3525 Dev Park LTD 10, "', , 1. 2. APPLICATION FOR SUBDXVISION Name of Subdivision: ,~~~ ~i~~ Location of Subdivision: .:iaö li:Lð(lJ"'/ oJ-: -:Soä,{,l/ ¡;:~4ÙlAr:9 Legal Description: ;;;::::s Èé if p¿¿.)., 4rW/r ;;:s;,sI/í=-/k:.d r- 3. 4. Land Area (sq, ft. or acres) :it.~'7(}Y ;3;2 ¡tJ¡Jpj,;:S l Present Zoning: AD? f? Proposed Development (describe): e l ~ (!AlI}h'1/HÆ.I-¿~dL) a//~ - " 1~iz)fnaL) 1111' P467't--ð7ZC) ò ",l Ø<t}:Wfx" ,;" $~:(J, ¿(H~ 6-eJ - .; 5. 6. 7. Subdivider's Name:þ;Ji~ /i,d ' Address: ',I 1--' f!, r() 121M), $4 lei 1/4 Property Owner's Name: Il...~, h¿¿/ Address: ¡ ;;).5 é/ J1? ðll~: i;L}j 14) If ~ Phone: ,r19.i9'(. Engineer or Surveyor's Name: Iii c wy ,\ ~fl '~) ,,' ", '¿f, Address: fofL~ /Jai?tk:;;:-;Ic:.) -:;::Sj¿~u:t ) ,¡... ¡¿ç/f'2.../ Phone: ,qiý~ 91:, 8, 9. Authorized Representative's Address :f?ð,i?6X X'??~ .;;;;:5¡.2¡¿,,-~z._) Phone: "f",:::¿'-j/¿ I The applicant hereby certifies that he is familiar with all of the provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and he intends to fully comply with the provisions therein. , ' ----' / /'--- ~ Applicant (s~~ lr:6//~ signature:, / VU, C ¿~ ' , J7.JZd.-u.J 1) ! ¡ . 1 I i I , I ! i f \ "j ! i , ) , '(", ,--.." "t-i,- ;..", 1~~L_7-~....C---' ,\-;;c~ '. ..,' ~ ~ .~ . &¡ ¡ - " ,. ----.WI " '--~_.. , , - "'---------r¡ ;~ ,----4 '-'C~-:"" 1;1 " , " ' ,':, -" ~- ^ .' ~, , <,. " {""""""- ",I 'I ~ ~ ~,~ ~ '1' '~ ¡ 1':, v } , . " 'U.! , ¡..~, ('~ , ¡..... . (I') I.L! nr IrT~ .',' '~- 660' { \ f \ " I i I \ I \ { j ¡ \ '::.'", ¡ . ) 'j ¡' .......... '" . \ " a " + '. in ; ~-;;, ! ! i ¡ . i .,Î ¿. ¡ I I "', .,. ci ~'; a ,,' -' :,.'.'.1, C!I ::':1 Z [21 ~ ) > "" .q; ~ :< é ¡ ~ Ie t Q ~.I ; ('J if íi ¡ ~ . Ì1 , , Ô? ¡ u) " ,<xl , :g I N ¡ fl ,'" ~, ¡ $, " ,{JJ ,.__._-~:.~~. .:~ .\¡ '.; ;, " ,;,,:", ~ F' ],!;(;M, IJESCIU I"i'.lON ()Jo' P!ni'EH'i'Y HE(>LJES'rE[) 'fO m: ï.O:ŒD F Tihtt, part or the !lorth Half (~;!,) of the SOllU¡',.¡C'st ()II;H'tcr (S\"I~.¡) of ~;ecLÌon l"ollrte(!H (1'\), '1'o\-lllshi.p ¡'<Hllteen South (l4~;), Hi.l1'lgc '!'hree \'¡c:;t (3\'1) of the ~:Jxth (6th) l'l'inci.p,¡ll-leridian in Saline County, Kan:;as, <1escribc~d ¡:lore particularly il:; [0110\-1:; to- ",it: Co~"J;ìencing ilt il point One 'l'hOllSnnc1 lIine Hundred Thir:tY-Eix Fcot (l, 936') Nor-th and Six Hundred Sixty Feet (660') \~C':;t of thc South line of :,<1id Section ,Fourteen (1:4): thence, South Fouc Hundred Ninety-four and 'fhrec/tenths Feet (494,3'); thence, due \'Iest to il point One lIulldn:d Feet (100 ') E<1st of the Host line of s<1i<1 Section; thence, North to th'J South' and East boundary 1 ine of the base of t,he dike along the E<1st side of Dry Creek and li1(' NeH Channel thereof; thence, North and North- easterly along the Ea!>t linc of the'basc of said' 'dike to a point directly West of the point of beginning; thence, E<1st to the point of beginning, including full rights of reverter to those portions thereof and of lands <1djacenL thereto heretofore dedicated or condemned [or public use in the event p~¡bl ic use thereof has been or is hereafter quit- claimed, disclilimed, vacated or abandoned; and that part: of the No[U;t,¡est. Qt:arter (NI'¡I--.) and that part of the Southwest Quarter (SW~) of Section, Fourt~en (14), Township Fourteen Soulh ()~S) Range Three \'~est (3\';) of the Sixth (6th) Principal ¡':eridian in Saline County, Kansas, described ¡r:ore pùrLicularly as follows to-wit: ' 1\ Beginning aL il point Six lIunòred Sixty Feet (660') \"lesl of the Hest right-,of- "lay line of U,S. lIigh"lay 81 Bypass and One Thousimd Nine lIundreù 'rl1Ïrty-'six Feet 0,936') I~orth of the SòuLh line of said Section Fo:trleen (14); lh(~nce, Nor!.h ,;ight lIundred Fifty FeeL (3~O'); thence, \'lest to the center of the channel of" Dry Creek; lhcnc(:, up the center of ~_he.channel'of , Dry Creek in a South,,'csterly di rection Eleven lIundrecl ' - Feet 0,100') ¡narc or les~; to a point \-Ihel"(>- it intersect's with the line due "¡est fron the point of beginning; thence, East Four- Ilunclred Ei9hLy--five Feet (435') rr.or-e or less tv the place of uc<Jinning, including full rights of p2vprter to those porI-ions thereof ¿lIId of lands ad:jaccnt. th~n~to heretofore det1icated or condemned fOI public use in the event public use thereof ha!; been or is her-cafter quit.clèli'r~ed"cìiscli1i1~ed, vacated or abi'\I\Goncd. c' (/ r-., ("" J,EGhl. [)I:~:cln l"f LO~¡ OF I'IWPEI~'i"l m:QUm;'.l'Et> \' 'í'Ü!\E,í'.O~ì¡;i)¡'; '1'iwt [),]11: of the North l!il1f (N~i) of the So\lUI\'¡e,;t Quartet: (5\~!,,) of S(~c.:t¡,on FoErtl!e/l (11,), 'l'o;'lIIship l'ourteen ::outh (11\:;), Hanue 'i'hn!c: \~e~;t (3\'1) of the Sixth «(':;11) 1'1: i,nd,p<"1 Heriùiiln in S..Üine County, l~i\nsü~;, denc.:rllJ.~d Ir,ore particulal'ly iW follm'w lo'-Hit: I' " Cor,\nen~;ill~ at i1 point on the lIe"t J.ine of lI,S,' Jl.igl¡¡'¡i1Y 81 IJYPi1!;!;" One 'l'holwilnll Nine Hundred 'rhil'ty-'six ¡"eet 0,93\;') NOl'th of \hr>. South line of said Section 1-'ourteen (14); thence, south I-'our Hundt:cd Ninty-fout: and 'l'hrce/tc/lths Feet (49~,3'); thence, due \'lest Six Hundred Sixty Fc'et (660'); thence, North Four lI\lndrc>.d Ni/lty-four dnù '['hree/tenths Feet (~9~.3')¡ lhenc.:c, East to the polnt of bcglnlling, lnc.:luding f\lll ri~hts of revc,rler to those portions thereof ill\d of lands adjacell t thereto l\Creto [are ded icated or' concler:ll1ed faT public \Ise in the event public \lse thereof h¡w been or is Iwrei1fter quitclùirr.ed, disclaim~d, vacated or ùbanclonecl¡ and II q that part of the NorthHe"t Quarter (N\~I:.) and that part of the Sout!n'¡est Qu¡)rter (S\'¡1.;¡) of Section Foul'teen (14), 'ro~1/Iship Follrtec>.n South (l4S), Hange Tht:ee \'¡est (3\'1) of the Sixth (6th) Principal r'lerid.lùn in Saline Co\lnty, Kansas, described more particularly os follows to-wit: ' Bc>.ginni ng at ¿¡ point on' the \lest: right-or-Hay line of U. S, liigh\~ay 81 Bypa:¡s \,¡h ich point is One Thou~;dhd Uine Hundred '1'11 i r ty-si x Feet (l, 9 36 ') Nor th of the So\lth line of soid section Fo\lrteen (14)¡ th',-:"çc, North alon9 the \':cst right-or-Hay line of ~:\id U.S. Hig!l\¡ay 31 Bypa:;s a distance of ¡.;ight I!unc't'cd Fifty Feet (850'); thence, \';est Six Hundred Sj,xly Feet (660'); thence, South Eight. Hl:ndred \,'i,fty F~ct (850'); thence, East to the point of b~gil1ning, lncluding full riqhts of revel:::",r to those pot:tions thereof and of lands'adjacent thereto heretofore dedicated or condel'1ned for public use in the event public use th~!rcoL has been or is hereafter quitclaimed, disclaimed, vacated or abandoned, I, i' !: /I 1, :\ ':\ , I !l