3564 Amend Zoning Wights Add ~ (,,3; ItDU.((~ll( CUÁ \' P,lJBLICATION DÁTE ~ .'~Q: .1 C)) (p HEARING DATE ~IIH) 15, IQ'-¡(,n VIC¡NITYMAPAlTACH~D V. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEW (ì\l) ~ .i, I.J PETITION NO. _.) y/,t" "",ç' I I ! 35¿'i DATE .FILED /'f)"_Á- /8 (r7~ ð FILING FEE $25.00 RECPT. #~, APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP 1. APPlicantlsN~mec¡MM/.;'i ~ ~~'"- 2. Applicant's Address: (of) \ j;:::~ 1Z~'f11e:o'-'{"" Zip Code1eJMi 3. Telephone (~usiness):ç:,?3-t",2.3~ (Home):.ß1.-::1æ....L- 4. Owner's Name:-¡-i:ItI\-11>-,C\, ~ t-~\'\ ,.. <p,b..í?W\;',L~* 6. Owner's Address: hðl ~. 12~fl.jf>lj(,:> :>"'_11-.)1\.. 6. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned: Zip Code hw.L Block No. M.etes'~nd bo.unds description if unplatted (à Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application): i'Li~-~ ~\~-t\LJV, f\'-'\'i\ (:',$') Of 'm; 1'\%1-(::;) b.1.C)'D 1'>-' l. ¥L-~ «\-) \'-' ,?>/I'Jc.-r ¡')ù<' (í)) vf\-í\-\T:; b..'D'D/-rn~) -r> ~ c.\\ì. <'Yf ~ IL\j,..) Sp..t,..\""~ ¿O/\\-.Yí\j t'A.L';S¡I..,<:; ~) "J ("'j'" Lq 11ïw(lt\) I~ ~Iie~.~ {, 'f't-I\Ll-\fs, 7. Approximate street address: ,.fdL....Þ..~(" 14- v-' ~ . 'Î&'O /,;YJO ,8. Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) í!:O)/IW }....'15.x'/8tJ :::. Z3)IOéJ . '5" (--. I ) 9. Present Zonlng: . L )IA~) ""'" - Use: \ (y,f>,..rr, 10. Requested Zoning :"(~" 1A.¡j)l'-~_use:~~__-- record which prohibits the propOsed development? (Attach (Rev. 4/76) ~ i..J List .reasons for this request: _(Attach additional sheets if necessary)- ~"'\f"'1i" "PV'U*_Lðf'l-.'>,\ IiOU"UC;; "'RJ\?- '1"'1-PTJ'VI"( ~'i2.<\O;..l\"k')o\ qìùk,¡..IF'p.o -p ~£IÇ"" 1'-' ')o>~\~"~I'" -p,.(/t11i'~ 13. Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, schools, util ities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: (Attach additional she~ts_jf necessary). ~ N-.r¡-I'-"I"NjI\oJ4 <pL.t\i:;I,..,q ts. III-J\~"'-\ ~¡"G,.C1 s~J' wl'j.'-r~ ",,~1'!,. , SI?:1J>:O -r . \\""'-I"",.1i.. ¡"'¡""" .1-41,1\.1¡"'/>."-'I \[-~ ?'f'I\11!I_I..if"¡""'1¡,!!.u,\" ~¡;'q, 14. t;1ì~re ~~ujj!¡kliln'nJff':s1:re~tÞ'a~'pro~~e\r\iWi~;'rei¡tMt~d~ l~ I~:? Explain: I{¡Ip o~ 15. List exhibits or plans .submitted: ¡...::JD"I1Ii;- Wlt.I. f'>"'" '5<.Ißl-lli'I"'P Þo-f' I~ í'Hf'- PROPERTY~WNER(S) SIGNATU~ ~~O\ DEVELOPI~ENTCONSULTANTS, INC. FOR APPLICANT' S SIGNATUR~K':I)A"r...QSl ----..--.-----.-----... If the appl icant is to be represented by 1 ega 1 counselor an authori zed agent, please complete the following so that correspondence and communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Business): ZIP CODE - AREA CODE -- (Rev, 4/76) J. ./'< f' \'~. <:?I~~ "2;,HA"-I"""~,'.. Ht!..'c.~\rì'I':c)\~I; I~'~ 1"",:\<,1'")(\ f'¿':I'l<;;\'I-~IJ;'I(..'-, 1~..y.¿JI->r /......,\\; 'ßt/('-.I'? '(k"'~\/S p......f¿\t~ l'n/YO/"'lI'ì"~v'( ìHr- .SN""\t- 1'5> '3.uç..r.¿),)I-n.. 11'\'1 l't-<}¡ír\::-'-T(' ,I Ý'" I'\lv Ol-)L.'I H~,')CI,~ '\":'>1 rloJ~~11.~~ I~rf., -rv..:y' \,\Q\~I~..- V(í-\jI(....!"'v r\...t"'r':'Y."'~C\ I~\~~II-)() í~1k..H"JI'í t.:..> -r \lq..) c)\-..) t---\.., )':-"<:'1/ /.) r <-°r;, kh~/u..J ¿"'~)\.~<>T~:.uC\H6' 2\ vir&.. -t'~ ~11^~ If' 'I vq"\¿.í?l., r:':\1~('A)'f~ L..> y/ (t..<.- I q'YV<:Wifr ,,\~ 'fr~\~r( .....þ.¿..I,.\1"/.'~ ð-r SLH~.\~IÞ.)V\') ~ Y'1~(.I\.;>rH~l'~' Ii ~, ',. .J I', REQUEST AREA " I' -- ---- .. --- ,. -- -- 'J " n to --_u .. Q ,, '0> ~ - ~ '°' " '0" " 0(" "'" :ræo/\) " ) ,~, r-' pnIT:O~ 11 -:' /'1 ¡/ , ~fu..L-... TlIOHAS & DORIS DAR/ [LL E, 35' of Lot 3, all of Lot 4 - Wights Addition Lot 10 - Atherton & Phillips liB" - "C" to 19 )} » -- --- t, ,. .. " " " to .. .. " " " " )' " " I ï----- i I i I I I > WIGHt ) u .. '" " " ~l to '" .. OJ " ¡ i i I} IRON i G~'t' t í i : ADD. ¡" ) ~~..~\ -;T I..i:! a: ' -....- , ) CK 5 / loVE Q \: () .~ - t) "" ,. ---; -- ", " -"- - '" ". -- __hh- ,,' " ." '" -- - ". 0>0 ., ---...----- OAKDALE -- " (0 N i l ~ ;0 -.- '" --- '. 0" AGPFEllEtlT FOll SALE 01-' !ŒI\!. I:S'rNn: ------ -- -- - - ----- 'PillS AGHFmw.tl1', Hade and entered into as of this 28th day . of nay, 1975, by and between 'l'he .Planters State Dank and Trust Có~>any, forffierly Thc Planters State flank, a Kansas banking corporation 'vi tJ¡ its rcgisterc!d office at Salina, Kansas, hereinafter rcfern~d to a~; "Seller", and DevelopfT'.cnt Consqltants, Inc., a Kansas corporation with its registered office at Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser". tH1'NESSE'rll : Ii I-JlmHEAS, Pm-chaser desires to purchase [rom Sellpr and Seller desires to sell to Purchascr that certain real estate de~¡cribed (IS fnllo~¡s, to-Hit: !,ots [-'iye ('», Seven (7), Nine (9), 'I'en (10) t l;leven (11) ant] "the East 3ú feet of Lots Thirteen (13) and Piftee" (15), Atherton Phillips Addition to the City of Saliila, S(lline County, Kansas, upon the terms and c:ont]i tions hercina fter set forth. ':r¡:.:. 'l'liEREFORE, in considnration of the foregoing and the ",utual COV(~nants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do hereby' a, ref> as [01101.'5: . Ii 1. PUHCHIÌSE PHICF'.: The purchase pricë ~c. shall be the sum of ~, p~yable as follows: «(I) Upon execution of tIlL--; ACJn:!ement, Purchaser shall pay to the ¡.,'ellc¡er Agency, a~ Escrovl Age>nt, th!'. sum of rive Hundred Dollars ($500.00); and (b) Upon conpletion of all of the conditions precedent (!(>sc:ribeõ (lnd referred to in Paragraph 2 )Iereof" PlIrcJlasf>r firhlll P(lY to the ¡':enger Atjency, (IS Escrò"w \'Agent, the sum of and c' f, (c) On the Closing date hçreinafter specified, Pllrchasnr shall Dav to Sel1 er the balance of the purcllùs<,. [)rice i;1 the ar:{)~'nt of 2. CONOl'PIONS P/ŒCIWEN1': Conditions precedent to the Purchaser's obligation to purchase the above descriheò real estate shall be: ., «1)o'j'he aVlard by the lJ. S. Department of IIOus!n~ and Or/>an Development to Purchas~r of an annual contributions contract [or 10~ units of h6using for the clderv located on the above described real estate; and t' - 1 - \. I, ,0 " , ¡ r A : ! . , , "O " . .1 .. ,I ¡.J ¡ , ; i 1\ I , ! i ! I I ; 0' I I i " I I , I ,I o,'j , , , ." ': I ~i ..1 ! ¡ ! I '. , i ,', : ..' , '" \: " ì 0°, . < . '.' . '. oJ.' . .. , . " - . ;. .¡ ., - ", i .1 ,Ý ." c. /. ,', ('\ , t ,', ",I, ! ! (b) Zoning of the above described real estate to accommodate a six story multi-family 100 unit apartment house with Ònly OlIO par~:ing space per apartment unit; and " (c) lI. soil tesl indicatilllJ that the above described real estate is a suitable site for the above described struclu¡'e; and " , :, (d) Non-recourse financing of purchase of the above described real estate and construction of the above described structure. Purchaser shall have a pe~iod of six months from the date of thi~ . lI.greement in which to satisfy at its sole cost and expense each of the above conditions precedent. Purchaser shall use its best efforts to satisfy each of said conditions precedent and shall notify Seller when each of said ~onditions precedent has been satisfied. In the event Purch~ser at any time determines that anyone of said conditions precedent cannot be satisfied, Purchaser shall imITlediately notify Seller that such condition cannot be satisfied and this lI.greement shall thereupon be null and void and of no further effect. In the event all of said conditions precedent have not been satisfied within a period of six months from the date of this Agreement, then this Agre~ment shall be null and void and of no further effect,. In the event this lI.greoment shall become null and void by reason of the impossibility of failure of any of said conditions precedent, then Purchaser shall be entitled to receive a refund of the Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) payment made to the Escrow Agent under the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of Paragraph 1 hereof. . , .', ,: " < , , r' . , :< " . I. , I ,"t . :)- I I l " ¡ I I '. i , l I I , ., , I I ^' I , f i ! i : i '. r , i . the Purchaser of the sum of under the provisions of sub-paragrap 0 Paragraph 1 hereof, Seller shall ~~ke, execute and deliver to the Wenger Agency, as Escrow Agent, a Corporation \'larranty,Deed conveying the above described' real. estate to Purchaser freè and clear of all liens and encumbrances' whatsoever, but subject to easements and restrictions of record. " '7 4. ent by Purchaser of the sum of as provided in sub~ paraqiaph b aragrap oreo, Se ler shall forthwith cause, an abstruct or abstracts of title to the above described real :! estate to be extended and certified to date, or at the option of Seller cause a commitment for t~tle insurance for the above described real estate to be issued in the amount of the purchase price, showing marketable title in Seller, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, but subject to easements and restrictions, of record. Seller shall thereupon deliver said abstract of title' ' or com6'itment for title insurance to PIJrchaser and Purchaser shall have ten (10) days after receipt thereof in which to cause ,~, "i the same to be examined by its attorneys and cause the written ,',.: I title reqllirel1ents of. such attorneys to be colT\f'1unicated to Seller~ ,',', " I After receipt of any proper title requirements, Soller shall have . ~~: a reasonable time to cause all such title requirements to be met .>~; and complied with, provided that i,f all such proper titìe require':' "", ,:,' ments cannot bC' met by Seller within a reasonable time, then this' , lI.greement shall become null and void and of no further effèct. . ! '.. , , " - 2 - '. ',C'~?.., .,( , þ "¡ . '" :., "'r" . '. :< The cost of abstract extension and certification shall be paid by Seller. Seller and Purchaser shall each pay one-half of the premium for, any ti tIe insurance provided herounder, I tis; agreed that Seller may at its option provide either an abstract " of title or title insurance', or any combination of both, so 10n'1 '0 :,'r as the slUTle shall be su ff icient to show marketable ti tie in \' " , Scllor, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, but subject~, to all easements and restrictions of record." , ,.--" I: 5. CLOSING OATE AND POSS~SSION: Tho closing date shall be the day upon which Seller shall have met and complied with Purchaser's written titlo requirements or, in the event no such written title reqlJiremonts are made, then on the tenth day following receipt by Purchi\ser of tho abstract of title or title insurance commitment described and referred to in Paragraph 4 hereof. This transaction shall be closed at such place and ,time as shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto. Buyer shall be entitled to possession of the above described real estate from and aftor the date and time of closing of this transaction; provided, however, Purchaser shall have the right to enter upon the above described real estate prior to the closing date for the limited purpose of satisfying the conditions precedent described and referred to in Paragraph 2 hereof. 6. RF~L ESTATE TAXES: Seller shall pay all taxes and general and special assessments levied or assessed against the above described real estate for the year 1974 and all prior years. Real estate taxes and general and special assessments levied or assessed again~t the above described real estate for the year 1975 shall he prorated between Seller and Purchaser as of the date of closing of this transaction. Purchaser shall pay all such taxes and assessments levied or assessed against the above described real estate for the year 1976 and all subsequent'years. 7. BROKER'S COWIISSION: Seller shall pay the real estate broker's commission due to the Wenger Agency as a result of this transaction. Purchaser and Seller routually warrant and represent that no other broker's commissions shall be payable by reason of this transaction, Ii 8. ESCROW AGENT: The Wenger Agency of Salina, Kansas, shall act as Escrow Agent hereunder and shall hold the original of this Agreement, the abstract òf title or title insurance commi~ents and Corporation Warranty Deed delivered hereunder, shall receive all payments made and to be made by Purchaser hereunder, and shall: (a) On the date of closing h~reinbefore specified, the Escrow Agent shall pay to Seller the total purchase price for the above described real estate and shall deliver to Purchaser the ab:ltract of title or' cOltlllitment for title insurance and Corporation Warranty Deed hereinbefore described. ' (b) In the event Seller cannot furnish marketable title to the above described real estate as required " - 3 - 0".. 0 " . , . , ¡o r ~: , .' , , , , , . I .. ,I,' " ,<. " ',' . .0 , " " ,~ "i' , , .. , i ! i ,:::~ , i " ¡, " . , , . I ,to t i ", " , ¡ , ' " , : ", . '0' ,>, , ," 0' .' t~, . , '" 1\ ¡,'" . u- ,.- 1"" . ,.,- '.--_._, --- ,--.--.-----, , , . -, ., .,.-- , - / under the rroviaions of Parnyraph 4 nhove, then the l:scrOH Agent shnll refund to the Purchaser all payments made b)' it hcrew1dcr nnd shall return to the Seller the abstract of title or ti,tle insurance corr~Ütment and Corporation Harranty Deed held by the Escrow Agent hereunder. (c) If Purchaser shall defilult in' paym<'.nt or !>cr(orPlance oC any obligations of Purchaser hereunder, then the EscroH Agent shall PilY to the Soller all pùyments r~¿¡dc by Pl1rChilser hereunder and shall deliver to Seller the ¿¡bstract of title or title insurance cOl't-oitRent and Corporation Warrltnty Deed held by the Escrow Agent ~lerounder. 9. BINDING, !;FFECT: 'rhis Agreement shall be binding upon. and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective suc~essors and assigns. " IN ,l"lITllESS 1} r-;nEOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first above written. SEJ,IÆR: The Planters State Dank and Trust C~mpany Salina, Kansas -'-~ -, /: ' BY : (1Ît/Í¡¿¡f(lÜ)////J _._----~ Richard C.,~ Executive Vice-President i\ttest: ,r-,r:',./ ¡'!., .: . ~_--f- 1"'ç.'-'l.'_.:...f/ :;l'?//V'~----_. - Gr.1!Ii\m Larson, Secretilry , PURCHASER: Devclopr'lent Consultants, Inc. II ;' ~¿-,L, resident ,~e~ .-: --T~ ? ~,-j_. 'J'holõJ<1!; E. Darn!".!l" \I '-' - 4 - , ';<l<, , ;..' , ..,' '. , '.:.;' . '" " .', . \ '., .,; ¡, ,~ -,.. T " i . ",f , ! ; , i I i ! ~~: I ',>\ .' " ¡ 4 i ",J, I <:,,' " .'1 ," \1 , " "" . ! ~ t .. ¡., ¡' . , . I, i It " I:' i, ," -2 ~, ~'i'r1~':"Jn';U¡~\Nq~, 'j'h,:, S(~lleL's sh,ìll fu,'nish at the lime of c]o~ill(J ill I ( ,..:I,eo~ Tille Inô;t ',ìn<:e PolicY,l)iuninÇJ 'rhorn,~~ E. an(¡' D':)l is Lee ()",",d I itS U\;[,el.-o, The cost. of sitmc shall he shõrcd cqlldlly hct.\':í'e[, lIrc,Buyer' ¡,IHI S.,Jlel', /) 6, !.'.9SSESSIO~J:, I'os:;c!~:-;ion of the pl'opelty, undct' the terms 'I, (I of this contl'act :;11.111 bp "ivcn hy thp S<,llcl's lo the nuyet' .' eff,'clÏve II po £1 UIC <!,:¡le-' of cloô¡irHJ, 'I. 'I'^XE,; , 'I'he Sellels SI,I,<111 pay the property tõxes for the prol'ülcd slwrc of 1<J7G dnd pl'iol' ycal:s, tofJcther \-Ii th any I)enally lIlCl'con. ¡-'I'IIc IHOpCI'ly Laxes [or l()'IG >¡h¡Ül be pl'orat'.?d hctHccn the, Buyer and Ule Seller's as of tJle dalp c.,f possession. The nuyet' " sh,'! 1 PilY Lhe properly t.dxe~¡ [01' his plorilLed share ot, 1976 and follo\-JirH) Yí'dl"" '¡'he escl'()", a(j(\rit sil,)ll detenoi:re the i)ro rata shdl'es of the Sell"I's d£1d the lIuyel'. and 'ih,111 deduct the "Sellers" shin'..' fn;m paYI"ellts dlle the Selleu<. ß. ^S~!.!:;:.¡'II~'!: . Nei the I' thi s conLI:"ct nor day riqht hereunder may be dssic ned by the Sellers HiU{Ollt the prior \-/l'ilten coo'sent of the other patty. ,) . FUH'i'III':I~ cm [)l 'I' f OèJS. - --,.---,._- This contl'dcL is further' conditioned lIIA)I! the folJ()\,'il1ý evcr:t.s occlInjrrq ,,¡ithin d I'easonable time after the BuY<'l <;XPlTi:;<'s it:; option to pul'cha»(': SEI; EXHIBIT "11" 10, W~,.~~-_._. .. s.L -J _~n--' ' i~:, lle¡'eby designated il5 ESCHO¡'I. --- ....u_--- , OF <'S(,'I'O\, dCJ<,nt.. UpOI1 :;iqninq of thi:; contract, the original copy of, ,lhi,. ,~"nl.l"Ct. ,IIld UH: :)"YIII(,r:t. of ~;'jO(J.()() ,~;lldll b<:> deposited ,,'j th the ('SCl,C),,: ,Iqenl.. 'j'h(' p,'tì'l"d,t :;hall UICL-eUp°l! be fo1'wèr-ded to the Seller:;, Upon si(J'lÎflCJ of this contract, the Sellers shall deposit \,¡i tit t.Iw esc1'O\': a(jc,I',t the ,':an:anty deed described <1bove, Up,)!) [indir1tJ of rlla1'ketilble title by the nuyer's attorney, and upon satis(,1ction of the above condii:ions, the nuyer' shall (, iL l' \' ¡ ; i I , ! I I i~ I ¡ ¡ ! /, ! ! ¡ " -J- 5,500.00 to the escrow èlgent and less taxes to by the held in escrow. 11. PAYMENT OF COSTS. The the deed to contract of sale dnrl deed, and examination of paid by the Buyer. 12. DEFAUU.P. in payment of this tax",", or the Sellers may enter property, keep tJw terms of tl1is tion s of as for the breach of which event the Buyer shall èlnd shall thereafter have no right, or interest in the property, the alternative, the Sellers may seek specific In the event of de- by option, declare this contrùct null be entitled to return of all pilyments made. In the mé1Y seek specific pel J ,nmilnce of 13. AGREJr<JEN'l' BINDING. T]ll s cont:rilct of sale shall, upon the of ill L ¡¡(>reto considered binding upon each of the administrators, successors, and WIIEREUN'I'O vie se L our hands U1is [~~ é1ssic¡ns. In .1k .~ '" (\ 'I '1 EXIIIIII'/' "II" ( 1) Thal lhc K,msas \"¡dter [¡('sources 110al'd, their designee, or erHji neel':; ..Hjl'ccd upon by ¡¡nd bel\,'een the Sellers and the Duyer, ¡; cclliCy Uwt lIlc l.'eill estate dC¡;Clibed ùbove is located in ùn au)a of 1'lood flequency of J 00 ye<1l':; 01' mrre: ùnd ( 2) ( 3) '['h<1l the SeJ leI's furnish rndr'kl~table>. title: and ThùL Huyet- or its lIoJllillee sJwll Jwve the d.ght [rom the dùte o[ this ù<jt-eement to enlet- upon Lhe>. premises and make any and all inspections, tests, sUlvey>;, and appraisals and to co!lduct and carry out any ..md all e>rICjilleerilHj ¡;tudies <1nd opet-<1tions that it may des ixe, at its sol ceo:; t ilnd cxpollse: dnd (4) The Pul'dlùser fOl'Llllvi lh sha 11 oulel' '¿¡ survey of the>. premises to be' rn¿¡c1e by ¡-'ol'<jy-¡\lJcn SurvcY01'S or any othel licensed surveyor ¿¡11<] sha 11 del i vel- a copy of sa id survey to the Seller on or before ¡'lay 5, 1976. If ùny detccLs, cncumln:,mces, or encroachments appear upon such survey other Ulan tho¡;e specified herein which render Litle unrnarkct"hJe, lhp Pul'dldSl.l shùll have the right to reject II title by maili"'J \vlil.len notice of such n~jecLion specifying the d(~ fee ts, cncUrnh!',lIìces, and enc I'oùchmell ts by cert: i f i eel retuni receipt , rcqIJf>sLed lIIai I, IJ X)l} lh., ¿¡lLolflPYS tal' the Seller, no later than 60 dùys foJlolvinq the del i'fery of the survey. If lhe Purchùser shall so l'ejecL tille, Uwn the Se I J er sha 11 have 60 days follOlving to cure :..;uch defects follcn-/i nq receipt of such notice. In the event the (h~fccl:; ¿¡re nol so eUll?tÌ, the>. Seller sh,111 al once ret.urn the" deposit made IIndel this contlacl. .1IHI al~;o pay lo the Purchaser (not to exceed $?5.00)ìE:>~ '5, the cos\. of the ¡;ulvey./and tltis contl-ùct shdlT in all other lespect¡; tprmindle and I,,' lIull ant) void. IIo\,'evel' , if lhe defects an~ duly rempdied, or if no defects, encl'o,¡clllilen\.s, or encwnhrances, except those provided fo!" hcn~in, ùppear upon said survey, or .if the Purchaser L1ils to '¡Jive notice \"¡Lhin the time specified or- in thl> 1ni1l1nel specified, Lhen Lhis contl'"cL shall remain in full force i' <iIHI crfpet, dnd <iny defect, ('nc(,~achJ1lellt, encumbl'ance shall not be ,decmpd dn objpction loche tille, ;:¡nd Lhb PIH"chaser shall 'take ti\.].. subject Lo dny ¡¡Lile of facts sho\'m upon the survey, or, if n no survpy \-/eIC made, [dcLs which an accurate ¡:ubjccL to any slate of " survey \.,'ould sI10\-/; arÙI \, f! 1 I I I I I . ¡ , .1 I !