3976 Salina Neighborhood Center
Filed June 26, 1989
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent new fee
schedul~ memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Centers (effective July 1, 1989), feel the strong need to express
our COncerns over this cbange. Further, we u!'ge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Cente!'. We Ul1derstand this .to mean
that non-profit, grass-roots, community-based organizations
should not be cbarged a fee for responsible use of these Centers.
The concerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and Recreation Department regarding reservation abuse and
allocation of time periods we believe cal1 be addressed by
reviewing and changing reservation policy and not by instituting
this payment policy.
As for operational support for the Centers, we are proud of
the unique community support of the past. We understand it to
have been sufficient. Again, we believe reservation policy in
keeping with the original spirit of the Neighborhood Center could
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent new fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Centers (effective July 1,1989), feel the strong need to express
our concerns over this change, Further, we urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Center, We understand this to mean
that non-prof'i t, grass-roots, community-based organizations
should not be charged a fee for responsible use of these Centers,
The concerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and Recreation Department regarding reservation abuse and
allocation .of time periods we bdieve can be addressed by
reviewing and changing reservation polley and not by instituting
this payment policy,
As for operational support for the Centers, we are proud of
the unique community support of the past. We understand it to
have been sufficient. Again, we believe reservation policy in
keeping with the original spirit of the Neighborhood Center could
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent new fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Sal ina Neighborhood
Centers (effective July 1,19891, feel the strong need to express
our conc"rns over this change, Further, "~a urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Center, Ke understand this to mean
that non-profit, grass-roots, commnnity-based organizations
should not be charged a fee for responsible use of these Centers,
The concerns e,pressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and RecreaUon Department regarding reservation abuse and
,ollocation of tlme periods we believe can be addressed by
reviewing and changing reservation poliq' and not by' instituting
this payment policy,
As for, operational support for the Centers, we are proud of
the unique community support of the past. lie understand it to
have been sufficient, we believe reservation poUc)' in
w'ith the spirit of the Neighborhood Center could
to meet concern if necessary,
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED, In r"sponse to the recent no" fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Sal Ina Neighborhood
Centers (effect! ,.e ,July J, J 9891, feel the strong need to express
our concerns over this change. Further, we reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the concept and
Intent of the lielghborhood Center. We understand this to mean
that non-profit, gra$s-roots, communi ty-based organizations
sbould not be charged a fee for respofJslble use of tbese Centers.
The concern., expressed In the original memorandum from the
Parks and Recreation Department regarding resenatlon abuse and
a.llocatlon of time periods ';E' beIiele can be addressed by'
reyle"lng and chang 1M reservation policy and not b)' Instituting
this payment policy.
As for, operational
tne unique c"¡,,mlwlty
bave been sufficient..
hoping liith the
be revised to meet
support for the Centers, we are proud 0 f
of the past. I,. eJ!1dHstand it to
,,'e believe reservation policy In
spirit of the Neighborhood Center cou.ld
concern if necessary.
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent ne" fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Centers (effective July 1,19891, feel the strong need to express
our concerns o\'er this change. Further, "e urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Nei~hborhood Center. We understand this to mean
that non-profit, grass-roots, communi ty-based or~anizations
should not be char~ed a fee for responsible use of these Centers.
The concerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and Recreation Department regarding re.enation abuse and
allocation of time periods "e b,dieve can be addressed by
revie"in~ and changin~ teservation policy and not by instituting
tbis payment policy.
As for, operational support for the Centers, "e are proud of
the unique community support of tbe past; We understand it to
tlave been sufficient. Again, "e believe reservation policy in
keeping "ith the original spirit of the Neighborhood Center could
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent new fee
s~hedule memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Cènters leff~ctiveJuly 1, 1989), feel the strong need to express
our concerns over 1;his change. Further, we urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Center. We understand this to mean
that non-profit, g"rass-roots, community-bas<ôd organizations
should not be charged a fee for r<ôsponsible use of these Centers.
The conc<ôrns e'xpressed.i n the original memorandum from the.
Parks And Recreation Department regarding reservation abuse and
allocation of time periods we believe can be addressed by
reviewing and changing reservation policy and not by instituting
this payment policy.
As for operational support for the Centers, we are proud of
the unique community support of the past. W<ô understand it to
have been sufficient. Again, we believer<ôservation policy in
keeping with the original spirit of the Neighborhood C<ônter could
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
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alld c:hallging
panllc:nl pol
"Is opera Lion,,! 1,;UPPO,'t for th" C"nLers, "" proud of'
Lh,' unJqL'" collllllunlty su!'port of' the past. lie nndc'rsLand it to
beell kient, Again, w,' beUt"" p"licy
J,eeving ¡,ith spirit oj' the No! Center cnu!d
re <. I ¡ I'
\11,: l!NDr-:!(SlGNED, in resp"nsE' to the' eeeent new ree
,,'hedll!" trI',,"'oJralldul\i reJated to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Centers (efl'""ti(" ,Jllly 1, 19;]91, the "t['o"" Lo e:qltcss
Ihis ehan~e. Further, IW reconsickration
IS;,OIl Oind a revert in, to th" conce¡"t ùnd
"I'i,;lIborlJO()d ¡'enter. lie undel'n[¡nd this to "¡("at!
¡(rass-roots I communil;y-b[¡sed ')I,M,' ",,\tiaus
for responsibie u.öe of tbes" Ceolcers,
i,n tilt, or¡~inill memorandum from the
n's('r\ ation abuse and.
C'\II he addressed by
poLley and uot by insUtnLing
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WE TIlE UNDERSIGNED, In response to the recent new fee
."hedu:!. memorandum rehted to use of the Sa! inil Neighborhood
Centers (effective ,July 1,19891, 1\òel the strong need to express
our concerns OVer this change, Further, we urge I'"consideration
of' this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Center, We understand this to mean
that n"n'-profit, community-based organizations
should not be a fee use of these Centers,
The eoncern" in the lII"morandum from the
Parks anel R(,'creat:lon DeparLlllent reservation abuse and.
allocation of LIllie p'Hiods can be addressed by
reviewing and changing and not by instituting
this payment policy,
As for
the wil que
have been sufficient,
with the
1:0 lIIeet
support for the Centers we are proud of
of the past. undel'stand to
, we resel'vaUon policy in
the Neighborhood Center could
; I' necessary,
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent new fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Centers (effective July 1, 1989), feel the strong need to express
our concerns over this change. ,Further. we urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Center. We understand this to mean
that non-profit. grass-roots, communitY-based organizations
should not be charged a fee for responsible use of these Cen.ters.
The COncerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and Recreation Department regatding reservation abuse and
allocation of time periods we believe can be addressed by
reviewing and changing reservátion policy and by instituting
this payment policy.
As for operational support for the Centers. we are proud of
the unique community support of the past. We understand it to
have been sufficient. Again. we helieve reservation policy in
keeping with the original spirit of the Neighborhood Center could
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the recent new fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighborhood
Centers (effective July 1, 1989), feel the strong need to express
our 'concerns, over this change. Further, we urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Neighborhood Center. We understand this to mean
that non"profi t, grass"roots, communi ty"based organizations
should not be charged a fee for responsible use of these Centers.
The concerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and Reer,eation Department regarding reservation abuse arid
i'lllocåtion of time periods we believe can be addressed by
reviewing arid changing reservation policy and not by instituting
this payment policy.
As for oP$rationål support for the Centers, we are proud of
the unique community support of the past. We understand it to
have been sufficient. Again, we believe reservation policy in
keeping with the original spirit of the Neighborhood Center could
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
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WE THE UNDERSIGNED. in r~spons~ to th~ r~c~nt n~.w f~~
schedul~ m~morandum r~lat~d to us~ of th~ Salina Neighborhood
C~nt~rs(effective July 1, 1989), feel the strong ne~d to expr~ss
OUr concerns over this chang~. Furth~r, w~ urg~r~co!1sideratíon
of this d~císion and a r~v~rtíng to th~ original concept and
intent of th~ Neighborhood Center. W~ understand this to m~an
that non-profit, grass'roots, community-bas~d organizatiöns
should not be charged a f~~ for rèSponsibl~ us~ of thes~ Centers.
Th~ concerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and R~cr~ation Department regarding r~servation abuse and
allocation of time periods we believe can be addressed by
r~viewing and changing policy and not by instituting
this payment policY.
As for operational support for the . . we are proud of
th~ unique community support of the understand it to
hav~ been sufficient. Again. w~ b~li~v~ r~servation policy in
keeping with the original spirit of the N~ighborh6od Cent~r could
b~ revis~d tom~et this conc~rn it' Mc~ssary.
~ """ø " f --- . $;;J2¡! ~
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- -------- ---------------------
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, in response to the reçent new .fee
schedule memorandum related to use of the Salina Neighhorhood
Centers (effective July 1,19891, feel the strong need to express
our concerns over this change. Further, we urge reconsideration
of this decision and a reverting to the original concept and
intent of the Nei~hborhood Center. We understand this to mean
tha t non -profi t, g ras s-root s, community- based organ i za ti ons
should not be charged a fee for responsible use of these Centers.
The concerns expressed in the original memorandum from the
Parks and Recreation Department regarding reservation ahuse and
allocation of time periods we bel i~ve can be addressed by
r~vie"ing end cbanging reservation policy and not by instjjutin~
this payment policy,
As for operational support forne Centers, "e are proud of'
the unigue community support of' the past. We understand 11 to
have been sufficient', Again, lie believe reservation policy in
keeping liith the original spirit of the Neighborhood Center rou1d
be revised to meet this concern if necessary.
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