3838 Imp Interstate District
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PETITIOtl tlUIIBER ___3S3~__~__-
Date Fi led -_.l'_'i~L.,j." It, 1'122....
The Governing Body
City of Salina, Kansas
~Ie, the undersigned, being o\mers of record o( property I iable, for assess!"ent for
the following proposed improvement: lhe work Includes the curb1l\g, guttel'lng,
paving, storn seViers, etc. of\! fronCJqër-õao{ã-:r.-:-a-. loachliijfi1LãneJ, along --
the north side of Intel'state Di~trÎct Southvtest of 1-70, frorl the west edge of
the pavement of I/ol'th 9th Sheet VIes t to a Doint aDDI_Q.i<jm~_t~Jy- {) -fç~Llies t of
the northeast corner of Lot 3. Tract 2, Interstate District Southwest of 1-70,
iln ^ddition to the .cJj.Y..Qf..2\1J.LI]~~ Kansils.
hereby propose that such irr.provernent be made in the- manner provided by Article
'6a, Chapter 12, of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, as amended,
The estimated or probable cost of such i~prove~ent is -[~9~~y-eight thousand
five hundred forty-foul' and 251100
-_..-_.. -- ---
The extent of the proposed irr.provernent district to be assessed is as indicated
on the attached plat and is descr'ibed as follows: see attached sheet
--- - --------
------------- -
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The proposed me thod' óf assessmén t h:' The rlethod of assessment sha 11 be based on
_~b~_\l_Qil}steL(t:Qllt..LootaÆl_oJ..£.¡¡Qt lot of land aõd without reoard to buildinQs
or improven~ents of 1 and.
The proposed apportionment of costs between the improvement district and the
city-at-Iarge is One h'undred percent ( 100 't) to be assessed
against the improveÎ:le-n-tdiÚ-ri-¿t and -- 0 percent
(--~%) to be paid by the city-at-Iarge.
~e further propose that such improvernent be made without notice and hearing as
required by K,S.A. 12-6a04(1) as <mended,
tlo name may be withdra',m from thi~ -;~-~-i-ti~~- ;f~~--J
the Governing Body commences c~nsideration of the petition
or later than seven (7) days after this petition has been
filed with the City Clerk. (K.S.A. 12-6aO4) ,
.. - Respectfully submi tted by JA11!.';¿':!':.!..L{'p...:Jj-,'1;/~:'~. ?~~. :&ß.<.~. LU'lÁj~~
, Telephone Nurrber 8'l~!..:..94?3 -- ~
Date and Property Owned
Time of within proposed
~nin9 Improvement P..!Y~!LC_~
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q-I'~-S_':! CI.~¡)I~~',
(Rev. Sept. 1977)
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A tract of land lyinq in the Southeast Quarter (S£1/4) of Section
Thirty-five (35), Township Thirteen (13) South, Range Three (3)
West, of the 6th Principal Meridian in Saline County, Kansas,
being more particularly described as follows: Commencing ~at a
nail in'the asphalt overlay which identifies the Southeast corner
of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 35; Township 13 South, Range 3
West, of the 6th Principal ~eridian; thence North 00° 04' East on
an assumed bearinq and along the East line of said Quarter Section,
a distance of 1203.90 feet; thence North 90° 00' West, a distançe
of 225.10 feet to an'iron bar at the true point of beginning, said
bar being the intersection of the west and north right-of-way lines
of Interst~te Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 81, respectively; thence
North 90° 00' West along the North right-of-way line of U.S. 81
and the Kansas State Highway Co!l11lission right~of-way line for a
channel change, a distance of 174,90 feet,'to an iron bar at the
City limits line and the North right-of-way line of the channel change;
thence North 00° 04' East along the City limits line, a distance of
281.41 feet to an iron bar on the South right-of-way line of Inter-
state Highway 70; thence South 59° 17' East, along said right-of-way,
a distance of 199,29 feet to an iron bar; thence South 01° 02' East,
along the West right-of-way line of Interstate 70, a distance of
179,64 feet to the point of beginning, said point also being South
00° 04' West a distance of 1437.30 feet; thence North 90° CO' ',~est,
a distance of 225.10 feet from the northeast Corner of the Southeast
Qu~rter of said Section 35, containing 0.91 acre, more or less,
Lots 1 - 2 and th~ East 6 feet of ~ot 3, Tract 2, Interstate District
Sputhwest of 1-70, an Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas.