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3720 Protest Zoning KWU
P~:TI'l'ION NO~ --~------- DATE FTJ.ED __-"L.J.î-U-.flil- /. . PItO'l'ES'I' PETI'l'ION CI'l'Y OF SJ\I,U/A, KANSJ\S SEC'l'lON I 'I'he undersigned, ol.merl> of real estate located l.¡Ìthin 200 feet. of pro(~erty proposed to be rezoned, protest the proposed change of zoni nCj for property described in peti ti~n n~, zóÍ1e c}wnCje from ---.¡j(.:J----------- to -- -I~2~¿~4- located at tn, .':L~- f" ./22-<., .",H ~V;7,dL /J ¿""","-~ ~~ -" :.- -#~j/~c;~~~LIc!df)'r.L.¿~4L<J:,r ~,f . ¡ J (.I 'J (c:/ ¿cuT!; /V/,,!-, ~c,/:f"¡1'./ . I f, / ¡ SECTION II - Protcl>tor(s)' '. I Property Owned I l-~ete5 and 13öunds description I or i !nock (-~"L J\ddi_t:ion I -~4~.£.£D-r- r2f' /",/J .2-2~>x( I' .2r~\~4t;~{. f? -71V(!11 1.!.L- :iì, ilL_,7t7!( ¡;A'~~- ~Øfl.~tr 4-~=; I//€ ~~ --- ¡/';V{?¿?;¡ Á' --- /1 -:tfrÞ~-- '#J%L-~~ ~/- ^ $1;~ /t:~~~/ÿ-:; ~¡:;¡,,/--:,'~~:~~-- -- Signat\lre(~;) I .: '-/2Iy-/.J'~~'< ~~. . --- E} /(..~-~.<;L---1J~~~,,~EL- u - -,' J,otJs) - - - ----- ----- - -- ------ --- ---- --- ---- -- - --- ------- --- , - u ------- -------_u- - ------ ---- ------ ---- - --- ----- --------- ------ - -- ---------- ------ l\CKNO\~I,EDGHEN'l' .' S'l'J\TE OF KANSAS) ) 55. SALINE COUNTY) " 'I'he' foregoing instrument \~as i1cknowlcdged before role this I, - -- 22nd..- day of - ---_Ju 1y -- --- ----' 19 _1L-J by (1 ist each pe r50n Ii acknO\~ledgeù) - ...xhYl U~_Il.c!:1}(I_~I.\_d Er.D.c..§.LJ3grndt-- ;. ,..'" "... "",~" (ULI.";-,'"" /~)~?¿'~'Ä';;:;~';'>" - - ---- -' : \, ;', - ¡o,: " . ,. : " ", \ (,: <. c' ".' :' f" \.- .' " _~'¿é¿,-~(~{¿/~ ---- Suc Fuller- Not~~ Pub] ic ------------ --- -- ------ -- ------ ------_u- Hy cÖnunisSlon bxpires: -,-.y~_~£_uary..1~ 1980! --- --- . EACH SIGNl\'fUIŒ IUS'!' 13E i\CI:No\~l,E()GE() Additional statcmenU. of ac!;nO'..¡led<jrn-:mt !\lay be aU.acheù and made i1 pi:1rt ot this petition as necessary. L U'_~'I. ,)(7'¡~' I I, ,. I ¡ I'