3783 Parking SantaFe-Ellsworth PH 111 Otl IMIBlf{ - ---_.3.1 g 3 - ------ Date Filed ----__b~~~5 1geO_- TO: " 1he Govetning Body, City of Salina, Ka~sas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property miners in the City of ' Salina, K¡¡nsas, (In "oreby :H~titíon your honorabl~ "ody fol' J~er~"-issi.on lo establish re- ~<?~sed--J)[Irking ~_long lhe~?u...!:.~~~~I!~~ary of our business property ~t the north-: east corner of the intersection of Santa Fe and Ells\-Iol-th Streets. The address .----- ------ --------------- ~~~ property is 1217 South Sant_a Fe and 107 an~!.9?~asl__~lls\wrlh - Stl~~. The p~<:pos<:.d__parking_~re~.¡~u~~ ~n fr~:I-- the__~a~t_~~- $tr~~ sidew_alk ea~_t ~l !?!!.:~'¡.9rll~lree_~~~111eyw~a_Whe ea~- edge of the property~ " . Respectfully su~11itted by:-4~~j)~E~r_--- ------- Telephone Nurlber:..S", :Lf.z,-'ß!...- ------ ____..JIAl-LE____--------_u_-- ----- __.AD9R[~5- --- --- ---- Duane Pollard 200 H. Lesl-ie --------- ----- ------ .._- -- - - --- - ---- ---- ---- -------- DcLouris Pollard 200 H. Leslie ----- - ------- --- ----- u- --- --- --- --- ---------- --- - - - - --- - - ---______n ------- ------ ---- ----- --- - ..- ----- ------ ---- ------ -- -- ------.. -----------..---- ------- - u_---- .-- --- - ----- ------- ----- ----- ------- - ---- - --- -- ---- - ----- -------------- - ------------~--- ---------- --_u_----- ----- ---..---------- --~---_o-- ~--- ---- -------- ---- - ----- -- ------- -- ------ ------ -..---- ------ ----- ------------- . . --_..-- -- ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ... -..--- --- - - ------ - -- --- - ---- ----- -~-------- ----------- ------- --------- ---- ------ ----- -------- ----- ----- - --- -------------------- ------ --------------- ------ -------- --- ----- - --- -- -- - --- -- -- - ----- -- -------~-------- __m_------------------------ --- -- ------ ---- -- - --------- --- ------ ------ , ---- --_u--- -- -- - u_---- , . -- ------ ---- -------- ----------- ----- ------ ------------------ , ' ---- ___n_-- -------- -------- -------- ---------- - ------- ------ ------- --- --- ----- -- -- --------------- ----- . . ___on ------- - ---- - ----------- --------------------------- I I I \. i I , I ì I \ \ \ ì \ I '> !' " .. N PETITiOn 110. 3783 - C> C> N " - .. <It ~ ~ U V) In........ Reques t Area II 0 - - - _d__- - - .. ¡ r-=-~cl-I] [[ [-L-r-r"l--JW-~~ f - ':-~:l - - ---I ¡ L'-_jj L_..I' , -~- ""_LlJ~Jld L--;-c~ L~' Z) z, Z' 29 )0 J) » I ! F~f(rT'l " [~'~I 'T' ,; ;-;F;q " ,I=--~~' ;; " " ~ " ,. ~ II : ti=dWJ .LU- I;I~J' L=tj i - I } Mllm(APOLlS \ ~~ ÆR I rfrfu~~~--1 ~-~,~~ I i ,..,...... 1 i 2 ELLSWòFlTH ¡ ~-~k-- JJ ,1-1 -fT-l'l ~:~ ~ 'I'",'\" I \ V f ;l'~I~ : -IJ' ~~U~ 9TI'o~ ~'~Il~': I~~Wj :=;~ ~;* ~ ~~ ~ f;'% II i L- ij - - _m 0 --- . -~:_: l I, ! i ~ JEWELL ' u~~ ] [11 s LIJJJl,-.i ~B .. f ~ 1111JIILQ \ ) ! t~ [OJ ~ ITITIlt~ ~ : J ~ rJf]JfIT] I '1 i )? KIRWIN -, ' ¡ f=~~ (Tn J- ]Tl- ,~¡:~:- w ~ loT-ITTT-ITll ' : ~jjL~ " ~-~- ~~~~:; L" Inl~_~~~~- : t~:¿~~~1.3I '~I ¡ E~~ [LL,~-z-rn' . I -.-\-:0- ~z-!~:¡~.- "I~~.~¡r~7-- , ~ ~.~IT~n ;~I ~~~]~-I ~~r~] I ; t:,- ij ,. '- >0 I ,,' --~--- - ,I" ~IT1 ":q- ,~ cibiL" '" -LL ,t?P~ , I ' : I ., CLAFLIN 1 i -,-_u- ~'-- ----,-- ------ .---' . ,. I, ,. i' , ,