3747 Dev Wheatridge Petition No. Date Filed Filing Fee uù Recpt. ¿'67~ .J$. 10. 11. -,--------_._---- ------- APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION Subdivision Name --1Jl1If'//-T(lt7:/JG-F Subdivision Location (General)AJQ,,¡I-Jí o+$chi/I/"'r ffO) /1)(>...+ tfDrq t!..eæk:..¡ .ç-t:t/li'f tÆ A1'&c.~/r",,-J. Legal Description (Attach Addit-ional ,Sheets.if Necessary)- , . 1. 2. 3. .se~ ¡.;¡. í'tþ. ¿h 4 4. 5. Land Area (sq. ft. or acres): 7/,I,S" At_"'....::.; Present Zoning Æ!-L 6. Describe the extent and nature of the Development 2-I2J2 ------------------- -.-----.- -- 7. Drainage Study (Describe general effect and attach study) ~ e e. 4-'t- t-a.c>h e J- 8. 9. SubdividerJš Name /J1 k .o~{/e-I"/11/y18rt+(1()Wl-j?ai't-'f Address 166 /f¡rJeP--Pt$(J.< Sed;",," ká"S:a5 Phone g¿£""~è¡4 7 , i PropertyOwner.'s ,Name ..1-1- ¿K~;/~IJ",J.IIIf:a-el(','ah¡ -:¡;~G. I Address j(Pt Jl-1/'k::':>--U.G45 I SiÆ 1;",-,-,-~ç.<k5 Phone- Engi nee\" or Surveyor's Name fj'", r),¡e Ir lUJ ill/"", Address ~Or hJ. ; }1!J>ft:j Sa/;VlC< kêtH c",;; Phone gz 7 -3¿O.s . I Any Other Representative's Name Address Phone The applicant hereby certifies that he is familiar with all of the provisions of the Salina Subdivision Regulations and intends to fully cò'mp'l:y."w;j;hthe provisitlns therei n. Applicant(s) Signature .~ç?~ Date .3 -'-j- 7-2- Date (Rev. 2/79 LEG^I, DESCRI P'j'IO~ \'I!IEl\'I'IUDGE ^D )J'rTOtI ^ tract of land situated in lhe S~i of Section 35, 'l'ownship 14 South, nange 3 Nest of the Sixth Pdncipal "Ieridian, Saline County, Kansas, more particu]arly de!;cribed as follows: !' Com.'11Cncing at a chiseled square lI1ar};ing the southwest corner of said Section 35; thence easterly on éln ilssumed bearing of, N 90°00' 00" 1-: along the south section line of silid Section 35 a distilnce of 132.20 feet to il point; thence N 0029'04" W a distance of 51. 50 feet to the point of intersection of the north right-of-way line of Schilling Road élnd the east right-o[-\,w,y line of the "Iissouri Pacific Hailroad and said point l.Jeing the' POIN'r OF 13I::GINllItJG; thence continuing N 0°29'04" \~ illonlj the east right- of-way line of the Missouri Pacific Hililroad a distance u'f 1577.50 feet to a point 1629.00 feet north of the south 'section line of said Section 35; thence N 90000'00" E illong a line 1629.00 feel north o~,and parallel to the south section line of said ~ection 35 a dis- tance of 1618.44 feet to a point 1750.00 feet east of the west section line o[ said Section 35; thence S,,0027'43" E along a line 1750.00 feet cast of and para]lel to the west section line of said Section 35 a distance o[ 250.00 feet Lo a poinL 1379.00 feet north of the south section Une o[ said Section 35; thence N' 9'0°00' 00" F: along a line 1379.00 [eel north ot and parallel to the south section line o[ said Section 35 il distance of 443.78 feet; thc~ce S 21°24'45" \-J a distance or 256.&7 feet; thence f, 0°00'00" 1-: a distance of 73.00 r(~et; thence S 90°00'00" \'1 a distù.nce of 54.00 fe(~t; thence S 0045'14" E a distance of,152.01 feet; then'èe S 80]8'37" E a distance of 179.89 feet; thence S 11°23'21" \-J a distance of 283.58 feèt; thence S 28047'38" E a distance of 149.48 feet; Lhence t; ,8011'35" I:: il distance of 361.65 feet; thence S 75°06'58" E a distance of 311.45 feet; thence S 59045'11" E ù. distance oi 243.]9 teet to a point on the north right-of-\-¡ay line of Schilling Road and said point being 51. 50 feet nOl:th' of the south secUon line of said Section 35; thence S 90°00' 00," \-J along a line 51. ~O feet north of and parallel to the south section line of said Se~tion 35 a distance of 300,99 feet; thence N 0°13'57" \'1 a distance of 10;50 feet to a point 62.00 feet north of the south section line of said Sect:ion 35; thence S 90°00'00" N along ù. line 62,00 feet north of and parallel to the south section line of said Section 35 a distance of 759.89 feet; thence S 0°00'00" E a distance of 10.50 feel to a point 51.50 feet north of the south section line of said Section 3~; thence S 90°00'00" Halong,~ line 51.50 feel north of and parallel to the south section 1 ine of said SecLion 35 ¡¡ distçtl\ce of 1751.34 feet t-o the POINT OF 13EGINNJNG. i' The above described tract containing 71.650 acres, more or less¡ and being subject to ill1 easemqnts, reservat.ions, and restrictions of record. " j; " I I, ' c. " Ii