3554 Amend Zoning Woodland Add ,., U PUBLICAnONDATE n d liLfu1hClJ\ ~,L HEARING DATE ,'m CU~ . \ t, . q '7 4 VJC.!NITY MAP ATTACH,~D. ,X PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEW JY\ I r--fJ, U PETITION NO. -355~ DATE FILED .¡(--1.::5-1 (., FILING FEE $25.00 RECPT. n:;.:JJ!2 <-Æ- APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP 4. Owner's Name: 1. Applicant's Name:, d!J!1 C, ¡JIÆJ!¿ 2. Applicant's Address: ..Jj)9b /rdl{j~JAhY"'" Sl/J;.!!:f~ Code 61YO! Tßleiinone (~U$;ness): '9/3 fJJ~-' JV1S f (Home): 'l/J N?-o¡'¡J'J ¡Jô/J C, /)¡£/IL -Si)t) IE', /l¡)c.///c, ..-J,ç¿¡rf; Code 61Y¿J/ $. Owner's Address: 6. Le9,~¡rlJes,CY'iP,)ti'O,n, of .p. ,roperty re,q,u, e,s"t,edto be, rez,oned: '" .....,'" ( /1, ¿tJTJ' 6-r-/o -¡flOG¡f- ,f"- /A!<>Ót:il..lpNtJ "tlPtI¡, ,1M, Lotß. /' :;-].- Y-"'- 6- 7-/1' ;-' - SEE A1'11chfY'l'rrlin Block No. In,., //JùQJ2jJjI,J/}" /,t)¡/(J11'l/»Í/ Subdivision /J,f¡:: lð 7. 11. Are there copy) : (Rev. 4/76) " f""""- I?, List reasons f~r thh req~e_st: (Att.ilC_'.\ addjtion,~l sl.~ets ,i~ ne,cessllry) ----- /.Dl,f' /~' ¡<'¿/~ /'- ///,/- Æ 10// J-'J /l.,~ (' /l/.[ 6 ./- VH¡"',"- 7" _(!(IM7::-___/)_<-Š-_ty1.LÇ'ClÔf::l_----ý...éL(1.£A':~, /f / L~.!:-£ ¿ G <I'-¡'/"[.N 7':':; k ,ff//¡"';,,J' OA,/ T/I,F.r/. ¿OT,{", ¿OT.r 6/ é~-Iv --:ï?2,\/ S ~Æl;' VI/O/t',r -....LY2-- /T(,Q,(/.£~____I£-!ß(I~.Q -- '-Hr/-..- -I..~---_..E!f./.J_LL_- (iJ)/> LZL!.~:/L~__u(rJ_v T .E~ (uý/r.í /J,{"O (/jttr,/,('4'ÿ /-/Ic/t.../Ti/')t) II/('c.'- ~ LoI'_. . Supply filctuill datil ShOHillg the effect the request I-rill hilve on present ilnd future trùffic flOll, schools, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding propel'ties, etc: (Attach ildditionlll sheets if necessiÌl'yL..._-_____Jl____-,- -- m- --- --- ~- - ç¿«~¿~____h- ---------~--- 13. ----- -- -- --..-----..---------..---- --------- ....._..-~------ 14, I./ill thert-"he sufficient off-street pilrI:in~ provided fol' the requested use? --~.. -_J'>~!~___Expl(lin: ---~¿--ç¿~-<{,-~-¿~----- ------- ---- "------Ti ------------~--_.....---_.._------ ---- ---- ---------- --- --- ------- ------- --- ------ -- --- ---- 15. List exhibit's or plùns SUI~11itt('d: - .------------------- -------------- --------- -- -- - n -----------------_.- -- ----------- PROPERTY mINER(S) SIGNATURE: ---~..C>- - .Æ..~----------- - - - - - ____df22tj n--_~~ -..4!~----- __----_L~~rÅ . ,---- -- nU - APPLICANT'S SIGIIATU!Œ: -----~--_C:J - ___n - ----- =~5:¿h ~ n~~_- "-~ I / " I ----------------------------------------_...._-------~-----------------------------------....--------------) I If the applicant is to he represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please co~,plete the follo'..ling so,thilt correspondence and co¡:¡nLlnicalions pertaining to this appl icatiol1 way he fol'ilarded to the authol'ized individuill, IIN'~E or REPRESENTATIVE: -------- ---- -- - ---- --- --------- --- -- --- ---..... - --- _u- ADDRESS: ----- --u_------- --------- -- , ---------- ZIP CODE_- TELEPHONE (Business): ----_.._-------_.._----_:~--~- AREA CODE -- (Rev, 4/76) fo " " ¡ " , . \. 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