3677 Imp Riverdale Add (, , PilI! 10:1 1:1):-:\\11:, ,..:}¿,7 7.. " I }.1l(~ tilcd JCY"""Q 11...t'l1L ---' 10 :llie (;OVClïlÌ II~) Body Ci ly or Sill il1<1 , I:"nsas (1\) I:e, th(~ lllIt)el'siuncd, h:~ill!i ú',;¡H',rS of record of prú l;~"ty liahl(~ 1.(11' ¡¡ssessl';elll'fur the follu'.IÌIIU lroposed ilfprovcl1:<'lIl:.. C~) ¡~,r,e~c_~lI_rb:¡,n.~.gll.~l_Iè~' -----" p~V~"!!?L__---- , ~_l!>rl!lnd r<!J!!,<:!z.C..L,§çýl_C~ .;\11<.1 _llillCLloprovc[Wnl g - for - Westchester...\vc, between-- Oh 10 -- -- , ..-- ,~I¡,I ~o<:!çILS~n~ç,ts.., .,:rh~s('.lrrprpvcmcnls--ar('- fa\'. tlui l>cllc£it;..of..tho adjoining-.., ,- -- ,--- _l'!,!>pcrJ.!~?_----"_..----..__.._..- .. --..--.." ~'_mu.. --_u..- ___,n_'-- __.._00""-- --..-.-" d- 'Iíel"di~, pröï)osc-ití,íf síjdïii;:tír,(ív-('in'e-'ÎClîèï;i:lile 'ú¡ tΣ ii;¡ltlrll;¡' -,Ïi-ö-Ÿìí.I(.(IÌJÿ/\rT id-èht,¡;: C"¡¡ ltC'" 12, of the l:ilIISi1S St¡¡ltlles ^nnoliitcd, 'its ¡¡l:\cl1llctl. (II) The eslitnilled or III'ohable cosl 01 such il'lprovetncnt is âl~Jllllldrc.d_ai!lhLthousand___- ,.ei.gllLhumJr.cd lve.nt.,y-e i9hLand- fiflv/JflO-- 0- ,- -.. -- ---. ,.10--8.828.,50 - ---,------ -- - _J (C) The extent of the proposed illlPI'ovciI;ellt district to he assessed is ilS indicilted on the iltlached plat ¡Illd is described as folloò'/S:,Ihe.no.r.th:.halLOLB.lod.s_..J_illld 2.,_-_--- _Hi.'{_e}'daJ!LMdi tj,Q!L aJI,L~ar.U~J _S~):y'~.QJ::'-~ _tl.~j:_Jl<.l'-!!.?_L.9_Q.?criÞQ~...2.~_fQ1J.Q~~~!!L- ?9.!1.!-l¡-_h_aJL of _.!!lg, _ea?Llll_§5LJeGJ..QtJ.Jle UQ!:Jh!'o.a~LlllL3rt.~:"Q.f. ~1!ç-~Q\!~!1e2s_LlliJ~rt~!.- P. t -~£ t j Q!1_ß-- J.9IJILslljp _.11... ~Q\! th_L R~ 1!9 e ..:LllçsJ:- _QL~jL(L.ÞJ:_h- Y.-'!J,,-...!Q_!!!ç - ÇgL~ f. -~~!l1~-' Saline County, Kansas. -- . The proposed method of assessl:lenl is:,_Il<U,!s.~~~--J.r_~'1..t__f.o.QJ:a~I.~--__-----------_._---- . (0) oo----..------- 00_-- ------ ---- ____h.' - ------ ------ ----------U_-------- ...-----..-" I The proposed ilpportionment of cosi~ bet\'l,een the ilnprovcment 'distdct ¡HId the city at large is DiD~iYpercent t_~9%) to be' assessed ilgainsl the ill1prove;¡¡ent district and - t~lL percent C~O -~) to be paid by the city ilt larue. (F) lIe further propose that such ;~lptOOVement be milde I/ithout notice ilnd hearing as required by K.S.^. 1?-GaM(1) as amended. (E) Ii . tOO- ----r:ò-ïí5:.r.ë-- ~~-ãy¡í~wi thdï:ãÎ~Îï-Úom-tlíis-l)ël¡Tion-~1fieï;---'- _1 the Governin9 IJody CO;Ju;ences cO,nSidet'ation of U.Ie pelition Ot' later than seven (7) days after this petition has ueen filedl.JiththeC,ityClerl:. (K.S,^.,l?-(jaO1) " ' ,,--- -- u--------"-" -------------- --------._u....--------.. -- --) . J * Respectfully sub:.titted by____- {~,!,'-¡/'-:~(~:':L' -------"------__~___H Properly Manage~,_Sllnset Plaza, Inc. Telephone Uu;¡'h(>I'___82~:6J_~L_.. . n_----"'- (:~'I .s_i..9.I.laJ:.l!.r(~ Residence - -"-'-- ----- Date and Time of .5..i9!li 11.9, 10:00 --a.IJ. , ,? M~L_!97L_- Property Ol.med Within proposed ) .!'1p'rov_e~_n~.Di $..l!:.tc~- Property Manager, Sunsci Plaza, Inc. :' - --~;-/-=,-~ ~.. - J- m -¡1,8 -S-;-"S-"ota -t;ë- .:;7<1< --)"'C"- -A<=:?{tY. _¿:.-ø-" .2.01- ~;~ee~~~:y -- S.~_attacl1c~Ld[a\lings-_- '-IO:ÕO~.[1. m ---- - ---- ,~Ha:LJ'U? __SlI_rv,c.YQI:'l' Plat NQ,_?L- _u_- ---- - ----~- _u -'----..--..----- , ---- --" -.. --- - . -- - --..- - - _u -- -- ---------- - - ------------ -- -..- .. .--'-------- --- ----------.------------- -- -- _..-- __H'_-- d -------- --------- -. ----- ------- ---------------------------- . ~ on - u_- h---- .. ---------------.------ !; -- - - --- .--- - -..- - ,-- .-- ---- n_---" - . ' d - -..--- --p ---- , , " .."-- ---.. .. ---' . .. - .. ,- . _h' _H (. *Please contact Wilson b Conpany, Ralph B. Ricklefs 827-9325 or 877-04)3 :' . II ¡ I i .