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3678 Amend Appendix B
( \0 " I'LTITIOII UUt.III[H -. _--~&.7j__- ()ðle filed __~1'V>'.~i'_~_\3.. JJ_Ü'... TO: Thl' Governi 11<) nody, City of Sðlinil, l:illIsas. He, the ulldersi<jlled, beill!) residents ðnd property OIlners in the City of Sill i nil, I:allsðs, do hereby pet it ion yollr honorðb 1 e body for _~'!!1_9_'?-C!ldr1~!I!_.!o£_~I'1'~~d ix ,~L- _~I}~ Ji1l!!.!l~_Ç~~l_~<: t ion _~_Fl_lIal..I2<1.~l'_'!~P:'IE.!..g!_'?l'J.!..~~ul\ly_C.!~~2~1- C i tY~!s!.LÇ£!!:!::- :1 ' f lea Ie '!~- f ollo~~~:.~ d.o__I~creby~cr I_!.£): _~at J. her..':. ~.r:_,=-~~l_~!~~ellt genc~a 1 taxcs, no ~~.!~_!:.~~!:.~.!~d tax<:.~_'!~~..!_c.~!'mablc__~_~x 5alc_s_~_~~~~~~L()!~.?-_~~!ld- lIcllld~!~_thc I' J.?!.'!.~.:'~__--__---- ----.- -------- - ----,.- - - - -- _!~----------- ------. ----. Respectfully ~'ubmitted by:__- _lq,l~I!._\l-,-flizc ------- --.._--- ---------- Telephone Uunher:_- 8?)-632? - ------- Æ?Nt.f-'E ADDRESS ' l(/-t{J- ;lfi~ ---.------..- i~~&-;f ß~/-_; --'S~t~<~ '<;~- -- , !..~.=~~~uu--~-- --~u - .~~~~~-~..=- -~---= uu_- ..._n_n. u~-,- u . _u- u_' _u_-' ~ --- ------ ------ ---------_u-- --------- - - ------------- --- -------- -------- -- - ------------------------- --------------- - ----.------ - - -______n ----- m ----------- --- - ------ ---______n----------------- ------------- ------------ ------ ------------------- ------- ------ ...-- ------------------ --- ------- - ---- -- ------- --- ..- --- ------ ------ to ----______00----- ------ ----- -- ---- ---- - ------. --- ---- - --- ------ - --- --- --- 0__---- -------- ---------- - ---,-- --- ------- - ---- - ----- ---- -_.._-- - ---- --------- ---- - --u- -- ------ --____n_- -------- -- ---- -- - ------ - ------ - ------- ------------ ----- ---- ---- - - -- ~-- - ,---------------------------~- --------------- ------------ --- ---------- ------ ------ -- ---- ----- ------ - n --- -------------- ---- -- ----- (, _U_n --.----- - ------------- --.-:::;';~~_':'---------'- ... _m -- - u_-- - ---- ---- -- -- un ------- ,---------------------------------- ...----- - ---- ---- ------ - --- ----- m ,,------ ___.nu- - -----------------'-- _.,--,------ ----...- -- -0- _u----_u - - _un__- - ---- ----- . uO - --- ------ - ----- -_U_---- _U_------------ --- ----- u- n- - uO" ----- __H ____h__-- --u_-, ----- ----- _n__- u_. u... --- - --.---- ------- - ----""u_-- n_UWP---_." --- -,._------,-- - -'" -.--- --,,-_u_--------- -----.u_-----.-- ----------- i' 0\ .'J I "", "