3954 Imp Meyer Addition
Ci ty of Sa Ii na, Kansas
:......................................... ..
(A) W/Ç, the undersigned, being Qwnlilrs of recQrd ofprQpertyliðble f()r ,assessment for the followingimprovemønts:
The, cvrbi nQ, glJftf'rilJg,p~vìQg;¡nri griJpî ngqf MÇJrtî rA "er:lue fromM;¡nrhp<;1;E'rRn;¡rl t(Jr~pypr
Drive in Ml'1xer Addition to the City 9fSaling,KñO~¡¡s, .
,Tþe~ilJstaHakioQ Qfa~~torm,"9r~it1~.ge pJge in M(:lrtiY'l AV~Due begi DQingat a p<;>Ï nt near the
center' oftot"'.15,.,Block' 4... Meyer ",'AdditiOn;thêhcêrurtninG"'êasfinJv1aY'.tiù',AvêI'1Üêitåån.êxJsI...
fnq, storm sewer manha] e' near' the west line 'of MeyerDri ve. -
Thei nstaUationof ]" water serviceli nesfor Lots 14thru 21. 81ock 4, and Lots 3 thru
lO,Block ~Mever Addition. bv cormectin9to the existinG 6'1 C.I.P.water main alonG the
north s;Kfe of MartihAvenue. ," ..'. .,. . . ............
her~bypfQPosetnat suchimprovement.be I'Oðde in the mðnner provided by Article 6a, Chðpter 12 of the Kansas
Statutes Annotðted, as amended.
(6) The estimðte Q.r prQbðble cost Qf such imprQvementis Ninety ThQusç¡nd SevenH(Jndreq seventy Fiye
($ 90,.775.00
(C) The e.xtent of the proposed imprQvement districttQ bE1 assE1ssedasin,dicatE1d on the attached plat and is
described as ,follows: Part of Lots land 121 and alToflots 13,14.15.16. 17,18,19.20.21
and 22. Block 4: partof Lots Tand12. andaHofLots 2. 3.4, 5.6. 7, 8. 9. 10 and n,
Block 5, MeverAddition to the City of Salina, Kansas.
(DlThe proPQsedmethod of assessment is: Based on the. ad,iustedfront footaGe of each lot of land
and without reqard to buildinGs or improvement of the land.
(El ThE1 proposed apportionment of. costs betwøE1ntheimprovement district .al1dthe City-at-large is:
One Hund red percent ( 100 ~)to be assessed against the improvement distri ct and
Zer!1 percent ( 0 116) to be assessed against theCity-at-l/Jrge.
(F) , We further propose that such improvement be made without notice and hearing as required byK.S.A. 12-6a04(1)
as amended.
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* No name may be withdr~wnfromthis pE1tition ðfter the Gpverning Body commences consideration *
* of the petition or later th~n seven (7) days after this pE1tition has been filed with the City Clerk *
* (K.S.A. 12-6~O4) *
R.. poc""l , Y "bm",., bY, X ¡t¡{,I1".{)~~,f-
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