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3785 Sidewalk Hageman Ave
¡, "~", ,\ PET 11 lOti tlU:'1ß1:R -----"~ '11.~.- - c- Oil tc r i I ed _--_~A,-9~~__-,- 10: The Governing Dody, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the under~igncd, being residents and property cullers in the City of Salina, Kansas, {In ¡'øreby petition your honorable> "ody for in_s,tpllaliQD_of curb sidel1~lk at 1908 lIa!]eman ^venue (To lJe constructed by owner) ',----n------- ---- ------------------ ----- _u ------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------- -- ------------ !' " Respectfully submitted bY:~___ul.¿¿~4.( -_&:"~__hU____- ,Tele.~hone tlumber:....3-.:7 -C)-:-.-::...q..J-""5_S,'~-:- " -- ------ N~_h,¿: ,/ & < ¿ '--- - --- -~~URl ;,sj ý ð %.. 4y'£J<~ ------ ---- ---- ------ -______h-- -- - --_u_----- --- u_u-- -------- ------ ------ -------- ----------- - --- ----------- - - - ---- ----------- ------------ - ---------- -- " ------ - -- u_- ------------ ---- - ------ ---...-------.._u--- ------ - -- ------- ---- -- --- ---- -- - u_-- - u_-------- -- -- - --- -----"---,--- ----- - ---..-- -- ----_u - _h -------- ----_u- ----- -------- - --------- n__--- -------- --------- --------- ---- -_U_--------- ------------ -------- ---- --- --------.. u ---- -- u_--- -------- ------- -- --- -- ------..-- ---- -~------ -- - - ----- - --, --____~_h ------ - -- -- --- ---- ---- n ------ - ------- " " - -- - .._----- -------- ,- --------- - ------ -- - - ---------- ----- n _h -----, ------ -- ---- ---- ------ -------- u_------- --______h - ------- -- --_u_----------- --- --- ------------- ----- --.. - - ------ ---------- ----------..--- -_.. ------- ----------------- ----------- i! , I ¡ I I i I \ I I I :\ 1\ 1 u \,