3547 Amend Zoning Original Town " " ~, '. ~ : 1', ,r-. , ~ 1'O13I,1C1\'\'10:-l ))11'1'[; lID !t..(zI-- ,(r.¡I"-&-,....!}Jê¡/iJ IIIU\HWG OI'\'1'E -- f'!}Jl¡-L-1J!~------ PMNN ING OBPT. lŒV IE\~ _Lt{. Ji ---- l'ETl'1'10!~ rID. --35 1f7 )1\T¡'; FILED -,-~-9 - 2-:1:: 'l c:.' lOlLING nm $25.00 ¡mcp'1'. II hL//J' ~I' APPLl'C1\TION FOH MIENDl-mN'1' '1'0 'I'm; )IS'l'lUC'1' ZONING NAP 1. Appl icilnt I S Nm:1C: Webb Johnson Electric, Jnc; 2. Applicùnt's Address:lO~ E. South Street --- 'zip Coùe: 67401 3." Telephone (Business): 82~~O21I, (llome) : 827- 327 3 --- ---- 4. O\~ner' s Name: Webb Johl~_~lcctric. Inc. 5. Owner's ,1\ddresu: Zip Code: .J!lilOI 20~ E, Sou lh 6. Legill description of property requested to be rezoned: Lot(s) ,'1 Cj F.{l", Sl-,...t in Block No. 0" In Ù¡-~<}"",...l T,,"..M, <+ $,.1......... Subdivision Metes and bounds descr iption if unpliltted (a 'surveyo-r I s Certif ica te must be filed \'lith this application): ----- - --- -- .- --- --- ------- - __l~ --1-- ,----- - __n_---- ---,- --- ---- -- ----------- - 7. 1\pprOxiwiltc street address: ---------- 321 S. ')lh u ---- n 8. ¡,rea of property (sq. it. and/or: acres) -_'l-.:'i._C'ó j1-~j~ Present Zo¡,ing: "c Use: .........-~ ~"I!!.-(O' _u 9. 10. 11. Requested zoning: E Use: -_m_~usin~_Storage Are there any covenants of record which prohibits the proposed develop:nenl? (Allac:1 copy): No -----~o 12. List reasonu for this request: --- -,-- Wi sh to',Blli ld Storage- Buildimi 'on ~ of lot in "onjOln" tion "I th ____planned office building ilL11L..S...-.2J.b. /, ------- I ------- ----- ,. ---' ----_u..--- u.....-- ,--- -- ---------- -------- ------- ..u_- (Hev. 9/74) ,. I \ \ '\ ! íi \' II ~ r"'\ t. . ,. 13. Supply [aetu"l dilt" sho\olin!) the effect the request \oIill ¡Hlve on pre~;ent and future tl'¡¡ffj(; (10\01, schools, utilitie", refuse collection, 5urrolindillCj properties, ate: --~---- -- --- '---- II " 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested use? . f,,--~ Explain: vJ "-- 1:>+ s Lcd'.s . d.1"1è... OWIr-."'-_V'::' Lùl: "'+ Tk.... F. v"-- ~-~-- V.,,-c....,-t---, 15. List exhibits or plans submitted: ------------ ------ PropertY,owner(s) signature: "},y~Q ~~g~.-J 'Cg~~~~ Jr-.,-, P=e~v .:l~~>o~~.-J ~-c--, -- ~,M,,-->-- Applicant's signatul-e: .. '}V~-c-e 7.12=~--~ --~~~~ ~--<:.-- .f?c..e_I/ :r.'}.-e,.-?-~ T J ~?c/.,- trN...~ -------- h-___- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If thb ap~liçant is to be represented J~ legal counselor an authorized agent, pldàse complete the follo'.Úng so that correspondence and colnn\Unications pcrtaining to this application may be forHa~ded to the authori zed individual. ' Na~e of Representative: " Address: Zip Code: Telephone '(13usiness) : -- -- - --- Area Code: ----- -- ---- - _u -- --- ----- - " 1)0 NO'!' \mI'rr.; IN 'rillS SPACE ~_u2:!..ou!\~i_n~ !~r..Epèrtx. :Zone Use I' ,. NOHTII 50U'1'1l EAST \'ŒS'l' ------- - --- - - ----- --------- .-- -- ------ ----------- ------ - ----- c' I; Character of the neiCjhborhoo(l ------ -- ,-- -------- ne~atiol):¡hip Lo Land Use Plan ------, --------------.... (Hov. !J/"I-1) \' i I I I I ¡ I . i I I I I 'I ;, -I i , (,