . - --~~~ _¿- ~-~y! ---~- I I I \ ,----------_...._...._----_._~.~--------------~-~~-~~-~~-~-~:~~~----_...._----------------~~~~~~-~~~...._---,_J If the applicilnt is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please co11plete the follo¡.ling so that correspondence dnd cor'í.lunications pel'taining to this. application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. NAME OF RFPRESENTATIVE: -- ----- --n- --------,---- -- --- ----- -- ---- -- ADDRESS: ------ __n_____~--~- ZW CODE ,--- TELEPIIQ;IE (ßus iness): ----- _n _n ---- U - - --- ----- ----- ARf:A CODE --- " (Rev. 4/76) I: I: I' (. t ¡ . c,. ! I, I 1.1 , i ,. I I I I ! / I . I ,. I' I' . .~----j~ L_--~~~g!!fQ~~!~~- =-~--~-~~- --~~ --- _n _n __n ~ '. \~.?:. ~:ù _. C . . ~ "L } T~-,... '. y.::, ' ~ ri¡ ¿ d - . ,\-p y}." --> - . -:' -); . -<. cl \J) <;:. " . ~ ,j) ;.:. ;t> ~ Ii Ih. " :. j(~Rl~~.~Hl': J \~ -_J ~ \ ~~AIR&I~ ~. .. I I~RD \) [~- - -- - - r¿- -- ---- -- u_-- ~ ~. ~--W¡'~N --~-] l. R~~ ~~:::: ..:1~... II ~~lÀ l- I:~- iJ1'}~tLI r__I~^ -q." . L~'=~=- ~ - .. ~J. L ':'lL~~-7 , . / I. i --- z i; <0 1: . --u_.--..---- _. nO -_u_-- -,.- (, I' :; /- Ii " "