3528 Dev Holmquist Estate Add I' ,-' , ,,~ PE'rITIOtl NO. )'1,) L ' DA'l'E FILED '-If. \ ,"->.!....;, ,I; Ylr,Ç ,FILING 1:'1-:1-: '-q!;I,.()() lU::Cl)~I._~ ,,'::' .J 1\ '. APPLICATION FOR SUßDIVISION ", , ," ',."~ ' 1. Name of Subdivision: fI&?Þ.l~C//::'/ E;;¿'¿ ./¿¿hð~ L~cationof SUbdiViS;;¡nN~ c-:~¿~~:~~/;; ~ :~/~;;;~ Legal Description: / / ./' . . 2. 3. . /Ø-¿-~~ ' II 4. Land Area (sq. ft. or acres) : hi/. to .1c. ' Present Zoning: eo. "2 IN:1¿. . Ä'~, hY~/ d¿ä<Æj ,9 G~' 4,n'/~ ' Propo!:ed Development (describe): j?~~/d¿,//bd/ " . 5. : 6. '.J 7. Subdivider's Name: ' /I, ¿/, //..,/»?;!v~~1 AddresB: ß I, 3, ,5Ú~~'4 F-~, Property Owner I s Name: ../ú~& , Phone: fr2'S~ ~Z/ Lj 8. " Address: 74<'~4 Phorte: J-ZS~ -z.....¡ y. , """ Engineer or Surveyor's Name: V ¿Ø. ).3ú ~$Î".#- Address: /Ot:->& /?~Ø4;'~Ý V/. Phone: -,-~bC::>S-ð /" ,Authorized Representat'ive's Hùme:' ¿(/,vI.~(/JJ/'e.1 Address: J!?J. 3" 5ó.h~* ç." Phone:, KZ->-'-I-z....J~ The applicant hereby certifies thùt he is familiar "lith all of the provisions of the Subdivi!;ion Hef lIlations a'nd Jle intends to fully con\ply \-lith the provisions therein. ^Pl;¡~~~~~,(~~ ¿¡/ 11?t¡~--- I, 9. 10. I: ¡ , (Hev,9/'¡'Í) 00' 0 i ~,