3538 Imp Bonnie Ridge (, I' 'r,,\ r". " Pl:TITIO~ NU~IlIER 35 ~e.- Date Filed: ('{\i\-,-.t I ,c¡'j(. Salina, Kansas . TO Till! 1I0~01lAULI! BO,\RO OF CmI.'lISSIO~lRS 01' Till: CITY OF SAl.INA, KANSAS CmI.'IISSIONlRS: We, the undersigned, being residents and prore~ty owners in the City of " Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition )'our honorable body for the sewer, watel' nnd onvlnf1. on ~cott fl'01'1 Lindo ,Lone lo Polly Dpi~e. Trusting that' the pra)'ers of the petitioners will be granted, we arc resrect~ull,y , rUED BY- 1-'.0/1 ty 11011 lee /J7 /»1/ ,ffhhb1.-<e.. ~ ðz..?-.)/{) K.5.A. l2-6a, "hich is the General Improvement anti AssessJ:\ent LaN, states: ' "N:mes IHI)' not be 1-;1 thdra"n from the pet itions by the signers thereof after the governing botly con.l1ences consitler:1tion of the petitions or later tlian seven (7) da)'s after such filing, "hichever occurs first." LOT ^ÐDITIO~ . (pf7--;1 .'i.rlef S ..ߣ.t\J,v; <:. .f!:(/r. <- ~- Î(t¡-'I,t,II'I"'F'I<f/"ulcf ...... , I II ,f"!";' I ,,' fi. 1 ef ð'ltJ[¿. Æ,'dtu /I II ' BLOCK tiAIII: ADOH ESS ------------- ,---r;:V S('o 11 --- __'~)L ~r\<~v.:lj. {l-£.O-'- .3'-/',3:;-' - I r:,.(1 h~, ,,{ 115- 1-"" J:.. 1.'1 ' -~:Pr~Paif ~ Î//7y¿"L 5- I ~-'.s (I <' II --~Lß L-J/{J? 1 ~ , , ':d~'f f 7. _Lf- ~--- ç-:¡)~I.e; -:; Jj¿tU- ___2_0 I ~/¡~?,C?~/.~¿--- [1/_-) --~--- _-.l~-- ~:¡JhÆ;A.~- '. 3, ('.---~ ~ - - <0 ,i-~~ -_:-; C_c ," . ~- Ðn1¿L- -- 2....J_5- ", 1 31- 2. ':) " ~ ,,/ ~::> ;l,~ ---- :?Ý.-}.:Q~- 5' s I, '1 1/ (I II ',/ 33 -- --- ~ ,~~ ~ ~ 7 S- /. I, , / ----- - ------------------ --------- -------- ------- --------- - ---- -------- " ------ ---- ---- 1--- ----- ----- ------ --------------------- --------- ---- ---- ------------- .li I; . ------------------------------..----- - ---- --,- -- --------- -- .----- I I I I \ ;' " '- t , I'