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3683 Vac West Side Ohio St
):::, , ?, 2. :: Î.: 2' Ii PUlllOil IlUt1ߌ ,__-",1?_g,3___----- Dale Filcd ___~1 ~l.!b~~i?J- ': TO: lhé GoverniWI Dody, City of Salini!, Kan$as. We, the undersigned, being residents and property mmers in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable hody for .----------------------- i -- .' The vacation of an existing frontage road on the west side of Ohio Street between Cloud Street and Schlppel prive, In exchange for \'/idcning the existing \:est right-of-\/ilY of Ohio Street from thirty- five feet (35') to fifty feet (50') and restrictinq all access on thc l1est side of Ohio Street betl/een Cloud Street and Schippel Drive to the locations shoun on Exhibit "n", The existin~ right- of-way conditions along Cloud Street and Ohio Street are shown on Exhibit "II". 'I R~:P':.l" :11 ,"b':' "'d 'b1'~_- ~: fm~«(l;{(~.,,=~l:- I 7 Telephone lIumber:____- ---,------ . . -- ---... IIN.lf ADDRESS ------ - - - ---- - -- - - ---- -- ---- -..--_uu -------- ---- ----------- ..- -------..- ---------..-- ---- -- ----- - ---- - ---- - - ----- -.- ---- - - ---- ----- - __h_-- -- _'_00 ..------- - - ------- -- - --------- ------------...--- -- - -- ------ ------_u_-- -- ----- -_.. --- ---- - -- - --- - -- --- - u ------------ --- ---_._-_u_- ---- ---- ------ ------ .- --- - -------- ------ ----. ------ --- - -- ----- ----- - --- - ------.--- ----- - ---- ---- ------------ ------ - - ..----- - - ----- -- - - .. ----- - ------ ------- ------ - ..------ ------------ u U ---------_u_-----_u- -- - -- - -- --------- - - -------- -- ------- - ------ ..-- - - ---- ----- - u _._--------- ---- -______00- ----------- - -- - ---- ----------- ----- -------- - __d- ---- -- - ---- --- -------.-------------..------- - --- ----- ----- - ----------------- -- ..---- ------ ---h___- - ----- ----- __n- -- --- ----- ---- u -.--- ------- --- -- - ------------ ---------- ---- --.------ - -- ---- - ------ ----. . ..- ------------ ---_u ----- - ------ - -- ------.---- ---------- ------ ------ -- -.. ------.. -- - -.---_u --..- - _____n - ___n -. --- __n - - - -- ----"-"- - --..-"-- --.- - - -- - -- --- --- - - .----- -- ------ ----- ---------- (. <. ' : Ii ,. , I i , - - \ \ , I I I I I I I I , I. \ . ! H I. c. CLOUD ¡, 9 ID ~, " STREET 10 \I ------ --- 12 '0 0 9 --------- . i, 13 "0 0 9 .-- ------ -- !, 14 w ø ~ z "~ 0 N 0:: 9 LL ---- ------ DRIVE '0 ID SCHIPPEL ._n_-------- --- ---- '-l EXHIBIT "A" ".. ---------- --. , ' \ l- F w W 0:: 1-' (j) -- 50'" 22~ .2A'-~ . ...13' .t¡~; .0 I 0 N' "'~60' Ii "j " <. " CLOUD ~ STREET 'w .. r - ---_u_--- --150"-----'------1 ~ 7/7'/7l~~ _n ?,--Y/77/7/7J7, - L EtlT. 9 II 13 l- w w 'oc l- (J) 12 ---- I, SÇHIPPEL I' - ------,----,- \' ,', 14 0 II 0 " DRIVE '0 '"' ,- h, -- - , .. -- - , --" 'l" f.,)\~~IRII uB~' l- N 1"=60' , v ///1 ~¿¿~~cTEr c. ') I'