3523 Amend Zoning Riverdale Add . MOT LATE-Ie 77-Ið v\. i'UBLICATION DATE r-eb. J 0 HEARING DATE .MARch ;2, /q¡ Lr P:t.ANNING DEPT. REVIEW 7n! J-h . 'PETITION NO. , ~52 j DATE FILED J II ¡V U t\ R. Y :?'l 1'1'7(0 , FILINGFEE $25.00 RECPT. #44S-~,.J APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP 1. Applicant's Name; Don BoLl/) - to C .-/ &)LINß 2. Applicant's Address; I ~X .:s~() (do. 1 ¿ Zip Code; 6 7 tj Û / 3. Telephone (Business); / - D3 q / (Home); '-~ -3;:)30 4. Owner's Name; ~LlnSf't Pia zA INC. 5. OWner's Address; ?LfJ? S. -SO/ria Fe Zip Code; to 7 ¿jo I 6. Legal description of proper.ty ..requested to be rezoned; Lot(.s) -=- in Block No. ) -f 2 ;~lteR~~~{51i~ l~scr~{1~*P~Platted (a Surveyor' s ce;~~~~~~~;on must be filed with this Etpplication); 7. Approximate street address; -fVJ(TOIL !DC;-. ;0/7 cli/J);!!//ût jJ!pd 8. Arèa of property (sq. ft. and/orac.res) 4, q I. Ac re¿; .' 9. Present Zoning; \, À 'r Use; 'VACfJ,DT 10. Requested Zoning: " ÙII . Use; 'lmj~~ ð:¡J~~{b L 11. Are there any covenants of record whi h prohibits t'i?e proposed development? (Attach copy); . A () 12. List reasons for this request: J3u~\'I'¡¡ KC'? Jrfl /1 d //( iry¡ /111 j)rJ /{( fÇJ~ ÛrfJO- (}}J/!J ;11i¿i().R () /J 17Þ/X) L l'J3 CY7 //} Ja !-o /} IJ/'W? . . . (Rev. 9/74) "!ø.~~~".h;",: ~:i\,I.;,¡¡ý~i,._,¡¡'j¡(~",!~;¡'.4;.';;;¡h" ,~";'~'é""."",.!¡.I;;;";;");;I¡I,,,'¿;¿'*';if¿,;;;i.:;;,,:;;. .k;';I""W~;iiL~~,""d"'W¡'¡¡;",.i¡;;;m r. 13. Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, school5, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: {I( it? ,{/ ) 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested use? / I (" '-'~ Explain: J" 15. List exhibits or plans submitted: ."' Property o~er(s) signature, .:;<'; 1~'s~f1'Þtj~. // X:Ý(,W/Oí'J Applicant's signature: i J \ , I .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized ¡ agent, please complete the following so that correspondence and ! communications pertaining lo this application may be forwarded to the i authorized individual.. ¡ ! i. I I I f i I Name of Representative: Address': Zip Code: Telephone (Business): Area Code: . -.-- -_.. .- !: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE I' Surrounding Property I' Zone Use NORTH SOUTH EAST , WEST 1: Character of the neighborB6od Relationship to Land Use Plan (Rev. 9/74) " !' "