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3682 Dev Western Hills
10. ;'c~'V' ,,' """"',~,,' PETI'l'ION NO. ~/, n DA'l'E FILED b?3>,?, /97r--- FILING FEE ~>oa.. HECP'l"#~ APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION 1. 2- Name of Subdivision: Western Hills Location of Subdivision Legid Description: 3. feet: Thence SOQ18'59"B. a,distlilloe Qf, 1091.08 feet: ThenceS89Oll'20"W, adista;:¡çe of, 383.28 feet; Thence SooOO'OO"E. ä distà11ce of '540.00 feet; 'fhenoe S90000'1>I, ,g, 2istanoe of, 936.98 feet; Thence NO022'52"E. a distance of 1438.27 feetbaok to the point of beginning. -------- --~----"~ 4~ Land Area (sq. ft. or acres): 40. '5154 Acres 5. Present Zoning: Hesidentb1 6. Subdivide five acre 7. Subdivider's Name: Address: lJem¡jngtoll" 8 . Property Owner's Name: 488-3344----'0- Address: Phone: ill 9. Phone: 913 ~~¡;~~ Authorized Representative's -------- Address: Phone: ., ('< :i I PUITION #3682 ¡; Limbo, Inc. (Carmen Trehan) HEQUEST ME^ Preliminary Plat of ,-_v-~-==--,:,.G:!~ 1\/.1'1.",.. ~:cslern lIills Subdivision 001 I ï!J.}'.\,}..",.->4t ' .' 'F~oìV':::;~- \! , ~..t- - -- - ~"l~-.=~:)- ~~ .L. -,' , , /-. ~\(¡ '{: ~. ri' :' /f.~.. ~ = '-;j;;~ ~ ~:~ ....~ "'=-J1W!'-1;:a""cl=~-:::"--'Ol,=A\~' ~;::-":'IC=X:" '},.:.'f.';:;,j,.\ .~' \ 'i II ,'I ,';,r;:'~' ,~'" ......\ Ii I:; " 0 ,,' rt:ìj' 2~ 25 Jl- 30.,~ 29 ,":: 28 ~\lL,;?([~~ LJ ,~. , ',Û ,; '~\'I", ¡':';:-'\~;; rj':-.r'\\x.:u=-J"-'t:.:_" =-=-::';'-- 3~=-:.-;'~:'~':'_-:'=-\-:'.,L"",/\,..I"_,..=_::""-,~.:"."".I"'-'.','),~"." \\..\! . " " " . , . ." ..Úi\;\!»~;:'1~/::::j,;" I (\. r. J6 31 '. ~....3?>t'.. ";..'¡.'.'.'.'..3.3.:":'.'.~.':'.".'3..4..'~'...".'" I ~ " .,. .~ \ ' \'.y <;/\i.,(';';¡,'\ l,<~~- '(-':~ ""' 'Z~: - O,",~-ZIK ~~'~.i~<,-'-~_\~_:;-'_.._:_K__'_:.'-;_.'~-;-':::~_"'-~ \. . \ ,U ~ ..., tI;.;':,~¡ ",:~:",:,':',r ;':.>,;" \3 . 2 1 '""I 6' t . 5 " ;(\: ;f':;;',;.:--.:"i~';i ~'O j~= I =~=~- == r=-l ,___~JL~:::::~ -L \.""\r . ~I . ..-.' ~.2 '~\::.'.'."_'~l"!) -;'~--'\_\-'9--.'-'"-I? : \\\... :=,.'~,<';t '.",'\' ,'. '?,-\\'~ \.", ,"." ,',.. .,6-= ,. ~/ ~~~tÓ Ñ 13~ =~~t7~S~ÞcA~ .to~-. '\,~ 0 C C, ,~=~~~~i'?O -g.~~ , "Q';?'Iìt9 :4j ""'",: \ 2,4 ~~:;\';Ÿ~~,'~, k~S¿o "',J~~~,"' , , ", ~\~ II " " t í~ Y ,"^\~~I':~~) " , lI".,.-".,(::~,':,-:l........, <, ",' N t; !\ /;.' "