3991 Violation Notice 721 N 7th ""'0 '"y , \;l.1..t::...... $~~ \ 30 May 1990 v ~ 'sdoner's, Salina, saline County, kansas, \ Mr. j a.ndall R. Stene t, 721 No. 7th, Salina, Sa.line County, Kilnsas ha.s oeen is$Ued a "1II0LATIONNOTlCE IIARIIING" by Sa.lina - Sa.line Co. Health Department, ' Animal Shelter, saying: .Yo,! are hereby advisedtba.} you are in violation of city Otdina.nce 7-31 which is Prohibited owning -- YoiiîÌ1Ust get rid of the goats. They are not allowed in the City Limits. YoU have till Thursday, May 31, 1990 - 3:30 p.lI!. to take them out of town. "~ilure to correct this violation oy May 31, 90 - 3:30 p.II!., will result in a summonÈN>eing issued against you for this violation. We, the people, who signatures appear helow are friends of The Sterrett FåIl\- ily, or neighbors, and we have no objection to the Sterret's ha.ving a goat on their fænily property, The Lot is fenced in. The goat is small and clean. The goat is not a nuisa.¡lce. The goat will help to keep the lot clean. This lot is properly designated.724 N. I!th and is. iDunediatelyhehind the fænily residence, across the alleY.!iE REQlJEST TBATTIIE STERRET'S SHALt HAVE TIlE LEGAL RIGHT TO POSSESS ONE GOAT, AND KEEP IT AT TllISADDRESS AS A PET ANIMAL. ~~1~1~._1 t£-i:f .d 1/[) ;J .~¥\ f):14 ",f o. ~ -..:.=? :- 9ð' ;-3 -'YO -j'::.3)'-~ S'3~~~ ~~.I :? !J~ :)1 -'1-0 c- 3./ - C:J ~,,"',,~ .7i'~ø::¡ ;j . ri \' OJ'yY) . OJ ,~W æt1A ¡),~ $~ f .Friend ;" r street Address (P.r "') C(S9 9, ç""t, h... b I~Ð J lÞu~~T 3J3/V 7?? \ --~ ¡,/'t1ð ~l~~. - ;;4~ ~~Á ..~---- 7:2 L~F--_Þ:/-7'n~ W-tr=: ---=. ~~:u~ :11..;;5.. ~---~,~, --~,---~~-~=.- -'--=-=~ ---~=- L #; ~ ~ #r~ ð'63. ,5" ¡:;fli! ~S~. ..5 r:Hh