3644 Dev East Lake Estates
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G,~,2ø - 77
DATE FILED t:,;"¡S-'l'1 '
FILING FEE..Ø~5"¿¡,OO IŒCPT.ifl,(ns.J
Name of Subdivision: tA'$;"( lAlLe: t<O;.-rAêt= <;;.
Location of Subdivision: Tru\C::.¡ ItV N-e::~ S;:c. IB
Legal Description: ~ ~,,---r A.c.~
i$ It R.. 2. vJ 19F(Í¡fC<PMSi,w"aQ,
-;S.71 Åc..nÆ-5
Land Area (sq. ft. or acres):
Present Zoning: '}:- <;:;H':>&..L.T!:~AMIL.ý
Proposed Development (describe): 'S\..:Jt'" I 1Z- t~~1 y i2E~, DfSk')..TJAL
'Yíli')fDs.ì5---P ':?L-A":)J,.\'?-.-IJ U~\}EL()P/V\ ß-1\JT D\s"T,c-l('t-
.J A.IV\;ec-$ í2 VVAILD
Subdivider's Name:
ç It.\, t¡..s't 'T6&-\>UßLI C!.
J A.M"" WA.\1-0
Owner's Name: .:£, ""At>J«J rt.WA'U,
\¡IJAR-O" 5/4 Ë - (à,\,,~\!,'L.\c.
J,A.R-TA- ~c)1 So F'Q.o¡ù T
Phone: 7- 304- >?
\(.OlC>A<-1'> BAIt--r/"
N\i-'-I> "":-"" "]SAlt-fA- ,
Phone: 7-88'89
Engineer or Surveyor's Name: 10 ~4Y - A \...l.-I!:-,cJ ,
Authorized Representative's Name:
J ~'$ <[? w~
5 \ t.\- t , ìà.1f' t.I is L-l <:..
The applicant hereby certifies that he is familiar with all of the
provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and he intends to fully
comply with the - - ns therein.
-'" "
01' COVi:Nl\I~'l';" COÌ'J[)I'!'IOI~S !11m ItES'fHIC'I'IOIJS
EM;'!' I,AKf; ES'J'NI'ES l\1)\) I'nON
TillS D/:CLl\Rl\'I'ION, ¡.jade on the date heudnafter set (orth
by JiJlneS \~anl, /:leanor Nanl, Holli11d Barta i1nd I!aurine l3¡¡rta, hereinafter
referu!d to as "Declar¿mts".
I~ I 'l'N ESS¡';'i'lI:
\mI::IŒl\S, Dec] ariJnt is the solo ()\~¡)(.!L- of certain 1-,,-a1 esti1te
'described as f~llows, lo-wit:
i\ l1-¡¡ct of land located in the I\ortheast Qui1rter
of section 18, '1'O\\'nship 11\ South, Hanye 2 \~est of the
6th P¡-incipal I-Ieridianliin Si11ine County, Kansi1s,"more
p¡ll:ticularly described as fol10\'IS:
R<;ginning at i1 point 38 feet North of the Southeast
COl'ncr of Lot 7 in Haunt BarbaL-a Park j\ddition to the:
City of Salina, Saline County, Ki1nsas; thence on an
assumed bearing of N89° 29' 27" W a distance of 39.78
,feet; thence N 34° 00' 31\" \~, a distance of 297.25 feet
to a point on the West line of said I~t 7; thence along
the West line Of said Lot 7 on a curve to the right
having a radius o[ 1~00 feet and á long chord of il.52
feet and bearing òf S 12° 01' Si" I~ ¡In arc distance of
71.52 feet; thence N 83° OS' 55" E, iJ distance of
,25.59 feet; thence S 38° 1\7' 28" ¡';, a distance of
20. ~9 feet; thence S 39° 58' 50" E, a distance of ;<
44.68 feet;' thence S 26° 58' 22" E, a distance o[
39.48 feet; "thence S 20° 10' 36" E, a distance of 22.16
feet; thence S 20° 12' 35" W, a distance of 50.03 feet;
thencb S 23° OS' 13" N, a distance of 68.51 feet to a
point on the South line of I~t 8 in ~ount Barbara Park
Addition; thence ~ 89° 27' 23" W along the South line
of Lots 8 & 9 in said addition a distdnce of 403.20
fcet; thence S 1° 16' ll~ W a distancc of 278.54 feet;
l!wnce N 89° 57' 53" E a distance of 385.98 feet; thence
N 0° 00' 22" 1'1, a di~Lance of 74.29 feet; .thence N 89° "
38' 04" E"a distilnce of 191.59 feet; thence N 1° 03' 06"
I:: a diutilnce of 235.30 feet back to the point of
beqinning, containing 3.71 acres, mOl-e or less;
NO\~ 'l'IIEREl'ORE, Dccla¡:¡1nts hcl-cby decla¡:.c that al I of thc'
propel-l~es describ(~d aÌJovC? ~hall be held, solt}, and conveyed subject
to thelfollo\'linc¡ ea~;e¡nonts, restrictions, covenants,. and 'conditions,
\-Ihich are for the puq)OSC of protecting the value and desirability of,
and \-Ihich shall run ...¡ith, the ¡Cill p¡:opcrty .1I1d be bind1n<J on all pin-tics
having ilny ¡-ight, title or interest in the described properties or ¡my
pal.t lher:eof, their h(~i¡:s, SllCCCS~,O¡S anri a';~;igns, and shall inuL.e to v
f.h" h"nr.f ¡ ¡. .-.f "",oh ,-,',-"opr t.hpr<,of-