3548 Amend Zoning Ohio ,. II , ' ,':" ,c' r-.. " r" /, l'UBJ.ICM'ION DJ\'1'C tI" (n((r: /11t1'¡ llE^HING Dl\'!'g ,v1/1.¡ tJ (F/f:' . PJ..^NNING 01>[>'1', nEVIJ:\~ . ,¿11( íh./ If fIll, I'E'l'l'£IOtl 1110. :3~1~ DM'g P J I,Ei> \\\",.1... ,I. ,.1/(,. I $2!).00 - lŒCPT. i¿t,')! ,\'> l"Il.ING I'lm 1" ^Pl'I.ICl\'rION FOH ^~um )m;tI'1' '1'0 '1'IIB I>Is'1'mc'l' í'.ONING 111\1' ^pplicant's Name: ¡) 'ß, ~«I'I( (,.) ,-:t,I( (,~n"/(" C,Flh(~/,'.rll'" , v V ¿- J ./ .' ^pplicant I u ^dùross: ;'11'5 ¡)ql/uJ(,cd :;>/1 It'A /sZip Codo: r;., ¡,jol vr:> ,(. 2. ,3" 'fr-.1ophone (l.Iuuinesu) ¡;;I j - ç.. /100 8.)')- ('~~ $( (llome) : "(' 'j . O\,mel"S Name: -Li,'Ô, 5u'f'ß:.. ('0 I ~L.¡(, Ow/1or's ^dù!."ouu: 1)//$ It, l/uJC'eyl Zip Code: ? l4oL- C' ~, 6, r,eyul description of property re<ll1csted to be rezoned: Lot (5)' in Dlock No, --- In Subdivision Metës t1I1Ù boundu ù-e-šcrTpl-ion if unplutted (a Surveyor I s èertificate must be f iled with thiu ùpplication): _. A lrilCt 0" land in the North !Iii If (11/2) of the Southwest Quilrter (sw/lt) of Section Nineteen (19), To,mship Fourteen (lit) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principii I Meridiiln in Saline County, Kansas. and more particularly described ilS follows: . " Beginning at a point on the east line of Ohio Street and 827.05 feet south of the north"lest corner of the Southwest Quilrter (SWi'l) of Section 19. To,..mship 14 South, Rilnge 2 West; thence continuing S 00° 00' E illong the cast line of Ohio Street a distance of 1¡97.~9 feet to the south I ine of the !lorth lIalf (Nn) of the Southl-lcst Quilrter (SW/I¡) of Section 19. Tmmship lit South, Range 2 West; thence S 89° O~' 52.4" II along the south linc of the lIorth !lalf (N/2) of said quilrter scction a distance of 2.1¡~2.52 feet to the southcilst corner of the lIorth lIalf (N/2) of said quarter section; thence II 00° 31' 18,8" E along the east line of said North Half (N/2) a distilnce of 1¡<j1¡.20 feet to a point; thence S 89° 10' 50.5" w d distance of 2.1¡~9.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 27.96 acres more or less. 7. ß, I,;zS ( -- /3£I(ï :>. 61-.10 ^pproximate street address: ^n,ù of property (sq. it. ð,nd/or acres) ~?, ç ,¡Nt<;- 9. Present Zoning: "!' .. t\ Use: -_--ÝfJ((1~f___..__------ 10. Hequesteù Zoning: ._~~----- Use: _....: T~_{IJ:;;f't>(.rI IJo......t- 11. ^re there any covenant's of record develop:nent? (^ttach copy): which prohibits the proposed 1'40 ---------- ' tlld .(2;:. ..(:J.i'( r/i'lt.{o?(!- 12, I.ist reasons fo'r this request: -------.--.. \, - --- -.----- - --- -- -------- . -¡--;--- --- ---- -- -_.- n__---.. ....----. - - -- : '-- .---4----. ,----------------_. " ------------- (Hev. 9/'1'1: v' ""..--,..........'...-- 'C'-"""""-""".. ~ I I I ì ! I ¡ ¡ " I I I I I ! ! i I I (', . . r'- ;, , , 13. Supply factual data 1;1I0\-111"J tho ef(ect the rcCJl,cst Hill have on p1'esent Dnù future tri1([ic (low, school!;, \Itilities, refuse collection, 1;U1'1:0UI1'1ill<) pr<~perties, etc: -' (f,) (fee 1)« ~ ó-s ' bf(, .It> I¡ - 1,),(( . 11{'/UUfIJ f< it I, I, I,I <;. . , ( , " "::>c1101,15 ?c «<51 .' I f:'( 1~ll".j-- ,I" S " f' PlY"I£(, 'J use I' 14. Will there be sufficient off-street pDr~ing provided for the requested use? it ~ ,:xplain: -------- - 15. List exhibits or p'ians 1;ubmitteù: .------ .----- ---- --.._____nh--------"-- Propert~' oymer (s) signature: ~~':r;J_~ - «.~,f"/t%-ll1>f~' y '--,7~-o L, ¿(. ð, Þ(fJ¿. C~, ~'c I \ \ \ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ï I I I \ \ -1 I I Applicant's signature: -----r:¡-- - ùdnf.-::'_C<, .c£/£z:?),?- d£. ,~~-¿~.';b - ---- --------./ - ,..7""C- ,I //~ //zh -'- ------ If the applicimt is to be represented by legal CO\In!>el or an authorized agent I please complete the tollO\-lÌng so that correspondence and COlTUl\unications pertaining to this application ,may be for\~¿¡rded to the ,Ii authorized individual. '}I¡,n-,) ,--,;..~~ 'h~- U'-#.:- n.:~ t, ~>- SJ..t..... ¡<J ,~'<'v. '"v~' , J. " ¡ (} ¿. , , &6<- r~I/...r4-- ,'l,vr-A-" ~- ('71' f -;........... (--#" <-.... 1« ~Jtt~ ¿'~f"'&- , I "~.N {.¡j.~i,l..,~v~,:ç- / /¿¡ ¡j..A.( ,~l< ~Jf,¿,~ ,2 J., S .', ..j, .-& '1 <, ~ Ft:. >-<-' ¡ (Co? Zip Coùe: ~- Name of Representative: Address: Telephone (Business) :----..---- lu:ea Co:1c: ----- DO IJO'f \~In'i'E IN 'fillS SPACB ~un_~undinq ~~!~~ ' Zone Use NORTH SOUTH EAST \~gS'l' - --- ---- .L....-- .- ---------- ----------- Chilrilcter"o[ the nqighborhood -_:'------- nelali onf>h i p to I.and U~¡C Pl<ln 0','» , (.I{UV. 9/7 'I) \: