3544 Imp Country Hills ----- r-. lET III 011 uu~mm ---~-~1{!J_--- Dille riled --_.fI\l~,,-!'L....1,_~'l~., TO: The Governing Body, City of Salinil, Kansas, (A) He, the undersigned, being OI'lIlers of record of property liilble for assessment for the follO\lÎng proposed in1provemellt: _..ßL~~ j~r~'-'L~_f!~-l:...."-cJTJ..-t-:-L,.;(I(/"""'L' ~'\.""""':-- d~.!.(:!,f-<~{!,,_~';,-J!1(.l_¡'--tJ__.A'::~~,~'.,-; --&!~:!i_~~~{'._!.{ ð- ' C?<h_~-;- {þ:¿ë ;t:~1t'1..-<_f " " ----,}.. ._------------------------------ ..--------------------------"" --- -- ---- ------- - ------- ----- -- .....---- -- ---------------.._---- hereby propose thill s'p:h inprove!:ll'nt be made in the mannel' provided by Article GiI, Chapter 12, of the Kilnsils Stalutes Anrotated, a~ a~ended. (ß) The extent of the proposed improvement district to be assessed is ilS follol-ls: -,.L'~'- .....!:.~~~~--_._-----, -- -- ---- ------------------------------------ -------- ---------------------- --------------- - -. -- -..- -----,---. ---- , i ,---------- -------- ----- --_.----- ----------------- --,- ----- -------------- ,--------------------- (C) I' I'le furthe" propose that such improven:ent be !:lade I'IÎ thout notice and hearing as I'equired by rS,A, 12-6a04(l), as an:ended, ----rlö--nÚÎe' Î:Îay"¡;¡: wi thd, rùïÚ)-frö,.'i1Tîï.i, 'pit. ""'H';'-\ the Governi ng' Body comences cons idera lion of the petition 01' later than seven (7) days aftel' this petftion has been fi led Ilith the City Clerk, (K,S,A, 12-6a04) , --~ --c- - --~~spectf~l~-~--:u-~n~i-~-:~--b;:~:~q~¿~~~~1: ~ ~-= :L.~!!~.:~~rz~- v.-!!~ Telephone IIUinber: fJ-7/'J3( --------- ---- ii9..n_()_tul~- Residence --- -- ----- Date and Tin:e of Signii!.9 Property O\-med Within Proposed Inp'r°.Ys~~c..r_1t Dis~.!'Jct- þ-(~ --' ;:JÞ:,:;¿(- yv.J ¡Çt~(,4~-:=-~- >;:~'t..~ -lb~:"f'h--- ------~~ 1! - .._------- ---------- --------- u_----------- -- - ---- -- ------ - --- - - ----- ----------- --------- t' i, .--..------ ,. . ----- - - - ---- ------------- _u ----- ---- ------ ----------- J' --- _.. ------- - no -~----- -._--------- - ---------- ..-_on -------- ---------- .--------- ---.. ------- ------ ---- -- .. - ------ -....------- , - - u- ---------- _..----- ---- -, --- 1\ ---,,-------- -------- ------- ':', ,-- n, - - -""" \, ':.....'¡' ,,'-, (' II