3668 Dev Grain Belt Subdiv
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PF:TITION NO. . 3~\?'
Dl\'Pl> Ji'I,LED fr~ . ) ~;I.:i~
FILING FF:E :il:E:C!.",;>ð. RE 0 T...f!/,f£f.)
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Name of Subdivision:
Grain _Be:!.t Subdivision
Location of Subdivision:
3.. Legal Description: A tract of land located in the sj of tohe W.i2£_~~~of ~c.
36, T13S ,R3W of the 6th P.M., in Saline County, Kansas, more particularly descnbed as:
Commencing at 'the SW Corner of the Wi: of said Sec. 36i Thence East along. the South line
of said NW* on an assumed bearing of S89° 56' 2O"E a distance of 333.34 feet to a point on
the east R/W line of U.S. Hwy. al.said point being the pointof!:eginning; Thence Nóo_~'E
a distance of 29.31 feet; Thence N85°36'W a distance of 65.20 feet; Thence N38°39"W a
distance of 160.10 feet; Thence N59°45'W a distance of 69.5Ó feet;. Thence NooOO'E a distahC(
of 571.00 feet; Thence N9óoOOlE a distance of 225.37 feet; Thence NooOOIE a dis.tance of'
300.00 feet; Thence S89°56'20IIE a distance of 617.29 feet to a point on the West R/W line
of 5th Street; Thence ona curve to th,,\right having a radius of 543.00~feet, an arc
distance of 340.37 feet,~said curve having along chord of 334.82 feet and a bearing of
S17°22IE; Thence So035'W a. distance of 75.49 -feet; Thence N89°56' 20"W a di¡¡tance of"
450 .16 feet: Thence 50004'05"W a distance of 315.11' feet t.o a poi!lt on the5011th line
of the NW* of said Sectìon 36; Thence N89°56'20"W along the South line €It said NW#a
distance of 518.17 feet back to the point of beginning.
The above described tract of land contains 21.812 acres.
Land Area (sg.ft. or acres):
950.133 sq. Ft.
21.812 acres
Present Zoning:
Proposed Development (describe):
Subdivider's Name:
D. L. S!IIlpson & Grain Belt Su~~ Inc.
Address: -AU. Diamond Dr.
Salina, Kansas
Phon(,: 913-$27-4491
Property Owner's Name:
D. L. Sampson & Grain Belt Supply' Co.. Inc.
217 E. Diamond Dr.
Salina. Kansas
Phone: 913-827-4491
Engineer or Surveyor's Name:
Galen L. For¡;;y
Address: 431 N. lath St.
Salina. Kans¡¡,s
Phone: \113-$27-97]1:0
Authorized Representative's Name:
D. L SAn¡pson
217 E. Diamond Dr.
Salina. Kansas
Phone: \1J.3-$27-4491 .
familiar with all of .the
and he intends to fully
Applicant (s)