3790 Vac Easement Georgetown 'I PETI lION IIU~BER - -..i.'l1Q__----- Date Filed - -___L<~ÆL_-- TO: I, The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the unders i gned, bei ng res i dents and property o',;ners in the C ily of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for -~~~t!~_ulili_~ðse~1e!l_t- on lots 1,2,10,11&12, Blk 4. Replat of Blks 4,10,11,8, &12, Georgetown Addition - ___--_n- --- -- --- - ------- ------------- - ---------- --------- ---- " ----- RfallY AfSòciates, Inc, Mid-Continent Enlerprise~ò Respectfully submitted bY:...-2.~._LJlbL~___~£2..~-¿ Telephone Nunber: 827-1~JL_& 8_?5-1~1.2- ----- IIA.~___- ----______A_I!ORESS --------------- --------- ----- - ------- ---------- - --- ---- ------ -_u_--- -----_0. -------- -------- ---- --- - ---- - ------- Ii ----- --_u--- ---- -------- - ------ - ----- ------ ---- - ------- --- - ---- ~------' ---------- " ------ -- ------ -- --- --- -- - --- ---- --- -- - ----------- ---------- ---- -- - - ---- ----- ---_u_-- ----- --- ---- --- --------- -------- -- ~---- -- ---- - - ----- --- - -- ------ -- ------ ----- -- - ------- -- ---~- ----""- ----- - -- -- - ,. I~ -------------------- ---- -------------~- ------ -- -- -_u --- - --- - _u- - -- ---- - - -- -- -- - --- ----- --- ----- - ---- ----- -------- --- ----- -------- ----- ----- ------ - -- ------ - un__- -- ---- ------- - ----- -- ---- - ------------ -------- ---------- ------- ------ -------- ---- - -------------- -------- - h - --------- --- ------- ------- -- ---------- -- u - -ï~--------:-:-- - -- ,. --- ------------- ----------------- --- -------------- ------- --~------- --- ------- ---~'---- ---- ---- -- --~- - --- n___- ---- _n__--- ---- --- --- -----~- ~---- -- ---------- -- - ------ ----------- ----- --- I.. i I i \ i ¡ J I \ . i I ¡ I I I \ I \ \ I J I. f ! I ! i \ i I t I ¡ I (. " (. ,. . PET ITION No. 3790 -- i' ~L REPLAT OF BLKS. 4,10,11 a 12 ~. -0 VILLAGE "0 '" '" 90' 17.&~' 2 LANE 79' @) ____I~lQ(":'_-- -_Ùf¡'}.'--- __1<L_-----. 3 -------- ------ --- II 12 2: ~ 0 I- tù C> 0:: 0 tù C> 'g PHEASANT 20'UlE " 13 79' LANE GEORGETOWN ADDITION 6¡) ---- Request Area I. ;~,' / \. SCALE ...:~ L ~ " ¡ I I ! .