3847 Waiver Valley View Add 1/ ¡; PET) noli NU~~BER -'1 ~ It 1 Date Filed \\'1.", ~\,- I, "LL--- TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition yqur honorable be~y for a break in the restl'icted access on to Cloud Street, east of tlarYl1ount Road, specifically a twenty-foul' foot Itide access -------------------- - along the north property line of Lot I, Block I, Valley View Additio~ to the City of Salina ---- ------- - -_. beginninq approxi~ately 1l0' nol'th of the v¡est propel'ty line of said lot, fOt' the purpose of constructing a driveway for a single family residence. Respectfully submitted by: Richard A. Martin, 449 Mercury, Salina, Kdnsds Telephone Number: 827-0958 ~.- _.!i}'Y~E u~-:~o-------- .u- . --- ¡ I---------~ - --------- ADDRESS --------- -... -------_.- .-.- ---_. ,. lill1d '7 ____.n_.___- -------- -- --_._._. - - ----- " I - .- :~1' --- .-- ------- . u' -- --,----- -- ===-.- . m~:=~n~__C _n -- -- ~ -r--p---- ------ ------------- ----"-------~-r-- -- -n- i --- ..-- j , ___--_nh- - - ---- -------- u - - --- ---.--- ----- ---- --- ------- - ---------- ------ nn - --- ------- --- --- -- CO -- -- ------...,......,-------~- ---------.~--- ------ - -----1------ - ------ --- ¡ i -- ------------- ---- -- -1 I --- ----- I, - -- ---- u_- - -------- -- ------------ - -- ------- ------.---- - -- --- -- -.. - - u--- ------- --------- -- ---------- -------- - ------_...--- ---------- ------ r, i: i I I I ¡ I I ¡ t i !