3939 Imp Georgetown Add 00 NOT WRITE IN TillS Si'ACE PETI TI ON ItJHSER 393~ ;' I L ~: r '37 ,!I" ~ : .. 0 " .1 :;p TO: TIlE COVERNINC BODY City of s.lInI, Kanns vi I I vL:"d, :......,.. ...." ............,. .............. . , 12 of the ~n... (81 The ..ti..t. or probtb1e cost of ~ch illprov_nt Is One Hundred Sixty Ei 9ht Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One and 05/100 dollars ($ 168.391.05 (C) The e..tent of the proposed illlprovetient district to be us...ed .t Indictttd on the .ttachtd plat end Is deaçribed u follows, Part of Lot 14. Lots 15. 16. 17. 18. 28.29.30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Block 1. GeorQetown Additi~ and part of Lot 3. Lots, 7.8.9. 10. 11. 12. Block 1. Lots 1. 2. 7.3.9. 10. 11. and 12, Block 2, Replat of Blocks 4. 10. 11 and 12 GeorQetown Addition in the City of Salina, Kansas. (01 The propoaed _thod of u..s_nt h: based on the adjusted front foota!l!LQf...each lot of land and without reQard to buildinQs or improvement of the land. (EI Tht proposed .pportior8ent of costa between the l"'Proy_nt dhtrict end the C1ty-tt-1trge 18: ...QwL!jundred percent (...l.QL\1 to be a..eased against the l"'Proy_nt district and Zero perçent (---2....-\1 to be ane..e<! against the City-at-Iargt, (FI We further propose th:t such i"",roy_nt bet ...de without notice end hearing as required by K.S.A. 12-6a0lt(1) as alll8lld..d. Uiii i ii..ii i. A - '__AUU'" UU"'" 'UAAAA""'A. iii -.. - ..i....U"""""""""" _iU"" AUU'U' * No name BaY be ..ithdrawn ftOOt this peUtion after the Coyerntng Body c_nçes conaldentlon * * of the petition or later than seven (7) days after this petition hn been flied with the City Clerk * * (K.S,A. 12-6&0.1 * Ai........ U'i U"'AU""""'" ,,_,,".1£' 1£""""'.I¡i i A"'" ........;.;... ......L"'" u...u......u 1£U" A t) it. /'\', -'- i..1 ~-. {. ' c- . \ J'I'I-C:I~I .. ' Respectfully sublllitted by Te 1 ephone NUllb.., Residence Property owned within the proposed Illprovement Ohtr; cl, ~.:.;~ t ~ Date" TI... of SiQninQ I 9i/Z rIn I hìf '( ;:'I{.J ~-4-f7 GLúL~id~f~ ~7':'1n I ~ ¿', ~.3 ~i:%j Sanitary sewers to serve the following lots in Georgetown Addition and the Replat of Georgetown Addition: Lots 23 - 34, Block 1, Georgetown Addition; Lots 1 - 12, Block 2, Replat of Georgetown Addition,