3890 Park John H. Parker, Jr. ,0 ~ .. ";t O)'P.'v,;Jf'fi 'a,¡ JJþ/ ~;;;11~ . rr . . SS3~aav 3WVN 89t¡O-SZ8 :JoqwnN ouo~dOlol JO~aBd pueIÁJew :Áq Po.:¡¡wqns ÁllnHoodso~ 'JOIOO JO poaJo 'aoeJ Ao S8aIPJe6 J eweJp JO °lsnw do :¡uapn:¡s 8esueJ Ápaau e o:¡ PIe JOd paJaddO 81 dl~SJeIO~OS a6aII o~ Ienuue ue JOUO~ asO~M ul pUB 's:¡uaIe:¡ IeUOsJad pUB Ieolsnw S]:~ ~6noJ~:¡ Ádde~ ",a~:¡o 6u]:~ew o:¡ AIasw]:~ 6u]:n]:6 'Jaoueo ~:¡]:M 8ppO aTqe:¡unoWJn8ul dO coed a~:¡ u]: uo]::¡eu]:woa:¡ap pUB a6eJnoo pa]:d]:Tdwaxa O~M 'ue]:u]:Tes an]::¡eu e '-Jr 'Ja~Jed 'H u~or do ÁJowaw pUB JOUO~ u]: JH~d l~IHOW]W 'Hr. :!lJ2I.u\l~ 'H NHor a~:¡ Ja:¡uaJ JanaBJ a~:¡ o:¡ :¡uaoeçpe BaJa ~aBd a~:¡ 6u]:weN ) !:I~ IV ..\1.10 I """"""""""'~/'I¡¡.II:i~"HI'rHO""': :JO, Ápoq alqeJouo~ Jnoà uo¡:¡pad ÁqaJa~ o:¡ 'sesueJ 'eu¡[es ,0 Á:I!J " : a~. U¡ SJaUMO Á.JadoJd pue quap¡saJ Bu¡aq 'pauB¡sJapun a~:¡ 'aM L~ f Ud II NVr S8, ~ 0311.,1 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PET I TI ON NUMBER ill () PikED :'B5 J~N \1 PM 3 47 TO: THE GOVERNING BODY City of Salina, Kansas ¡ DF Sj~Lí We, the undersigned, being residents and property Gwners in the: C:TY CLERK. City of Salina, Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body for: :.........'.................................. Naming the park area adjacent to the Carve..r Center the JOHN H.. PARKER, JR, .MEMORIAL PARK in honor and memory of John H. Parker, Jr..:, a native Salinian, who exemplified courage an'd determination in the face of insurmountable odds with cancer, giving himself to making others hajJj>Y through his musical and personal talents, and in whose honor an annual college schoJ1ir-shijJ is offered for aid to a needy Kansas student of music or drama regardless of race, creed or color. Respectfully submitted by: Maryland Parker Telephone Number: 825-0468 ADDRESS /,,:]..;? ä (1) .. ,. ,.:.: ;.;2 h /,~ jJ ;b/.J lQ/7 I C¡/I,b.ß.~~ ~" 9/' ¿,~J/ [¡f\ '. > .:£R. (;ii~ / I ¿2¿) ~;;s:;~ $l1 , '~;]llfd , . I ¡ . / ¡ tv ~4--,{ r:f ,,",.-u---ð.,. . ~~¡E_~~ , 'l'ö , Âk.~Jr¿A4ct ólJ9W, ~ . ".'" " DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PETITION,NUMBER 31"0 , '¡fl.~ :'85 JAN I f PH 3 1t7' TO: THE GOVERN I NG BODY Ci ty of Sali na, Kansas en( vt,~b~HM We, the undersigned, bei~g r~si¡}ents and'~r~~'èrt;~;'n~~s io"thå: CITY è(.JtR:K.' .. ';'" City of Salina, Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body for: ,........................................... , Naming the park area adjacent to the Carver Center the JOHN H, PARKER, JR. MEMORIAL PARK in honor and memory of John H. Parker, Jr" a nati've Salinian, who exemplified courage and determination in the face of insurmountable odds with cancer, giving himself to making others happy through his musical and personal talents, and in whose honor sn annual college scholarship is offered for aid to a needy Ksnsss student of music or drsma regardless of race, creed or color, Respectfully submitted by: Telephone Number: 825-0468 Maryland parker NAME ADDRESS , ",iiV-' '~,f~" . . /¿, . . ~, ' ,- /f -:;f . l' ¿, ~~'~k ¥k~,l 7--1.;¿ ~¿ ..Ð ,~~J :~:J.~~~k5- : , 2- ~ J..o/ d4 ~ 6 ~ ( J /, t> t) I ...v;...r: P'c.::>. : ,<'? /9.N f.J f?IJ;Ø ., : ¡~Z( iJ-:,~Q~ : ({9ð.. J \ ;;I.'~ ':.2~2f ~ ~. , / r cr t.p;1Í ðr"~ : ¡ ? £.7 ' : -.)03 fvL-I"""I" :z .\~ a.. f-(tL-, ;;/;).s/~~" Þ :s ~,¿Z/ff C ß¿/fi:::: Þ 7)~) ).1 ~J-t;u~~ - vv..bv -- II ~ ryr\d f t f (;;1 7 I/, I ;¿ ~ J tÙÞvc ¿¿ Ii /~ (j ~ fi2 ¿¿~ ~K~/ß C:¡{~v V~ ß ~)r¿~", ø~~ ~ ~ Cì. ..1. , -< . ~ ' ~.v~ fo,~ :l.lüt, '-( - K~ ~ ;ë..t" Z.lf ~ -Y , ¡'> ~ --~ -"' 7(Ð DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PEtiTiON' NUMBER 3iqb i""" "wo ~ 'I~ JAM 11 M1 3 ~1 TO: THE GOVERNING BODY City of Salina, Kansas en 1 Of ~ALlNA We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the: CITY CLERK. City of Salina, Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body for: ..........................................., Naming the park area adjacent to the Carver Center the JOHN H. PARKER, JR, MEMORIAL PARK in honor and memory of John H. Parker, Jr., a native Salinian, who exemplified courage and determination in ~~~~~ of inaurmountable odds with cancer, giving himself to making - others happy through his musical and personal talents, and in whose honor an annual colleqe scholarship is offered for aid to a needy Kansas student of music or dramá regardlesa of race, creed or color, Respectfully submitted by: 825-0468 Maryland Parker Telephone Number: NAME ADDRESS .. "" 6' ~S. ~/7 J1/ ~ '-, CAL ,ûVvd//)J ~4/-:f> ' ;]'/1 e~/~ " , , ¡¡¡;r~ L £~ ij/.p ¡!:, <fy~ ~ ;:;~9' "1' t. J .11'1J-rJA~~1 '- v:. d~., ..... ..'." ?-,ð. 'J.-,p j';-;-1- '---... " . g~ ~ ~ d c.f 0 '7l. 1u ç.l-.. t~,~ ~l9~'~ -1v ~ ~ :¿ :1 /¡ ~ ~ ,..uJ. ~~J 2 7 (ð/rM~/~ / I RJ~ 'Ø"JiÞ"1tt"ì#'-~ . ,/1 , j ,/ .<' 7.1!' '.ktLf4'.-I-. ' ~'-4(."-' .yr~. U:..~ 11 , iß, v~ß.JJ Recreation Commission Office City of Salina Salina, KS 67401 Gentlemen: Attached are petitions with the number of signatures required to nominate a name for the park area adjacent to Carver Center. The following resume is offered for your consideration. John H. Parker, Jr., was born in Salina on 11-6-48 and attended Salina Public Schools. He was a self-taught musician and delighted his audiences with his guitar and singing. John was a member of the ~inks who h. an f. or seve. ral years in the Salina area, , ., -- 'ftlJ...- ~ <f, t'1~ To advance his career, John moved to California where he became a member of the group Andromedas, in which his first hit was "Sweet, Sweet Baby" and on the flip side "Heart of Darkness." One of his last efforts was a composition entitled "Winter Song" consisting of his own lyrics and the melody written by his friend in the band. This record was backed with "Say it Again, I Love You." This record was made at a time when he was very ill, only two weeks before his death, The recording was accomplished in intervals, having to take time out for rest. He did not give up until the taping was complete, and the battle was won, His courage and determination in the face of insurmountable odds in a battle with cancer are qualities of character that young people of Salina can emulate. By naming this area the JOHN H. PARKER JR. fy£f«}RIAL PARK, it will serve as a reminder of the courage and determination of John H. Parker, Jr., who died at age 21, but who lived to be a leader and an example for others to follow, Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Maryland Parker 920 Birch Salina, KS 67401 825-0468 , ,..--- ~~~~". -, ;iarymount Collage s_a~I~~r::--a:11t~ ""'0 .:~~~ ~: OM ,Œ~ John-John was & town In Kansas. He had a twin s hter, Joyce, and was ona of the two boys out of six children. John.John always wanted to be e singer and musician. Whan he was about ten his mothar bought him a guitar from the five and tan cent store. John would play It end sing for hours at a time. All the neighborhood kids were his audlance. Sometimes his mother would tell him to keep tha nolsa down, but IIi dldn'tO bother his Dad In tha least, By the time John.John raachad his teans he was tall, and hand. some and very popular with tha girls. He asked his mother to buy him a raal guitar, which she did. John jolnad a local group as their vocalist, and the group was highly successful and was asked to play throughout tha area by both high schools and college.. rha following yaar John.John marrlad a girl he had met while On a singing engagament, and a year later they had a son, John, III. Soon after, tha family movad to California, whare there was mora opportunity for John's caraer to advanco. Ha was fortunate there, auditioning and being selacted by a group called the Andromeda.. John-John also lOOt numerous movie .tars and calebrated musicians. When Illne.. forced John to seek medical ettentlon, he learnad --¿c.---- he '.',IS ¡',oin;; to audition \.11th a ,'rolli' to be tiwlr sln:er. ,I" \.1"5 "c<,-epted! ,ilr"re '.'ere "e".:>ral .ntlcles and ;>Ictllr"s In hi s ho;ne to"n pilper. .\ sho"t tllne lilter he felt sick ilnJ W.IS r",¡hed to thl' haspitill. ,lis pClrents \.Iere there, .lnJ the doctors s,\Id he 1\.1d c¡lncer Clnd Informed th"m he had only five to six ~!(lnths to live. John John ;~ot Ollt of Uvc hosplt.ll and continued to sin.; \.lith the ;:roup, (hey recorded one record featurln~ him. even thou~h he "as 10511", a du!!lln,: battle with a dreadful d15e,1se. de continued to sin;;. and In his last t\.lO \.leeks of life, \.Ihlle a very sick man, he recorded another record. ~ome time he \.Iould have to lie down; but the factor that ....on \.Ias his determination and stayln~ po....er--he \.Ias never defeateå or discouraged by his illness. :O:ven though John John died at the a;ze of t....enty-one--jllst three days before his birthday, he accomplished the championship and won. ~:aryland Parker c ,....J...".,-,,~ " We,Must ,.-. 'J Become~rJL~J Ori9\na\ Compost,t\o'n \\~': D " fi'o(' oers --1(.'~"- .. i, i Cut by "The Oinks" I \ \ " ".."" "N" ,"W"'" ,-" ,"m"" ,,"'" ",~, ",m, """'" """,,:;;1' I lournal'S t:nlrrlalnn\enl ,t:dllor",S"'h ,"\1,10, Tenn, ,.are conllncd 10 the "e.kcnd" .J Somelin1e in, Ihc nexl tr", Thr rh~\hm and hlu" hand i, \ During ¡he summer monlh.' Im,nths ,ou n1l~1.1 ¡'" \I>lcnln~,rO"'I"""-<I of .c\'Cn ynl1n~ n1cn. Ih I nd \ I I I ! 10 your 'radio an" I>car Ihe an,: n1\ (',,!1'~c a~C wilh I'r exccp- <1 c Ilk' -~ an3 0... rave co~\' ; "'II> . t' r t " 11 n I ' an y a,.. may n", te as aval ' nnunCCr ",y: e ,on~ y~u !'" Ion 0 ~ an>n, , run1mer able in ~;is seclion of Ibe Nun: Il~"" wW' ".., '" ~~:"" '" ,',.,," ,~ " OO', """"' MOO "', ",.. ...""" ,.... ,- 1\ . The Dev"sl"l1n~ 1'ln1<' . ',h.,u"n hiGh 5(1100'- i'-g agency in ßeverly }I ills, U It (ould h"I'I"'" ' Olher lnrm!>l'" arc scallered Calif., has indicalc<l Interest in:' :¡ "". D<'" ",.,., ". ~', '00 "," ....,,", '" mob'" . ""'_. "\ I, \ toling Dinks", ,. Ilrown who phys bass guilar 1000r o! the IPS Ange!es area, \' rhythm ..,,1' .nd trom",-,nc. and Olsen. Irum' "lIowever, Ihcse! plans arc. "m ,..., , .. ,cl ,.",""" ""..,'" "m.. ¡.."",."':' m.. """,, I made up ~wSI' ~". We,ky,!n \lnive"i\y, \' * * * \ \11 of Salin;! , you I h 5 fe-. t Vocalist John parker is al Ibc . I urn c d' 1..1 :" ;", 1;"';:- Solina .m" VO- Tech school. Ro.n \wcrkend Irom "F"" Webslcr who plays the organ" f a recording .- al McI't1orson colle~c. ane! the session il\ Inde' ,lead guilarisl Dou~ chapman Is , pendenee, Mo ~'ar\lyn lal Kansas ¡;Il\te university, Man- , While Ihere Ihe group cuI a 110m' hallan,.' . onstralK," record cnlillcc\ "Oul plaYIng s~" and Jati. nUle. IS ! of Mv Mind." Larry Clar<o "ho hO' a cIvIl \ . \S<'l'Vice job al ForI RileY. LyriCS are by Ihe "Dinks" . vocalist J.~n l'arker, and popu'ar ,In 1'\ld....SI . \ mu,ic by Ton\ Olsen, trader 11>e band" as organlted 'In of the grOup. laIc Augusl and has played all over Ibe midwes\. During th~ ' \.li~:;:Co~P::i~ ~y~::,:;;:;s~~~' ". Jo\\n-fl. Parke, 10 see if any changes in Iho' ar- , ' rangemc~1 nred 10 be mad., The \ 'dies at 11 \ number IS lhen re-reeordcc\ seV' ' I ral weeks later. "'the Din""" 'return 10 Miss(""ri to cuI their Jd1n H.parker ' r., 21, a POpu' lar singer with a Salina band record "il\ about three weeks", h'J1>e Dinks,",. and laler with hOuI 01 My Mind" is'brino:: a California grW¡>, died we<\ñe... \ recorded al Cavern Recording day" at OUn VIew hoSPital, Pa., I Studios in Independence, Mo. eoima, Calif. Bul no decision has been cause of death was unde",r' reached on what label the rCC' mln~but MJ', Parke: bad been nord will carry. ¡'óspilaliz.ed aboull0 days. }Ie was born in Satina Nov , 1948, andUved here unlil mo..:mg 10 California in April, 1969. ;, He sang in sa1ina for several: " years, and bad recorded ~ bits,' "Sweet, Swèet Baby" 'and , "}leul or' Dar\aJess", . ' He was 'meniler of St. JOhn'., , Baptist Cburch.. . i ~ir. Parker is survived by lbe, widow. Rosalyn, and a son, John, }larTÌ50n In; his parents. Mr, \ and Mrs, Jd1n H~ Parker sr., 920' Birch Drive. and' 5 sisters,' Joyce, his lWÏ11, Pacoima; Mrs. ,Not.ma Jean Brovin. Sun Valley, Ca\ll,:~s.. Judy,'}o . Kraflon, \ IP, S .An,g.eles, Calil.:,Mrš-',Janiee Kay SheDY, Kansas .CilY; 'Kas., and CMrlee, 920 Birch Drive, The Rush smitb funerat home 1m announce arrangem~nls, j Sil';Isitd'J\\nluwnlcm ,'u]Qg>' - Ih('," ¡J",l1 he \lTitl,'n l>y l11ore )..arnc.l 1'<'01'1. Ihan I. Ha~cr, I ta\;o pen In han'! to 'mle .~boul m~',..'¡¡ - an ""1" ~:~ge American c;;l¡rn who , sat and watched ami wail, ,'II for somrone else 10 be m keeper <>f Ihe 1l.SICe - to pr~ >\'Ne my lk.;I1Ol-racy, Oh, fl'Ilow Americans. '.e mu.l Ix«"me doers and ""I .", enll t? Ihis 'iK'Clal,nhil' 'of watchll1t: our d<'l\œracy de..')', I like m"lI)' ulhers a,k, "Who' can f do~" I 'Isk but I do not act. l1ere, in Salina, there are many community bettermcnl programs in which W>J can be, \'OlIIe -,\CU"e. To lisl a few: The Amef1~anizaliol1 Center; the D3)' Care «nter; \he program t? replace lIead Start: Carver (:"nlcr; PTA; S\1n1r!1".r Recrea- lion programs. church w<>rk, ele- Our line children and ~'our children deserve Ibe opporluni, ly 10 grow and.live in a counlry [1'l'C fr"," violence. prrju,1ice and "atr",.!. , .ccrl~iIÌ¡Y. our first reS Jllnsi- blhl; IS m3king our OWI1 homes healthy, happy places foe' our children It} d,,'elop, Bul what of lbo<.e \1110 have unhappy homes and unequal opportu11ilies 10 de- v~op l11eir talents? CanoL we gJ"e a day or a hall of a ria' to lheir cause? y \ "Tile c.vern studios are appropriately named," ,aid Olsen, "Tlley're alt under- ground since originally il ..as a rock It\lany," \ olsen added that !be sound lech11icians for the sludios ,,'ere , I \' 't 1\..,-'---, ,~,,"'-'r-"--'--'-" ' 'ó Aü""I- f Jß....JnLt~ 31 July 1970 Dear Mrs. Parker: Enclosed please find two copies of the ANDROMEDA Record featuring your son's vocal. One copy is for you, and one copy is for Chris Allen at KLSI-AM. I will send you a couple of more copies as soon as I get a few more in. Right now the record has not been distributed and we have limited numbers. Thank you very much. SinC~ly , "d/,'/ ~,/ P. ¿Jr,0': . . ""'" .. 1 ¿Sf (>,,"I'{-¡'....r" /f) -;; Walter R. de 1a Brosse . Music Operations Director? WRd1B:er Enclosure TO: Mrs, Marilyn Parker 920 Birch Salina, Kansas 67401 ~l ~~~ , ~..~?1t. . ¡,. ~ ... :'~ . i ".'-.: (,1 ~ ~ :.. :::¡ . -.: V , '" ""! ' 'tj 0' <: , . .." '" ~ ::¡ :or: "': '" ;.,¡ ... ::> ~ ... :.¡ ..., ~ ;;, ..., ~ i ~ ! ~ :.¡ I ~ ..., , .t. 23 November 1970 \ Dear Mrs. Parker, ~" ,~' I .' ',", . ~\ . oj' -- -, --_. -- . Just received your letter regarding the automobile that Johnny was driving prior to his death. This car was leased for Johnny by my company to give him a nice comfortable car to drive. It has now been returned to the leasing agency and is not for sale. As you know, I made the payment on the car for the several months that Johnny used it and was more than happy to do so. The leasing company does not sell these cars but only rents or leases them. Within a week to two weeks we should be able to send you copies of the new record featuring Johnny on both sides, and, incidentally, with his name on the label this time. The songs are "Say It Again, I Love You' b/w "Winter Song". I am sending payment for those posters directly to the printer. Could you send me two or three copies of those posters? Do you have any good photos of Johnny? We could use any copies of any photos you might have for publi~y on the forthcoming record. I will write you again soon about this record. Th/~~Jo'ays , Jåmes "Ion, Promotiónal Manageme~t I ,j JB/gf To: Mrs. Maryland Parker 920 Birch Drive Salina, Kansas 67401 ,,¡{',' - /"- ,A. 1/ 36 t71 ~--- "" - '1-'] JOHN H. PARKER, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND March 23, 1981 Dear Fellow Salinans: As you may recall, the John H. Parker, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund originated in 1976 to aid a needy Kansas student regardless of race, creed or color, in the pursuit of a music or drama education at the college level. With the benefit of help provided by many of you, Tyress Allen, who now resides in Texas, received a $500.00 scholarship for 1977 while he was a student at Marymount College majoring in theater and drama. Without this assistance Tyress would have been forced to discontinue his education. John H. Parker, Jr. was a native of Salina and a self-taught musician. His principle desire was a formal education in w~sic. He moved to California with his wife, Rosalyn and son, John III to pursue his musical career. He was auditioned and signed by a record company and recorded songs which he had composed. Unfortunately, he became terminally ill with cancer. However, he continued to record music and support his family. One of his last efforts was a composition entitled "Winter Song" consisting of lyrics which he set to a melody written by a friend. Once again, we wish to see your help, provide will be greatly appreciated. The object of the scholarship is to provide a fitting memorial for John H. Parker, Jr. assisting other needful students in their quest for an education in music and drama. This committee originated five years ago to help raise money and to evaluate scholarship applicants. The objective is to make an annual award of assistance hopefully amounting to $500.00. Any assistance you can Please send your check to the John H. Parker, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, care of the Planters Bank and Trust Company, Salina, Kansas 67401 to the attention of Larry Beil or to Maryland Parker, P.O. Box 705, Salina, Kansas. Sincerely yours, Scholarship committee Larry Beil Karen Graves Sister Betty Pierce Maryland Parker JAMES BYBON mmo'"", DISCOUNT TICKET OINKS DANCE - A-GO-GO Featuring the Devastating Oinks 7-Piece Dance and Show Band SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1967 from 9 until 12 4.H BUILDING - SALINA, KANSAS Regulor Price $2,00 Ad",I..I." with this ticket SI.50 COMPLIMENTS OF COCA-COLA . , , , , , , , , " , , , , , , , / GEORGE SHERLOCK Dear Mrs. Parker: I Enclosed plefse find 10 copies of ANDROMEDA record, featuring your son Jolin Parker. He here at AmericanlInternationa~ Records hop~lthat you can enjoy th~se recœrds just as much as we have. He was indeed a great singer. Kindest Personal Regards, George Sherlock GENERAL !-tANAGER AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL RECORDS. ;' I , -' II. . "' 23 November 1970 ,Dear Mrs, Piirker, Just receivediour letterregiirding the iiutomobile thiit Johnny was drivi!)g priotto 'h:i:â ,death, 'rhis Ciir was\, leiisèd for Johnny by my compiiny to give him a nice comfortable car to drive. It has now been returned to the leasing agency and is !Jot for sale. As" you know, I 'nw.de the payment on the car for th~' sev",ral ;months 'that Johnny used it a!\d WiiS mor,e thiin ,happy to do so. The leiisingcompany does not sell ¡these Ciirs ,but only rents or leases them. Within a week to two weeks we shouJ.:dbe able to send you copies of the new' record' feat\¡ring ,Johnny on both sides r 'lind, incidentiilly ,with hisrtiime on the label this time, ThE! son~,s are "Say It Again,. I 'Love You' b/w "Winter Song", Iiim sending payment for those, posters directly to the, printer, Could you send me two ór three copies of those posters? Do you have iiny g0od photos of, Johnny? We could use iiny copi,esof a!\y photos you might hiive for public!.¡.t.y on the forthcoming record. soon iibout this record. The b~»)WiiYS" :~1) J~m..s ,l;ron, Promotional Maniigement ,j Mrs. J:larYJ.:and puker 920 Birch Drive Salina, ' KanSiiS 67401" ~ , ~ Ihe finest Attraction Ever to Hit the Rhythm & Blues Scene r' /, /' r; ,I ~ " ' \:'1' L ": !.L .' l '~-'. - ""',> --- -- .-. - -" _. .--., THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT(S) ARE 0 VERSIZED AND ARE FILMED IN SECTIONS TO INS URE COMPLETENESS AND CONTINUITY .. DISCOUNT TICKET OINKS DANCE - A-GO-GO Featuring the Devastating Dini<s 7-Piece Dance and Show Band SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1967 from 9 until 12 4,H BlIlLOING - SALINA, KANSAS Regular P'¡cc 52.00 Admi"ion wj,~ '~i, "ekel 5 1.50 ~ COMPLIMENTS OF COCA-COLA , CI.:) c:: CI.:) c:..,:) Cø':) ~ CI.:) =:I ~ ûb e: .-- ....... ---'Þ .. .-- ~ '" - CI.:) .-- ........ ........ .- . . " " c::» ........ '-- CI.:) ==- . . . -::. " -- c::: c::» .- ........ c:...,:) ca ~ ........ Ie L \,-t I \ \-- ....-..- ~ c::L:) == .- I. . CI.:) ...- I END OF 0 VERSIZED DOCUMENT(S)