4001 Traffic Control DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE PETI TI ON NUMBER ~cOI TO: THE GOVERNING BODY Ci ty of Sa 11 na, Kansas FILED '90 DEe 5 PM 1 08 CITY OF SALINA, KS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the: City of Salina, Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body for: --a traffic control device at the corner of South Phillips and Charles St. cost of signals, we feel that suffice at this dangerous numerous accidents have occurred at this intersection, ,mrany". with injuries. R '., fllb "b John ,e5þect..U .Y,5U ml,tted',y:., ',.".'...' Telephone Number: 823-8791 ."".......,,'C.,. ';;"'... '.~.\;: ( ( ~ r (lÆd~~ p lli..U.; . , I I' S- . . , "..' , ',.'... .. : ~/) ÇI ~ /?í2_~~?---_/ :ç;"..:( Cì ~;>, íp~év,/¿{e ftJ ~ v5- 7 J-"2) ..,p ¡:ké:€~Yh '.~/ : c();;;.. e~(lA1.~~ , 'i .i " ¡; \< l-\ J ADDENDUM to uPETITION FOR STOP SIGNS" (for So. Phillips and Charles) ( attached) BACKGHOlJND INF'OHIV!ATION Having talked with almost all the proper'ty owners and some renters along or near the str'eets in question, I feel the ci ty should know of the traffic problemr:: that have evolved over the last 15 to 20 years. Vehicles traveling south on College-say from South Street, since the tltVO large stores on Broadway have been doing business, turn left on Prescott for a short distance and then south again on. Phillip:::!"- the. sarrle toli:en, car and trplcks traveling south on Phillips -,say from shop Street and down- to\\Tn area to get to Crawford) pick up speed 'äfte,r,: turning south on Phillips on the way to Crawford. I've checked speeds pf cars' and pick-up trucks at around 60 MPH as they cross the intersection at Charles and Phillips. 11hus cars coming south on College 1.i~¡s turn east and ,west respectively and create a Ittuning~f,orh!J~l 1 si tua:bion, if :rou will, thus creating an ever-increasing flow of vehicular traffic. Over the past year', large gasoline trucks transporting fuel to the neighborhood Sinclair station at Crawford and Phillips for some reason travel south from Charles on Phillips thus creating a potentially dangerous £!:tre and safety hazard. Almost all the residents along Phillips have made comments re this unnecessary rout~ for the gas trucks. I suppose I note this item beaause it appears(or I perceive it)to be relevant to the dangerous condition that exists at the intersection in question. Almost all the property owners along Phillips from Prescott to Crawford seem to agree to FOUR;.,.WAY stop signs at the inter- section in question are needeEÌ ,BECAUSE 9f the speeds the carl! ~ravel going north from Craw d those traveling south ; r cottcrossingCharÙes ard Cr'awford. May~I add. . tha hrubbery and tree branches at or near the intersection pre ent a very dangerous situation as-the uYIELDu signs on Charles are:alrnost useless as nobody pays any attention to them. Five accidents in one month in 189 occurred at this intersection. In fact the approach eorning south on Phillips is almost lOOiper cent blind when you get within about 50' to 60' of the inter- section.~TOO DANGEROUS---approach should be CLEAR for at least 100 feet}' Two owners objected to the L~..,WAY stop signs request because they didn'T feel they should have to stop when they vis~ t their propex"ties to collect rent, etc., and to che,ck on ,J' thelr houses. ,J .-h ,[ -' .* fF S I () a II ó v,r s a h '1\ we 1-0 c. c V\ +- " V\ u t? , E' c~.relY:l I arn ;{/ :;Z o/h:l () , ~ /'-' . ~ .>'Í../ John B. Fillin7r 64,5 S. Phillips Salina, KS 67401 Phone: 823-8791 P. S.: May I add that due to the drawn-out construction now going on along Crawford, a 1remendous increase in vehicular traffic, especially trucks and emergency vehicular-type vans has:taken place. This condition can only increasl~ throughout 1990, as well into 191. South Phillips carries the brunt of this condi tion of traffic. PLEASE, we need the ItFOUR-WAYu signs.