3797 Protest Zoning Meadow Lark \' , ' PETITION HU"'.BER --_3'1:LL - ----_u- Date filed :¥!..:~,-'. ,l~, \'1'1:.<:'-.- TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. , We, the unders i gned, be i n'J res i dents and property o;~ners' in the C ily of Sa I i na, Kansas, do hereby petit ion your honorab I e body for -~~':._purpose .?f_.e.?'pr~:.;son~. ()~~ .' opposition lo the rezonil1ß of the residential zoned p'roperty a t 9th & Magnolia Street to ----- _u -- - --_u----- ---- --ro-r-------- , connerc1al zon~ng, l'1ultl-fanly, a~~in~!e fa¡:¡lly zoning ~ the purpo~.e of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. ------- ., " -------- -- - - ---- ------- --- . ell 'N~A-w'< / (~[J', ~ Respectfully submitted bY:(~,Ú ' ',~~(./¡.._-~j --- ---- Telephone lIulTber:...-JJ-L.~ 3 .) .2_3-'" , :: NAME AODRESS - -- --- -- .-- -- --- --- u____h- - -- ----- _on -';id~._~¿.iLcvl~( --u_-------- - - ~.'FI50 I),¿~,¡jl_j!-Út.~{ - /~¿/f6cÙc4- /tï.~ff<~/.d-4(q":_L'.- u ?//.iLcL//~a:ße -P,-f, /~-eLL-::,~_.- ~<d{L (J. J!,.,'- &/1jc.., - -- /f n- - .,1¿<.-,LV'C~ A'o- d<._¿u~ c~~:;:i}/~12tl?L' :'u t¡ jL1;;¡f~~:( 'JJJ~- ' . ~Ú..,!/ /}JI---4.ct.uJu ___no: _1 -'l...1-hrLlL£L.,T ;.:>t-~-"'--E{' .. -J)~&LJR- X6r1/&L_~,--- ,- ¡'- Ú~~ / ,g,I1~..:<- ----- ~ ': : /- /þ I~ ' - U ' &.:? ~ d.'1 /,¿ 1M/", "2,;f¿,,"" ~-!/i(:¡¿/LL rIC"¡f'~l.o----_. --. --- 5j/¿ ,_p/.d,p.œ:.t..-.. .¿,~r-'~L~ '::,.}'¡; ,; '?f::,¡ ,-J7 'J.. r/ .?J ,,' /)'- I ! ~ ' // ' /1,.,( -i~:5 '~Jf!-.-"<- --- !_u2...á:..¿~-.L.J/r.:.£_¿:... 7u;¡. _?d'&L::{~~ Z ;.." ,,' 't'~' 'I.." ..1'/. -- / t' "j ;/:'££.} l.tkfl{ - Qe.£. .. ,.[jCL~¡; '7t1 c72:k~ '! - - _..  1/ r-j , j~..t~..-<, -I---~j~? ,-,f.:-,,¿<~-.>.._- ; 5ø ¿¿ ',;~~J..1/~J/ t/4-07 2.../_/_,-::'7' ;~,,¿£Y~d .211:(j ;:t.ttø!Ì::f<~ . / ~-, ;:~ f/,d-7L?.2~; '.?-- ?~ y. -4~~.;h':"/d /)' ---- ------ i .l~;; ~/( :~.. --6'" ~k'râ /rnc_L--I - ----':_u -:2.:J..J....i 1'Yl6-"n~t'7 (I Çl ¡ ~j . -:::)_C. ,;) "/d .. . ,. ~&cþ; '. ' ;~ ;~ .. >!~/<c;;~., /r'1 -..-..--- , "~~A;~:" :;~J :4, ¿¿"Xi, J -- ~~) ~ "S: ¿ ~:Þdß-"~:=-=' JJ!~¿¿.4-~¿¿~-J~' m__:}:<; I ~_~~~'LT.?"..~......_- t :7~"-~!/~-- --..--.. -- ",';) /...)~; ""7J~""¿/"j/~.. _u"u ¡:7J(4A~../zfit...~d/ .~k-~I~Jg &tAl/- ,- j¿¡¿~~--'~ /¿~JL.. L ;:::¿fl"-)o,('>-'-~" =c~ ç..f~~:-- ,4...{~":fC ~?"1-~ --..-- / ,.." (7JO}11"llr-t¿ ".., . " i l ¡ i Ii ! Î ¡, r " PETlTlOfI Nut,mER _,,"'!~L --- Date Filed - _~~~19~ --- ?- I. " TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned~ being residents and property o',mers in the City of Sa Ii l1a, Kansas, do hereby' 'pet it ion your honorable body for the purpo"e of expressing our opposition t~ the rezoning of the residential zoned property at 9th & Nagnolia street to ----- for - _commercial zoning, nulli-farnil::.o, and single !~~lly zo.!ling U ~~c purpone of con_strucaUon of a_~2ty (6°L~~~e..._~J_~------_.._--- -- ---- ----------------- , l, ~~ ') Respectfully submi,ttcd býf~;:~'L¿¿': -, v¿V:!u¿t~/ Telephone NUIT'ber:____d"_-:~?-1.3 '¿:? -- NA!-1E -- - . AOORESS --: (!e;~-~' ,:()ZdÆ-U~ð;-~~ -~~- -¿;-~~-/;¿~f"- C)'., ,& / : K(i /},;" ; c-., I L //c"-/l/PI".J~L-':::(¿:!:>J.JLV__--- - _..--:___-,>-~LJ5{'\. ----------- --W.1!\_,-- ~~-.J _u---------- _J () 7- _7~--__- -_,2~¿.!.LL¿-i¿~_{?-:l~~_o;m<C!:~-,:~- " ...::::-;:;:L<J J.-j(12.£ ------ i~7 ú;--'h-~~aß-=_~- "3/ .:L-ft/or .4":". /f, ' (J. ~- . 0 -0 -: - - __,;2151- ~X:-t¿,/,,/ Ld¡ <, --- - ,0: ~ ' ) . ° t: -- _,On' - --,"-, ~lL~~, LL;A<-j -- u- ,7--:..'-:'" """- -.}Jw " ,,--,- IO_)~___lJ/__¿}J~.-::(-(/'_1_ì ~J)}J/'l¡I\lJ¡...J:( /¿}Z£i':~-------, - -,' " _d.t:J r¡ ~ 'J¡/¿ I],;&~./ --- --- --.. <:_-~i2tÚÎ"¿¿!/ '~(~"- L~_o --, ----- :) J (¿52- )7lé¿¿;¡1~,~../JJ._-=-,~-,- Œü.G-.'l. °/'- .. ~-~----- dU .-u _~'il&, ~/!-=/L~-:_Þ)-1...<- ,a3' /j . '- a A' "'/;'1,(L_~¿]"H{._YI:'J___-, "" j:;/:'=i, veov£ !.c:":~~--~---~---- J3<~GI.-~\¡;<,~'.' ". ,~---- 1,'12. , p~ ,""'ð'--- ~/Lc'~1.c'.A-- c' ~. ¡'Þu,éf,,_" g,---_....... d;;~~~ /44Þ"o-- ,- UJ...- lId-vI/;" ~/ ,¡C', . /JJ~~~!.:5-~/L~;",¿'£-'-,:{:i~_____------ I: /.9 /2l ¿"-:I:(;.:fcï',~~~_þ~ . -- ~2¡~~-7/~'--' ~---- ---~.:_- iJ2-2-7k~ -------~ YßfvV'~(~~G1:¡~~ ,n :2:;Z~- _!~&¿~.~(Ji.~~1 __n 0 .::_cfJt, ' /â.7' ->') ___2_L:j_'L_~þ~~---------~ - . -_//J '~~7-;~<~----------- --<7/:3 o¿(' U)~;;;'þ- ~~ ---. ¿ú.d./tl !:(j./f3//../-T(!(l/J ~-- ,;!?!p... / !flCC/~~~/.J- .YW:.--.--- ~1t . (' í) L - i 1 -} I .-- OJ "'.:J -+fiCL-LtiUj<,-=~ ---- ---~~---~ ~--,-- - Co rl I/JUt~J ---- -------- - ----- --- " !' ~ " ¡ i I ¡ , I I ! t I I I \, I \' I I I t' , ! " !¡ PETITION NUMBER 3Î~7 Date Filed SEP 1 6 1980 3 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressing our opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at 9th Street & Magnolia Street for to commercial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning JoX the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. "'p""""' ,"b"tt,d b"~ /~~~ Telephone Number: ,J;> 7~ 3:>.::> ~ ADDRESS (. 1] ~,~ ~,('J~¿ Jak~J {h.,J U1 ~ "'" ,';,,;,; PETITION NUMBER .3'791 Date Filed SEP 16 1980 I-f TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressing our opposition to the rezoning ¡ ojythe residential zone.d property at 9th & Magnolia street to ,commercial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction oj a sixty (PO) store mall. R"P':::::::,:":~:: by, cif ~ -;~ ~ ADDRESS jI~ V\ . ¿;<'tfI ~ 7' J.() y;; /4't~1 Sjç ¡/}, / It:!:.- ("1 ~-;;¿. ~ \ 0 &> v PETITION NUMBER 6')~l Date Filed SEP 16 ¡980 5 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned,. being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin¡( our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerCial zoning, multi-family. and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store malL Respectfully submitted by: Telephone Number: ~~â~ tf~ 3;;> .>-. ~ . PETITION NUMBER $19l Date Fi1ed Sf? 16 9gn G, TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expres8iM our - - opposl tion to the-rezoning of there~identi~l__zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) stors mall. Respectfully submitted by: ~e-=>~.?tu/ ¡? Telephone Number: (Y'21>7?-1 "7 , , PETITION NUMBER j'1~l SEP 1 6 1980 Date Filed 7 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned,. being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin¡¡; our - . .opposition to the rezoning of the re~idential. zoned pr.operty at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerdal zoning. ßlul ti-family. and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall, """",111 "bmmod bY'~L"'~./ ¿~..w.- d.:r <..>/:¡:5ìÞddf! Telephone Number: ð'~?7-Z:2- / .7 ~- Cf~~ V/7 ¿J, c;r~4' i:-;~ /" n. ;';>'6., '-#-- ?-. <¿d~4d~ ,hi ~)( ::X?:;;¡. I -?1f ~~.x- f?L'..." c¡ ~. -:Jp~fl '" >J ;1 " PETITIOfI Nur~eER. .?)'}'LL__- ------ - Da te r i I ed --- ":~:~9QQ_- ---- <¡; TO:,' The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. II We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Sa lina, Kansas, do hereby peti lion your honorab1e body for ~urpo!>~-2.f--expre8sin¡;¡ our \' opp~s~lion to ~~~~~g of the residential zoned properly al Magnolia & 9lh Street to ,. coromercial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction /1 of a sixty (60) store mall, ---------- "" '"p,c""Hy ,"bmitt,' bY{'!""d""/({~;"'" /tf:"", Ä"{) ~"J' / .J . Tel ephone Nu~nber:.J:;.;¡..... 7-;:7 ~ / /m- NAHE AOORESS ---- -------- , ---- ---- \' , -.!J1¿::.~t~r¿rJúr_~~__- at{ M\(~ -J1.'lJil.JtL~un yf&.~a{I_~7_, >þ/t.¡~,q!~J )' - a<.~ uj ¡:~~ t n AÁ 'f J ~LÁ (;;J ~"'<A [- (~-(? "(,7 ~{(,,~/.I:::- \=;;;;'£!..-..n,pJ - ;1.01...- S, 10(&1 _?:alì~\o. -- --- (:.JLj£~3--_-/1;;{ /49 ,;?ojUlt-~~/ h~... r ~. r/,;f. .),:nr/: ¡JAJ_--~~ i':"", ~ .I- I ~!L~~,-(,-<...,;{f! " _~TC¿'--I-cÞ~ ._--- ---------------- --. ..- --- -------- ..-----"'" ---. ---- -- ...- ---.--. .. -- --- .----- ----------------...-- ._---- .------- ------ -------'-'" -~ .---.-..... .---.-----------.-- ------- I, , ------ -----.--- ----...----' '__n --.--- -- -- - ------ --- - --. - ---.---- ----- --- ---- --------- -- - --. .-. -------- --- - -"'--- -.-- --. --- - ---.....-- . ._-,,-._-- .. C' . _....-----~.--:-- --- -----¡,..... ------- ---------,--'-._------ -------_u_. --- ---- ---- -'--- --- ,. ¡ : I I Î I I \\ PETITION NUMBER Date Filed c; TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressing our opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at 9th & Magnolia Street to for Commercial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning Mf the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by~~<"e4<t~/tf:4fAM Åf ~ AfJ~~4,11f Telephone Number: \" 2. 7- 7- L 17 PETITION NUMBER .sÎ~l Date Filed SEP 1 6 1980 (Ij TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being resid~nts and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorabl~ body for the purpose of expressin¡;¡;our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning,. multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. submitted Telephone Number:f"ß.- '7~?- ?- /7 ¡::-e /9- v 8- ,"'r í' PETITION NUMBER 3')~1 Date Filed SEP 16 1980 II TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do ,hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin¡¡; our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning I multi-family, and single fa.llllly zoning for the purpose of constrUction of a sixty (60) store I11àll. Respectfully submitted by: A~~~<Z>dW Telephone Number: f::2 '7-,,- ':Z / '7 Date Filed 3'1~ 1 SEP 1 6 1980 PETITION NUMBER 12.. TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, thé undersigned, being residents and property ownérs in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpo~e of expre~sin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerCial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction ....;:. of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully Submitted by: g~~uø - , Telephònè Number: f:i>;:¡.. 7-:;J-?- / "/ PET! 11011 IIU:1BER __.oS.2.ìL_- Oate Fi led SEP 16 1930 -------- TO: The Governing ßody, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being re~idents and property owners in the City of , Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition YQur honorable body !or the purpose of_cxp~eG~!~&-Q~~- _<:I!.PO_G_~t1<:n__l?_~h:- ~~zon~n~ _o~ the r!:.side~~i_~l zoned properly at Magnolia ~~_~~~ce~, ~ 1'- conmcrcial zoning t Aulti-family; and single family zoning for the purpose of con~~~~~llon - --- _h ------ --------- of a sixty (60) store Aall, Respectfully s~~mitted by:_.-4 ê'Ø).:..~CØ---h_- . r Telephone lIumber:Y2L--:!- ;> / /') , NAHE - ,--". C-\ (¡~--{J---- .' ) -~~'.( :(¿L _:""~~i.£L:L!.2ß.Cç ~.;;7(/ I ) 1/1 ¡) ,,:h~/~A_<-I -<- - .A /'i -~ ( ,<k.~""", / AOORESS ------ ------- -- _1I///d - -- --- -- --- ---- -- -- -- -- - - --- - ------___--__n-- -- ---------- --- -- --- --------- --- --------------- -------- " __-n_- --- -- -- -- -------- ------ -------------- --------- - ------- u~ -' -~--~ --~=~ -_~h~~ - - ---- --------- H______--- - ------- - ----- -- ----- __d_- _Il - ------- ------------------ ---- ---------- ---- --- ------- - -------- _n___- -- - - -- ----- -- -- -- ---- ------- - \I ----- ---- - - - ----- - ------------------------ --- ------ ------- -- - --- --------- - ---- ------- -- ---- - - ------ -------- ---- --------- ---------- .. ,- - --------- -- ------- -- ----------- ------- I.':) I: i I ¡- I I' I I I I " I ! -:-5 t . ¡ , .-. . \: PETITlOfl ílU:1BER - .:q~~L--,--- Oate Filed -----~'!- U_l!lßQ.----- ,,/ . 10: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the unders igned, be i ng res i dents and property O'o.mers in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the_~~gf expreGq~~~_-- " _opposi.llon ~~~~ re'Zo~~!.1L?f lh~eBl~~t1al zoned prope£lL.....a~ol1a & 9lh àlreel lo commercial zoning ,! l1Iul~l-f~l1Y I a~gl~ farolly -~~~ng for the purpose of conslrucl1on of a sixty (60) store mall, ---' ------- (/ £1JC., . ~) 1.. á J4. ' I ~ Respectfully submitted by:~:~,.<'é>1 't ~/ &;4--.v> ~:;;?-::...'\. f.,~-- -- 'I 'Ijf(¿r/\ TelePhoneNumber:___ðJ7-:_,~'~/7' . ' NAME AOORESS (þ114 / AA)/)/'YJA;7LZc/ ,?r')' //i:A.Ad'¥~____-- ~H) .- ~O ('\ I 11\ '] PC::l1- -~ . --, r'C\L.J.Ílï:l ffii n~; ---- --- ;;§":íir¡}~rL- -~,- ' ' "",M1If..,~ - - -- --- --~- ,~----- ------- '-_})(DDkvil~ K;,-"--- ----_u ------ -- --~--------- ------------ ---- ---- --- -------- ------- --- --- ----- --- --- - ---- ----- ------- - -- --- ------ ------ --------------- ------------ ---- ------ ----- --------------- -- ---- ------- ------ -------- ------ -- ------ - ----- --- ---- - - ---- -- ---------- - ------ ---- _u " ----- ----- ---- ----- ------- ------ (. ¿ I - ---- ------ --- ----- - -- -- ---------- --- ------ -______n------- -------- -------- ------------------ - ------ ---- --- - 'n ----- -- ,-------- - ;. --- ------- ------- ____n- ~,-- -------- ------- - -- ---- ----- ------ -------- ----------- I \ \ I I i I I \ , i I \ PETITION NUMBER .~ï~l ,Sf? 1 6 19@9 Date Filed /5 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned" being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin~ our . opposition to the rezoning of the residerttial zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerHal zoning I multi-family, and sirigle family zonirtg for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully SUbmittedby:rf2~A,.ø Telephone Number: Ç?;J1-"7-:i-! '? /:' PETITIOfIllUf1BER ___~\1"l__------- Date Filed -- S E P 1 ß 19Ct) ------- Il., TO: The Governing Body, , City of Salina, Kansas. We, the unders i gned, bei ng res i dents and property miners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for ~h~~§~f~~þr~s~lnKour oppo_s~_l_i~n~~~h~ezon~§~ lh:2:.':~_~denllal ~o.~A-pr?perl~ al MaßT1o11a & 9l'2_SlreeLj,p_- .:.o~['\cr:..i~l zoning I IQulll-fanlly! and _single fam_ily ~<?ning f5?..r- the purpose o'f~onstr:~ct~on- /: y]ì Res pee t fu 11 y submi tted by: ..h:~-....:¿.r~'?:~ - - Telep~pne Nurr.ber:...£~?:2 ?-~"3- / 7...-'.-- of ¡\ sixty (60) store p¡all, - ---------------- -- /----- --.. NAt-IEÉ /, -- . ( I/, --, '/ ,- ~~~(l, '~'--¡¿~ '~(:'-~~<'-~?_-- ------ --------- ---- (' ------ -------- --- - ---- - - ------------ -- -------- ---- - ---- ---- - -- -- -- --- - ------ -- - ------ ------ Ii ------- AO.DJŒSS - 1) u-- ,-. . ç / /c) ¥' (J /y_(~O -'. LdçÚ4~ :J;z?-~\,-------- -.. ------- ------ -------------- --- ----------- ------ ------. ---------- ------ ,. ------- ---------- ------------- --_u- ,~------- --------- ----- -- -------------- --------------- ----- ---- --~- ----- h______- - -------_u ------ ___--n_- _u- - ---- _u_-------- --------------- ,. --------______n___- ------------ ------ ----------- ------ - ---- <. - -- - - -- ----- -------------- - -- -- n ------------ ----- u_- ------------ -- ---- --- - -------- ----- ------- - - - ---- h_------- --- ------- ---- - ---- --- --_u - ______n --------- n ¡ i I I i I I I.. r ' :' \\ PETITION NUMBER 31 q ì Date Filed SEP 16 1980 17 TO: The Governing Body. City of Salina. Kansas. We. the undersigned., being residents and property owners in the City of Sa1ina. Kansas. do hereby petition your honorable body for the wtpose of expressinl>: our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th street to commercial zoning. multi-faJi\ily, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. submitted by: ,~~ø Number: Ç>:::>-7.'CI_::?--' 17 , " PET! T I 0:1 IIUl1ßER - :)~ì '1 Date Filed SEP 1 6 19GO 1;\' TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. , , We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for ~~~~~~~..~~px~ni~~- oppoGlli.?n to the re:-.?ning of the residenl1al zoned- property at. Magnolia c!c .2th_Street t2-- -=-omlll,:rc1al z°!l_l~g , ØIuHi: fal1l11y , and ....!.~~~e fOJ1l11_)'.~ ')_lng_for the purpose of construct.1on of a sixty (60) store lJIal1~---1'-- , ~;:'g} Respectfully submitted by: j;~;!. ~~l(~-~ -- Telephone lIumber:L;:¡7 ':?- ~--L...:z- NAME - ';~~Q" 6, 0' p ^' ì / .;' " --L4-~)1],(¿('<f ¡'¡IC , ð" ADDRESS ()O ,c; ~/ --- -- -_Co":!' L...ILc- _i (~¿O~(,C~ I) k!-- .!I ---.-----.-------- ._-- --. --- ----- .------ ---- --------. ---.--- -----..----1. --- ----- - It ----.--- ---- -- ---- --- -.--- ----- ---.- --- ------- -~ ----- . ------ ------ . - --- ---- ----- " , --------.- -----. ~ ._------ --- !' -~--- ---- ---' -. - ------ .-__un. ---- -.- - ._--- --------- --- u_------' ----------- .- ---.--------- - -- ---- ---- ------.---- -- -------- ----- --- ---' ------ -- .--.----------. .. ----- ------- ---~ ------ - ---- ------ ----- - --- ---- -- --- -- " .._--- - -- ---- - -- ----- - --- --.---- , ' ----.---- .----- ---- ---- - ----- ---- (, --- - ------ n ---- ----- '. ----- ----' ------ .- - -- .__.._~ --- -- p -- ----...------ ------ ._-- ---------- -- ------ --- ----------- - ~ : i. i ( i. I , \ \ I I !, (. PETITION NUMBER z,~ q l Date Filed SEP 16 1980 19 TO: The Governing Body, Cit,yof Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned" being res.idents.and property owners. in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning 01;' the residentiàl zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerCial zoning. multi-family. and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty .(60) etore mall. "~,~tf""' ,""i,,~ by' ~ v Telephoné Number: Ç1. 7~'j..?<ì7 PETITION NUMBER ,~Î 91 Date Filed SEP 1 a 1980 )" TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned" being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerèial zoning, multi-fa.l1lily, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store màl1. Respectfully submitted Telephone PETITION NUMBER .3Hl Date Filed BE? 16 \900 ~1 TO: The Governi ng Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned,. being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the pUrpose of expressinl( our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential toned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning. multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: ~~¿:r Telephone Number: Çj? 7-). 2 / '7 P1 PETITION NUMBER ¿qql SEP1619S0 Date Filed )1 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressing our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning, mul ti-faJi\ily, and single faJi\ily zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by:_~CS"jJ¡::? Telephone Number: J¡v:z ;:¡ ~ '2.- I 7 NAME ADDRESS PETITION NUMBER Date Fil ed -3191 SEP 1 6 1980 23 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning ,multi-fa11lily, and single fa11lily zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: ~~V /' ' Telephone Number: f-,. 7.:;þ¿- I ;:> PETITIOfI flUf1BER _?,')~..Ll_--- O,:¡te Filed ~EP_~lMl.O--_-- .~'I TO: The Governing Cody, City of Salina, Kansas. We; the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your hònorable body for the p~~1.!_9Le)(..£!erH!~!!j'. our-- oppo_si~_o~_~~~:_!~zoni.!l~ of the ~~ide~i_~I_z~ned_p-r.?R..erty at Magnol1a~th SlrE'-et lo -- col'!Ø\e_r_cial zoning . _~~lt.i-f¡~..I1Illy.an~_~~~le faD1ily~_on_~~or the purp_ose of ~onslruct.1on of a sixty (60) store naIl, --- ------ ¿;>' w.. ) Respectfully submitted bY:~Y....ID-~7f{-7~W-- Telephone tlumber:g27-:2- ~"?_):J ----- NAME - AOORESS 7tø..J }) ¡~~~--------- -- --~=- ~ ð:tJ: .;p~:;tß:~ --- - ~~=-= ______n___----- ---- -------- -- ---- -- " --- ---- - - u_------- - -- --- - ------- ------ ~------ -- ----------- ------ ----- ----- ..-- - ----- ------- ,- ----- ----- ----------- --------------- . - ---- ----------------- --------- ------- ----~-- - ------ --------- - ------ -- - - ------ ------- - " ---------_u U --------¡, ------ ---- ---- -- - ------- ------- ----- ------ ---------- " - --- --- ------ -- - ----------- --- ---- -- -- --- ----------- - -- .... --....-------- ---- ------------------------- ------- -------- -....---------------- --- ------------ - ___n_- ------ h- \ --- - ____n ---- -- ---_u ---- -- - n - ..- - --- -- --- -- - - -- ----- -- --- ------ ., l' ------- - ------ --- " --------- __--n_-- - - --- --- --- ------------ --"--- --- - --- - - -- - ------------ u I; ò, I- I ! i i i \ I I I I I I \ \' I I \ ,,' I' PETITION NUMBER ~~1~l SEP 1 6 1980 Oate Filed 2t; TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressing our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnò!ia & 9th Street to commerOtal zoning, multi-family. and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: _.~~~,:t(ø Telephone Number: fi L 7-:z...;:,. J ? PETITION NUMBER 3111 SEP 1 6 1980 Date Fil ed :II" TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned. being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do herebY petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning, multi-family. and single family zcning fcr the purpose of ccnstructicn of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: ØJ~:'..a_/ ,;(~¿:aw Telephone Number: f ;J.b-- 9'.2 4/.5' ,ç dC""" r) ! b PETITION NUMBER :s ~ q 1 Date Filed SEP 16 1980 )1 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition you~:honorable body for the purpose of expressing our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning. multi-family, and 'single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. ,/ I I Respectfully SUbmitted~Y: ÌJJ~~ TelephoneNumbe~: }?J,/:r- 9;; vs ldt4~hU PETITION NUMBER 31ql SEP 1 6 1986 Date Filed g TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned" bèing residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressing our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commereial zoning, multi-family, and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: ~~ <'..J ,4,£~t¿1J Telèphone Number: }?J,5 ~ 9;:£/..:) PETITION NUMBER 3191 SEP 1 6 1980 Date Filed 29 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned,. being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of ex1Jressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning, roul ti-fäl1lilý. and single fa.mily zoning. for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) storè mall. Respectfully submitted by: øq-t';"1-Ú ,.t6A.1-~U.J Telephone Number: 5? :J./i~ 9;( if;' :í.ôV't_. , / / PET! TJON NUMBER .3ìgl SEP 6 1980 Date Filed .5" TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned" being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin¡( our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerCial zoning, multi-family, a.nd single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: :) c¿ - (jé~¡{ ~ Telephone Number: f-;¡ 6--') j, '/'i PETITION NUMBER -121 q I Date Filed BE? 16 1980 ¿I TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the re~idential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commercial zoning, multi-family I and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall, Respectfully submitted by: (fcJ ~~-~-' Telephone Number: g;;¿jC"'t:J..O/j~ PETITION NUMBER .)1 ~ 7 SEP 1 6 1980 Date Filed 3'- TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned" being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the pUI1'ose of expressin~ our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commerCial zoning. mUlti-family. and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) stor$ lnal!. PETITION NUMBER j~ q l . Date Fil ed SEP 1 6 '~RQ g3 TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the unders i gned" bei ng res i dents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the purpose of expressinp¡; our - opposition to the rezoning of the residential zoned property at Magnolia & 9th Street to commereial zoning I multi-family I and single family zoning for the purpose of construction of a sixty (60) store mall. Respectfully submitted by: cr.~ 7L:....... ~) Tèlephone Number: 1 ;;J..:;'-'7~ If j- ~/(~:, T!,( (;.l'IJ(JI',VI/Jj /Jf:>{'Íy f("I,'-I/I)IJ--iL___~1<)'1 C.'-I; 0(' <;".?/"/I~I /,¿<.; I 1)11!<-", F,'!er! SEP16 1980 -"-----'(,Jê=-:----ï.:~;- u~,f(' R<;~,?,-:;~,yl,t (> "1--'1 Pf:: c; ,'drc,..dç '1- f (:.i'fe/:.Jy 3'1 Dt,---1/JeL~. /Ai -I/'(~ C, 'IX cI"P <:"/J I,'/J/l, I::,', cloÁ(-'l'-ç,iy fPI:i-.'c>t1.1 YC>(lf'~ h(),.Jô/~A/)/~ he',}'/. -C">F- -¡-/\e t((f-fC"'!:c~- o.p ?'i-Ff'-ç~~f',II,.J1 ouQ. 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