3696 South Salina Park '^~^ "'^O^~^'Nd"'^"'^d:!^"" "yn""'T' Filed: April 11, 1978 vIe, the people of South Salina, having seen designers of the Pagel South Salina Park, strongly support the plan. A South Salina park is defin- itely needeàLiJ.'Y1d >'Ie would request the as rapidly as feasible. A Positiye Petition and Request for the South Salina Park PETITION NUMBER 3q96 We wish to publicly express our appreciâtion fo~ the quick action of the city government in implementing the park once "as approved ana, their concern for our tax dollars in not wasting m6ney on expensive studies and coJ])j )ittees. It is also requested that the remaining hedge row be removed as soon as possible. The present hedge overall design of the park. It tree species be planted in the which is coJ])j )on to the area. rmv is unsightly and will not fit into the is requested that one or several of this nature area to represent the osage orange, lIDDRESS w'}W'. ""I', "'i7J"'I"""""J"?i T W' ¡W," ~ ""' for and Request South Salina Park PETITION NUMBER 3696 Filed: April 11, 1978 Page 2 A Positive We, the people of South Saline" having seen plot of the South Salina Park, strongly support the A Salina park is def itely needed and we would request the be expedited as as feasible. We ,lish to publicly eXpress our appreciation for the quick action of government implementing park once it \vas approved and their concern for our tax dollars in not money on expensive studies and needless committees. It is also that the remaining as possible. The present hedgerow is row be removed as soon into overall design It is one or several of tree species be planted in the nature area to represent the osage orange, which is common to the area. A Positive Petition and Request for the South Salina Park PETITION NUMBER 3696 Filed: April lì~4978 Page 3 lie, the people of South Salina, havin¡; seen the designers plot of the South Salina Park, strongly support the plan. A South SÐlina park is defin- itely needed and we \1Ould request the progress be expedited as rapidly as feasible. We ,,¡rush to publicly express our appreciation for the quiek action of the city in implementing the park once it vJaS approved and their dollo:rs in not wasting money on expensive studies and needless conunittees. It is also requested that the remaining hedge row be removed. as soon as possible. The present hedge row Is llilsightly and v¡ill not fit into the overall design of the po:rk. It is requested that one or several of this tree species be planted in the n3:cure m:es to repres6nt the osage orange, which is conunon to the area. NlIME JlJJDlJJi:SS CJ ;WJl{èð J~v.~,. ' ~. '7 £:'. .. ? -!~-~ /2 LÌ -~(,Jf&l'\:-;;~:L - ~,-T\---~;~-----"""-'f~f. 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We ,<ish to publicly' express Ollr appreeiation for the quick action of the city gove=ent in implementing the pa:rk once it I<as approved and their concern for Olll' tax dollars in not 'lasting money on expensive studies and needless committees. It is also reQuested that the remaining hedge rol< be removed as soon as possible. The present hedge rol< is tlDsightly and ,áll not fit into the overall design of the park. It is requested that one or several of this tree species be planted in the nature urea to represent the osage orange, which is common to the m:ea. ~¡iIJI[['] ADTIRl':SS , . '- . -,--~-~.f~--- .. : u' - . ------_.._~.â..g_!L..W~._.- ~- .. 4_______.._._-_.2Þ...£¿If:¿J--]lß,~, .. . .."..,..,.-.... ... 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