3642 Imp Nord Subdiv
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TO: The Governina (Jooy I'
City of SiJlin", l~iln~iJs
(A) 1.le, lhe lHlder5ianed, bc.dna olillers.of record of properly liilb1c fol' ilssessmenl for
lhe f 0 110\/Ì n9 III'OIlOs('d ilflprovc;nenl: _..!=.'!r:~inq! _«J..I!!!:.~rt~~_'Y(lv.i.!!2...!lnd _9!!I~i.!.I.L~L__-
J!!1 g¡¿l!i! £Li\.v_QJ1JJ.Lf rOfl S.atWJLL\.v.coue.to_tbc - :iOU tlL~ide.-!lL l~ nr.i.\l..C-.<lIl!U:@Ii~~~'-~!l~-':-.
.~i!I}H_!!rY. n~~\Ler 1 i n_e2-.. ~0_2.eI.Y~- ~o !_!-,_~l ~_~_.!..._~n~~t..- r,~~,:~)~~~._~~!,_: -
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iïër'êbTpï'õï1Ošê-ÜïÙ--~u-êíl-illipro-v-eme,ïC b-~--¡'~(fë 'iõ-TIíë--líi,,-nnerpr-oÿTded biï\r{î c e 6ä-~
Clwptel' 12, of the Y.i1I1SiI:> Stillutes ^llIIot"ted, liS òmenoeo,
(B) lhe '.!stil~illed or probilble cost of such improvC'nõcnt is .Forlv-one_thousanl'~ eiflht -
bull.d.J:C.d- nill~ lbLCc. i)!td_l.ifl:L.çenl~~- -'-- hu__- ---( $~ l_!.?2.~:"§'O_- __n_~
(C) The extent of the proposed il~provcrr.(>nt distl'ict to be ilssesscd is as indicòlec.l on
lhe altilcheo plat ano is described liS follo~s: Lot 1, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2 and
a portion of the South-hillf of the Southeast Qüarter of-S-eClTOOZo;lOilllShlP 11\-
-Šoyih.~J3~nïïCTlÏr-ee~Î!ê-s t__oJ- -ih-ë --Š i £t~~-Y!.!n~_~fiÏr .~~ri òìãn ~==.~~-~-=--==~-~-=--~
- ----..--' - n- .----_u_-----.---
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. (0) The proposed method of "š~esslr('nt 'is:__{\dtu..sted fronL!~~~~.~~:.~---------
-----..--.---..----..---- ------- _. ---- ------. u_-- ___on.
(E) The proposed ¡¡ppOl'tion~lcnt of costs bet\(~('n the Ìl-lprOVC¡r.ent distl'Ìct ¡¡lId the city
at l¡¡r£e is ---- percent (-.7.2...%) to be> i1S5oCS"co against the Ütprovement district
and --- u percent L.12- ~) to be pzliò by the ci ty ill lðl'ge.
(F) I':e further propose thè\t such improve~~ent b~ made Hithout notice ilnd heilring as
l'equÌl'cd by K.S.A. 12-GilO!¡(I) il5o anended.
" !
,- ----¡¡õ-ïiiiñ:~ náÿ-lic líítiiélrãw;1 Trof'l (hIs ïJëì.Tfiõn-ifterU---'j
the - Go'¡el-n i 119 £lcdy C~~lences. ceos i de~'~ ti on? f . the petition
rOi: liltCI: thi!P. SC':('l1 ~7) dass a! (,or t'II5o P('~'I t 101, he'S t.ern
fIled \111.11 the C1ty Lled,. (I,_S,A_, 12-GòO'i)
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Respectfully sulJ.'1Ìtted bY__,,2:£ ~~, 2t.():j...c¿Jlù-~_-
Telephone lIumber 7-7) S-4
--- -...-
Propel'ty G-..;ned
14ithi n proposed
.!.!:p.!l!'yrr~e_n_L.!.J i 50 tri c l
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Time of
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Individuslly and as attorney-
in-fact for all of the Hallerius
'x: Children . ( ,
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