3711 Protest Zoning Minneapolis " , l'E'l'I'rION NO. :5 7 " I>1\'l'E I'll,En ---"j~-~-d.-L3~ PROTEST P~YITION Cl'YY m' SJ\I,INA, KANSAS Ii SEC'rION I The undersigned, O\~ner:s o[ real estate loci\ted \Úthin 200 feel:. I' of property proposed to be re~oned, prolest the proposec}, change o[ , z7ð~~'.~ ~oning [or propèrty described in pcti Lion ~-ione change from ,,/?- ' - I:.~. -,---_£=-~~---_._-- locatc~ at~_31' ._3n"-_£..~ ¿li~~},=~"L --- ----- .' ---- ------ -- SECTION II - protestor(s) property O'o'Ined Metes anãïl30unds description or Block,<_~.L !iddi':i~~ Signature(s) Ì}ó/i~ ~" j2~J:f---- I.otJ s t - 3.L-- .fM~t.~- ~- :--- - I -$-2-----~-~ ,< \ :=-=~t_~~ ,~~__~K ~j 4:~(',1 Ii ' =--==---=--=----=-~- - -- -- \ I ! \ i I I I \ I' 'I l I I i I ¡ - ------ --- ----- --- - -- ---- -- -- - ----- ------- .. ' --- -------------- - -------- .-- - -- --- -------' ----- ------ ---- - - -- --------- .---- " --- --------------- .-- ---- -- - - --~---- ----- -- -------- , -------------- -------- ---- _u_- ------ ; ,J ------- ----------- ----------------- --- --- ACKNO\~LEDGHENT ST~TE OF KANSAS) ) SSe SALINE COUNTY) \ I \ The foregoing instrument \~as acknO\Üedged before me this _¿?ÛP'-!... ~ay of -~-----.-~' 19# j,by (Ust eacb pc "on aCkno~~~~,~ed) ~~~ \ 1£ /(t?I-:L:L._---------- ---- -- - -~- Ä~~"~':f'~---------- -c---- ---- ---- --' p ','--- Oí^nr\ . . - , \ \ '. , : ':«. ,,04 . '-"'¡':',f'"\\c:' " v -, I) 1\ - (/ ," . ,.' . Hy é:òJTimij¡g iòn expires: 1':-~A-/ld¥ j,~,.-i2¿Ç~---------- \ --- ~4( '.LL_.;.~ LLLLd../ - - ----- 7- NOlill::fkpublic . . EACH 51 GNA'î'LJIĊ’ IIUS'r BE ACKfjO\'JLI';[)G~;[) ----- Additional stùlemcnU¡ of ad;nm,¡lcdqra'enl m"y be attùched and made a part of this petition as necessary. (K"'f. ']/7,1) \' I' 1: "