3561 Vac Gail Ave Bonnie Ridge r .~ I'UIl1011 IW:.mlR ,-_.;'-3_~-¿~--,----- Dilte riled h--____(ikt~i~~_- - TO: The Governill<j ßody, City of Salina, Kansas, We, the ulldersi<jned, being residents and property OIlners ín the City of Sa 1 in<:I, Kilnsils, do hereby petit ion yoUr' honorilld e body for tIDLy.ð2J.Ili.1..L1).F-aA1.L.--- AVf. ,UF. ~'ROV ltIt.DA LAM; TO r"Œ RAlHOAD RIJHTAÙI. Bl-,lMJ flU> .,(\RJ!i..~ LOT 2 AAD .-----~------------ ,. ~¡; ~~-~1!~~~~f LO!'_~_~'_::.L~~_!_~~'_!~~ !Œ.!'l....t 01' ~~^'!t (11' BO..:.!!:! RlDQ& ADIJlTH'L\ . TO ~~- ~-~- OF SA_~A! SALI.)~ç('u:,-,-ì' -~_.K~'~~~-'__~IlYLÜ_~.à _s~tu_!...-~pr<'Ok... are AM ...._t_h,!,,!,~u!!.e~..!."r,e~e_~~ Let- 2- a..d_!i~}'t"I"lId iiL~~~.Dar~:lel}'__¡';L8llk~LJ.~.._-){a.u. .tre~ .. 18 YIIoahd. that part or .. let vaoated ehould reTOrt te the naere ef ro.t er let. Respec t fu lly submi t ted by: --- Vert;er- c,--&m-th-f1tr--t-ne-~ri ~",y--_--'-:-- Tel ephone lIurr,ber: -t¡~1IÖ11ö-'---- - NA~IE - n - -- AODRI,S'!_____H - - ---- ------ --___d-H------- - -- H"",,~~; ;- -- ~4r/>%' 4} f¡.¿J2' - ",,",... 1."°_-7 - D., ,>", ,. H~ k j[Idl""';" <;,: ~'<~É'v - -- -- 2808 L1.d. - ~"'. -- - ---- _,RQpald J,! ~preoker dI... !ß....- , -<-.,.. -h- _?§~JLB!!¡1!1_R~_a~u ----- Sar.dra L. spreoker~~-:-,,::<,çJ!?'!1 Jí;Mf'A W----2Q.li1 Rebin R._~d___- ---------- " ___d__- -- ..--- ------------- ---- --- '-, ------ _u_------------ EXPLMATIO" - ------ ---- - - - -- --- - - ----- - -- u_n - - -- - - ---- - ----_u Dn ònember 16. 1962. Leo O. n..".rth IUId L._~si _1:j~"'erthJ.r- tht,-l..!!e....a-.rth C8l1aUII"UWIJ 'à¡,ërVer¿ër\Y~ -SiPi-th á-c~dPêãrl &. Srdth for the Equitaule lnveet:ëoer.t C... 11,0. "eel the herth 15 reet ef Let 2 IlLd the uuth _45 fee_t_e _let 3~_bJ~k 1 1'.. the ~..n"r..Lpublu -a. ao" extê,.ê1""õñd.r-õã-fi -Ãvenue a theu existir., Itree ill Bleoks 3 ud 4 of Ben..i.e Ri~,.. 'On AI)rl1 29-; 1964;:-apart flf beJ,n¡'e--~id-Ge-\'f~s eplatted in oludi¡o¡ bleok 1. At thie,Hme. the oity ut ele lir1"g the exteushn ef G,,-~- Av r.ue. vaoat,.. - H,_lQ the replat._llUt.....&flP&rontJ.y :ufo ra.t t1ï"t t}Ù, Ot-rt.ïet- -;"'-s aoquirsd by "eed ather tha(l'threugh platting. it legally' _~~quire_~_IIr:~~!,dillanoe ,py the_~l~y" ef .s~}il~_~ vaoate. _u - d_____n -- --- _.._- At II. later dale fla',urth oGr.veyed the pre¡::ertl !_~he~tabl~..Ln.y~~!t....1ia. lIh.a.-- futurae. o-ë7òv'eyélr1.Ì":e-prope-r'tyt-ö VeÎ'Î;er ê-. a- Pearl E. Sr-.ith. "'hen Lets 3, 4 ac." part of 6 ..... replatted a8 EOt..,IE: RIDGE PL.\...."D CO~: U¡.lTY, all of Ga.i 1 Avenu~ wa~ _eliminate... -- ---- - ------,-,-- -- ---------- -u _u_- ---~~- --- - --- "in the, è:e&u. tire, i have collveye4 Lot 2 to :Jpr okere and Let 3 to Reoke. ..1 Itall ir.r,,~.. - "rt't1\~eèè-.t -.rl-rMr.slNJI! oyTne-õHy-at-tf.ê ti""-¡;ir.daLane wae iJIprovd that I IWIr,ell tte E',rtluJ.d ic. question free 'H.II ol(:ar ilL I dill pay 50~ of ~h!lJ_IU!r_~y_ene!l.t.l..- 1'ha_- -- 't'IVI;1fJ'T--.r-t;,P'-së-1'óts--a:rê 'EeIR.-hë1~on CNJS ruoHë>n pellåi"", It,e noaHol! of the street in enter t" obtain TItle 1llsuranoCl. Ap areht1Y_I},O 9ne is at !a.iJ.._II.IJ'!_8_rnillydj¡he- -replalllle, WO,ÎIt1'iãVë(jëënA1rtñãt"iiil-iiëõëãi rYe / -~ . - /¡l)j~ ~/i ¡ -- - ././u ('-</-- vC"LL,~- r-x-.{.-\.L'.t - 1./ - --- - __d ------ -- ,-VeraeÌ"~. ~.ith - v --------- - ---- ----------------- ---- -- -------- --- _n ---- -,----------- -- ------- -_h__n_- ------ -'-- ------- .. _uu_n__- --______n___--_-- ---- ------_u_--- -- u u- --_u_- -- ---- n_~~- ----------- -~----------------- - --------- -----------------~---- --------------- ------ -~~--------------i--------------- " I . I c., Ir.o I I i I I I I ; i , I I I I \ I I I I I I I i I " I'