4024 Historical Museum ~ -'7'~,"/;~-"'~~"'~' ~'-,~A_, ,g PE¡ITIOÑ ,was initiated, and is pres Hc/voter consideration" by ~,KANSAS TAXPAYERS ,IATION: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Directors - Wilber H. Davis, Pres.; Robert G. Mason, V.P.; Charlene Pitcock, ~c. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delroy Hill, Benjamin Frick, Marlyn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS petition 'íÍn1st' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 317 W. Jewell, ~alina, KS, 67401 - BY TIIH SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. " PETITION -------- T(l:The Board of City Commissioners, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. 12,...1681 thru -K.S..A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto¡ in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operate a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ àd:i.rec- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the present operation of the ,museum is: It. is nota HISTORICAL 'MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humanities Commission resides, in' the building and has control of the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arts and Humanities could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the museum basement for manY years, would under this plan be'broQght out into public view. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 12,...1688 (amended 1990) andbe~orea community historical museum may be established and operated as provided.by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be submitted to the qualified voters thereof~tp be voted upOn at the next regular or speèial election of the city to be held"mpre than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. ' THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City.of Salina. do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities¡ and that.all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportUnity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et.seq., as amende~, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" YES 0 NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I am a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas and of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline County, and my residence address is correctly written after my name¡ AND I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE¡ OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. STREET ADDRESS . :::¡<:') c.o ...... <:') <::) ,.,.., CJ .... .... 'T ;::e(J'J ~ trJ!:: (::>% ::::D ::3 ..¡:: ...., r- ø:¡: . is. (CONTINOE SIGNATURES ON REVERSE SIDE) --------- A F F I D A VI T I, , am THE SI'QtlSOR and only CIRCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. All of the signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To.the best of my Iam a Registered knowledge every signature is that of the. person whose name it.purports to be. Voter. I"~/kLr:{f ( W' (SIGNATU:RE F NOTARY) DATE: 12 -'1" ...,<1( have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of thispetit,ion. (SEAL) f MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: S/ '" f?' -~f? (n1l.1J1R\ -' '--'" )%, "'~ ~:<"7)'/¡"'"<'):'!\!¡j.f", ~A*)P:;",,¡i'!""T'f"""$'¡'¡~::"¡: --:"I"~,:,:"""'>":'::~:,:~,- ')"," "":'7;"","5""'" );"""",;!)\~",:\,:";"",;,,, ~~",7;;):q'f"'","""'~"~""'~""~' The following PETITION was initiated, and is presented for "pubIÚ:/voter consideration" by CENTRAL KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Directors - Wilber H. Davis, Pres.; Robert G. Mason, V.P.; Charlene Pitcock, Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delroy Hill, Benjamin Frick, Marlyn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF TIllS petition 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 317 W. Jewell, Salina, KS, 67401 - BY TIlE SJ.'ONSOR OF EACH PAGE. ' PETITION -------- TO: The Board of City Commissioners" City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. 12-1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto, in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operate a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, rnlildings qr other facilities and equipment and employ a.direc- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problemwith1the present operation of the museum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humanities Commission resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arts and Humanities could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the museum basement for many years, would under this'plan be brought out'into public view. K~S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a community historical museum may be established and operated as provided by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition siglled by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis~ tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question 1to be submitted to the qualified voters thereoft,o be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director ap,d assistants with all the necessaJry equipment, funds, and necessities, and that all registered . voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et.seq., as amenw~d, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" -1 YESi-J. NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that lam a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas and of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline Crnlnty, and my residence address is correctly written after my name, AND I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE, OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. VOTER(S) DATE SIGNED (CONTINUE ST~l\TTTR11.~ 0111 R1roRR!::R !::TnR\ I.,~Ç}hdø )/< ~ (SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR) --------- AFFIDAVIT , am THE SPONSOR and only CIRCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. All of the signatureswri1:ten hereupon were written in my presence. To the best of my I am a Registered knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. Voter. ¿._~'_.~;;~-~~~ I, _~~;D£~ (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) DATE: /6 --2 if -1/ , NOTARY PUBLIC: (SEAL) ., have, this date witnessed.the signature of the above Sponsor of this; petition. ?~ t' ~ 7."3 MY C:OMMISSION EXPIRES: * ~j{~ 14" fm~'I'R\ Xbef()llowing PETlï10,Nwas.. initiated,. ..;md is presenteð ff'pr"pubiic/Voter.. consf-deråtion" ... by... c:ENTRAL .KåNSAsTAxPAYERS AsSOCIAfiON: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION~ Officers andDirectØ"s"Wilber H. DaviS, Pres;; Robert G. Mason, V.P.; Charlene Pitcock, Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delroy Hill, Benjamin Frick, Marlyn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS petitf-øn 'mu$t' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 317 W. Jewell, Salina, KS, 67401 ... BY THE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. PETITION -------- TO: The Board of City Commissioners, City of Salina, Saline County, lCansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. 12-1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operate a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a direc~ tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the present operation of the museum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will he as long as The Arts and Humani1ties Commission resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arts and Humanities. could be" and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases" The ARTIFA(fTS which ha'\!'e- been~_þidden away in the museum basement for many years, would under this. plan be bro119ht~ò1Ìtintöpûblic iiìew-. '. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a coDDD.Unity historical museum may be established and operated as provided byK.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be submitted to the qualified voters thereof to be voted upon at. the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body. of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized hy K.S.A. 12~1681, et.seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" .XESU NoD --, - '-'~-'- CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I alii a Registered Elector of the. State ofICansas and of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline County, and my residence address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITIOW MORE TH1\W ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. OF REGISTERED VÖTER(S) DATE SIGNED (CONTImJE SIGNATURES ON REVER~R HTnR\ SIGNATURE(S) OF REGISTERED VOTER(S) STRt:¡';T ADDlŒSS DATE SI("NED -- ~. _. I - i \ i I I I I ' ! 1 : I I AFFIDAVIT I , '/. ~? -r, 17 LvtrL6-7I'U- (SIGNA"roRE OF SPONSOR) --------- , am THE SPONSOR and only CIRCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. All of the signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To the best of my I am a Registered knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. Voter. NOTARY PUBLIC: I, ('~'/iR 7- e~ (SIGNATU OF NOTARY) DA'l'E: I ð - 1 - q I r.,~~rl1i have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of this petition. (SEAL) . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ,f - ~'.- '1 1 (DATE) , ,-. ' , " " ',^ -., """, , '^-. , " " "", ,,' , " , '!he followfng PETITION was initiàted, and is presented for "pubÚc/voter consideration" by CENTRAL KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Directors - Wilber H. Davis, Pres.; Robert G. Mason, V.P.; Charlene Pitcock, Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delroy Hill, Benjamin Frick, Mar1yn PitcoÇk and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS petition 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 317 W. Jewell, Salina, KS, 67401 -BY TIlE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. PETITION TO: The Board of City Commissioners, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. -------- SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUN;[TY' HISTOR\rCAL 'MuSEUM' as authorized by K.S.A. 12;"'1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operate a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a direc- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The Cit¥already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. Th~ major problem with the present operation of the museum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humanities Commission resides in the building and has control of, the facility. Large rooms occupied. by the Arts' and Humanities could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the museum basement for many years, would under this plan be brought out into public view. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.S.A~ 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a community historical museum may be established and operated as providedbyK.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body . of. ,1;he city to cause such question to be submitted to the, qualified voters thereof to b~ voted upon^at the next regular or special election of the city to beheld more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended. hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this PETITION ,to the Governing Body of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall hëive the opportunity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of ,Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et~seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron.Ave.?" YES 0 NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I am a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas and of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline county, and my residence address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the' statements made in this PETIT1ON, are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. DATE SIGNED L Õ- 'f ~"Z ( f9-'j/ f- 9 -<1/ 4.3'02:;. ßJ-tf ~^ ?- /ð - 71/ <2 -{ 0-9J L He¡ Þ1Cád~ {CONTINIJF.~Tc:NJ\'l'TmR~ ow Ðlò'UPÐCP CTnp\ 1/ ->;;;N .5f1/l11J f'E Sib s: , ~'&#J ~ ~Jé)~. 9/ &,/'0,91 I .Yf~7/-¡(/~ (SIGNATURE OF SPONSO~) A F F I DAV I T --------- , am THE: SPONSO~ and only CInCUIJ\TOR of this copy of thi$ PETITION. All of the signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To thêbest of my knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. I am a Registered voter. I, f~-v\ ,<A/f .~ (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) DATE: S)pT .12~lf(1/ NOTARY PUBLIC: have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of (SEAL) , this petition. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: %-~ -'13 (DATE) The follavlng P!o.'TITION was Inltialpd, and Is presented for "publlc/voter conslder,ll iGn" by CENTRAl. KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION: ^ CIVIC OI«'.AN17.ATlON, OrIlcers and Dircctors - WiI\x<r II. (Javls, Pres.; Ro\x<rl G, H.lson, V.p.; Charlene Pitcock, Sec. Tr.; t;rn('st corr-.-o..'lruy lIill, Bc',jiUl!ln t'rlck, Monly" Pitcock and William I",drurd. AI,;!,-~~plt;S Qt'llflS ~tlt~'!..~-,,_,,-'_bf'_~(:t-"-~II,'d I.", Wllbf'r II, Havis, 117 W. Je""ll, S..lin.., KS. (,7401 - II! !!!": SI'OH~ Qt' ~:AaI PAGE. PET I T ION -------- TO: The Board of City Commissioners, City of Salina, Saline County, Karmas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. 12-1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Au';horizes ~ city may establish, promote and operate a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a direc- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the present operation of the muSeum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humani tics Commission resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large rOOØls occupied by the Arts and Humanities could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the muSeum basement for many years, would under this plan be brought out into public view. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of It.S.A. 12-1688 (~nded 1990) and before a community historical museum may be established and operated as provided by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5') of the qualified and regis- tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be submitted to the qualified voters thereof to be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting .the city. shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. .Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et.seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron Ave.? YEsC NO ':...1 CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I am a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas and of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline County, and my residence address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNIAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. STREET ADDRESS ; ) ~ (' . YÎ~.. ;;> ?-. " ( . DATE SIGHED ~. J v v' ï (CONTINUE SIGNATURES ON REVERSE SIDE) .==t= ----- SIGNATURE(S) OF RF.GISTRIŒD VOTER(S) STREET ADDIU-:SS DATE SIGNED - - I i I --1 I ¡ ! I I I i I ! I /~~~- I,~ 1::/ ' < r -fU';7 (SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR) AFFIDAVIT ------~-- , am THE SPONSOR and only CIRCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. All of the signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To the best of my I am a Registered knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. Voter. NOTARY PUBLIC: I Jø ÐIN&ST E. OCU I ~--_..- IIIr AIIII...... 'if - <.J -ì' "3 I, r-'b~~ ,//1:, t~ ~~/ (SIGNATUR¡;: OF NOTARY) DATE: j 2- - LI - 'I / , have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of this petition. (SEAL), MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ý-;r'~Ci7, (DATE) ~ -------- PETITION TO: ~e Board of City Commissioners. City of Salina. Saline County. Kansas. ~ SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMúNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina. Kansas. ----- l{~.S"A.12-1E;81.AllthOrize/3anycitymayestëililish. '.prO1lloteand opera-te a.' cQmmuni ty historical ~/3f!qntanc;lacquireor leaselél.Dd~bUildings or other facilities a:nd equiPJlllent anä, emPlQya,dirëc;", tor anc;lassÍfrtantsandvoteandëxpendfunds<for $aidpurposes. ' ',,"'. Thé City already owns,amuse1J1nfacility. at,211W. IrQnÁcve.. / ~e mmaj Qr problem with the present operat1oIliof tb.e mûse~ is:~ It is hot a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and~nevery will be ,as ¡ong as TheArtf!. andHU)J1ånities commission résidesi.n thebuilding'aÍldhascontrol of,thefacu.:i,.ty. , Large rooms occupied by the Arts and HumanitiéS could be. and wpuld be. used for the permanent display of HISœoRICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed flÓQr cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in tpê museum basement~ for many years. would under this plan be brought out, into public view. K.S.A~ 12-1684. Except asotberwise provided in subsection (b) of K~S.A.12-1688 (amended 1990) and,before"'ä"c,onununity historicalllluseum may be established '{lnd operated as provided by K.S.A. 12...16ßl,and12-1682. a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered vo~rs of the city shall be filed with. the clerk thereof. requesting the governing body of the city to cause such quest:i,.on to be submitted to the qualified voter:sth~eofto be voted upon'at the n~t regular or special election of the dty to be held more 'than thirty (30) days after the filing'of'such petition. ". THEREFORE., we 'The People. whose names are appended hereto. who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina. do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salina :KaI1sas. requesting "the city" shall establish a, COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM. employLng a Director and assistants with all thenecessåry equipment. funds. and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina. Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. ~\) 6ß¡~ , 0 "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. ,12-1681. et.seq.. as amended. at 211W. Iron Ave.?" YES 0 NO CJ CERTIFICATION: I. the undersignec;l do certify that I am a Registered Elect:or of the State pf Kansas and ,of 'the CITY OF SALINA.aaline County. and my resLdence address is correctly written after my n¡ime;.,' AND 'I . believe the ståtertlents made in thLs PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN OtilCEyr' OR. TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME. HERETO. DATE SIGNED ./&' 1~9'¡ ~) II 11\ \\ (CONTIN;tJE SIGNATUJRES SIDE) 3012 I, '/}A' " , II-. " llU'" ; Yn l Ÿ¡i i J( !.. .'. ( ./7,LA)J~JtI /~/vr p/, /' (SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR) --------- AFFIDAVIT , am THE SPONSOR ,and only CIRCULATOR Of this PETITION. All of. the signatures. written hereupOn were written in my presence. knowledge:,ßvery signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. Voter. ,NOTARY PUBLIC: I, '..~~Vrr:.~~ (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) ~~~~~ To the'best of my I am á Registered DATE: /2 - Lf -((I have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of this'. petition. ~/90MMISSION EXPIRES: '¥-[i('- '13..,; . , InATF.) The following PETITION was initiated, and is presen ,ed voter consideration" by CENTRAL KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATI<?N: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Di11ectors - Wilber H. Davis, Pres.; Robert G. Mason, V.P.; Charlene Pitcock, Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delroy Hill, Benjam:i¡n Frick, Marlyn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS petition 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 3l~ W. Jewell, Salina, KS, 67401 - BY THE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. PETITION -------- TO: The Board of CityC:omttlÌasioners, City! of Salina, Saline County, Kansaa. i . . SUBJECT: Eatabliahment of a COMMUNITY HIS'l'ORICALMUSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. 12-"1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendmenta th~reto; in the City, of Salina, Kanaaa. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizea any city may establìah, promote and operate a community hiatorical muaeum and acquire or leaae land, bundinga or other facìlìtiea and equipment and employ a direc- tor and aaaiatants and vote and expend fupda for said purposes. The City already owna a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the prþaent operation of themuaeum ia: It ia nota HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as ~ong aa . The' Arta and Humani tiea Commìssion reaidea in the building and haa control þf.. the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arta and. Humanitiea could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORI~ ARTIFACTS in encloaed wall cases and encloaed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which h~ve been hidden away in the museum baaement for many yeara, would under this plan þe brought. out into public view. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except aa otherwise provifled in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and ,before a community hiatorié:al muaeum jnay be established and operated aa provided by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by! at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered votera of the city shall be filed w¡ith the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be åubmitted to the qualified votera thereof to be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the 'city to be held more than thirty (30) daya after the filing of auch petition. . THEREFORE, We The ,People, whose n~es are appended hereto, who are qualified regiatered voter of the City of Salìna, do submit th¡ia PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salìna ICanaaa, requeating "the city" ahall eatab¡Liah a COMMUNITY IIISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and aaaiatanta with all the rteceaaaryequ¡ipment, funda, and neceaaities; and that all regiatered votera of the City of Salina, Kansaa ahaljl. have the opportunity to vote upon the following queation. ' "Shall the city of Salina Kanaas eatablish a community historicalmuseum aa author- ized by K.S~A. 12-1681, et.seq., aa amended, ati 211 W. Iron Ave.?" "YES 0 NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the underaigned do cerd.fy that I ama. Registered Elector of the State of Kanaas and ,of the CITY OF SALI}¡A,saline County, ~d my residence, address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the statements made itlthis PETITION are true. i IT IS UNLAWFUL TOi SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN AN<>TI$R PERSONS NAME, HERETO. /26//(k... ~.. rCONTINIJE ~T~J\'I'11RR!:: nltl vTm1õ'v~1ô' ~Tn1ô'\ ZJ~ ~.,3~4. ~tiUizrU.Ju 1~1~~fÞ~- ß.' 17J~. øP'Þ' 173ð~ ~ ! ',/"/3 .,~~ - q I :1- ¡;-'" r- r:-.r:--. 7( ~-2 -1J ) --------- AFFIDAVIT , am THE SPÓNSORand only CJ[RCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. À of tile signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To the best of my knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. I am a Registered Voter. ,'-,"-"~.,--,~".,,-"~ . ERNiSl £. COl.E HoIIIr)f' PWI!o.. .. of " . .My_.,Œqf/88)f~í?-~ (SEAl;) I,-t~~~ ~ ('~ (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) DATE:$yT./) ...11'fl NOTARY PUBLIC: have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of this petition.. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: t-9',..1j3 fÐATE} The following PETITION was initiatedl. and is presented for "public/voter consideration" by CENTRAL KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATIQN: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Directors - Wilber H. Davis, Pres.; Robert G. Mason. V.P.; Charlene Pitcock., Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole. Delroy Hill. BenjaminFrick.Mar1yn Pii::c::ock and Wil: .iam Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS petitiQIl 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis. 317 W. Jewell. Salina.KS. 67401 -'BY TIlE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. PETITION -------- TO: The Board of City Commissioners, City of, Salina, Saline County, Kansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNITY-HISTORICAL MUSEUM\as authorized by K.S.A. 12-1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and ¡unendments thereto; in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promöte and operate a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a direc- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already,öwns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the present operation of the museum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humanities Commission resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arts and Humanities could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the museum basement for many years, would under this plan be brought out into public view. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a community historical museum may be established and operated as provided by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be submitted to the qualified voters thereof to be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas ,shall'have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A.12-1681, et.seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" YEsU NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned dö certify that I am a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas ançl of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline County, and my residence address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. DATE SIGNED cu.Jood (CONTINUE ,SIGNATURES ON REVERSE SIDE} SIGN1\TURE (S) OFREGISTERJID V()TER(S) ~.~~>.O,@Cç.~. --.ßo.h('~m. m GoNJ! 7IJ°Ju l, ~1nf' ~.~ dj~~ va~ tj~. .~ "4 ~ "7 Q~ .I~- ~y!, ~ß~ ~........Vl1C.~ ¡¡. U /)f ~/ø>z4z ~. . .Pr\e.-~~ ~~~ ~2S,g , f7 q- ¡;- ~V""'/.." 7..:1.5t.J .scoH- 1s-f~~ í! -?? . 4'-8-'-9/ 8'~ r-' "\ I, L:3: ..1.~ AFFIDAVIT .. ~/. '. ... . . ~/ - -,-: ;~;~N;OR and only C:ŒCULATOR of this copy of this (SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR) PETITION. All of the signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To the best. of my knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. I am a Registered Voter. NOTARY PUBLIC: '"' -" ERNiS1' E. COLE IJIIcII8I\t fIUbII - 8lllltll0l ~ .. ~..-- r.-9'~(t (SEAIi) I, ~..[.....~. (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) DATE:S7T fL.-lff¡ have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of this petition. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 'f- S"->?3.. (DATE) ,F,' ''>"'~"'P'~"'~:"7""""""",~",~","<!""",1-""',p, """""~~'~";"":P=""""t?",::",", ' " "', ~':,7",", '¥1""p"""""""'~,,,~-"'T~7'tP'~""#",,,,":'2"'\"";p,",,.¡r~~':i':"~'1""~~ The following PETITION was initiated. and is presented for"pubUc/voter consideration" by CENTRAL KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Directors - Wilber H. Davis. Pres.; Robert G. Mason. V.P.; Charlene Pitcock. Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole. Delroy Hill. Benjamin Frick. Marlyn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS petition 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis. 317 W. Jewell. SaUna. KS. 67401 - BY THE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. PETITION -------- TO: .The Board of city Commissioners, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL M{JSEUM as authorized by K.S.A. li--168lthru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operat:ea community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a direc- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the present operation of the museum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humani t:ies Commission resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large: rooms occupied by the Arts and Humanities could be. and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the museum basement for many years, would under. this plan be brought out into public 'View. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a community historical museum may be established and operated as provided by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis'" teredvoters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be submitted to the qualified voters thereof to be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this PETITION to the Governing Body of the City of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et.seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" YEsLJ NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I am a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas and of the CITY OF SALINA, Saline County, and my residence address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. STREET ADDRESS DATE SIGNED t) r c¡ fit #3 V£ I'( ""'- cfèo.s: /0 (;( 3:?f 1fT; t't I,QfJ~ ~ ¿~ (SIG ~ . OF SPQNSO&) AFFIDAVIT , am THE SPONSO&. and only CI&CULATOR of this copy. of . this -~------- DATE $ -1--'{1 g'l-q¡f t -o-¡ -- c¡ 8'". - j ~'fl R~.7-'ì; <6-7"'" " ~-7~q) <¡JI-) -- '// 1r -? - 'if ~~7- cf- '-'If 7- ? ~ t¡ f J -7-9 PETITION. All of the signatures written hereupon were written in my presence. To the .best of my knowledge every signature is that of the person whose naJlleit purports to be. I am a Registered Voter. NOTARY PUBLIC: I,_~~;JJ £- ~ (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) DATE: 5 ~ T, ¡, -If/?! i;j¡~Fn~ have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor. of this petition. (SEAl;) ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~ or ~- 11 (DATE) The following PETITION was initiated, and is presented for "public voter consideration 'Y KANSAS TAXPAYERS , ASSOCIATION: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers ,and Directors - Wilber H. 'Davis, Pres.i R£lbert G. Mason, V.P.i Charlene Pitcock., Šec. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delro'Y Hill, :Benjamin Frick, Marl:yn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF THIS )!etit:i,on 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 317 W. Jewell, Salina, 'Ks, 67401 - BY TIlE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. . PETITION - - -, - - - - - TO: The BoardófCity C°UW'Ìssioners, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNI1¥ HISTORI~MUSEUMas authorized by K.S.A. 12-1681 thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina., Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operat.e a community hìstorical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a.direc- tor and assistants and vote and expE!Dd funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with 1;he present operation of the museum is: It is not a HISTORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Bumanit:ies Commìssion resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arts and HumaDities could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS in.enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away:inthe museum basement for many years, would under this plan be brought out into public v'iew. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of K.Si.A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a coDDIIUDity historical museum may be established and operalted as provided byK.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and regis- tered voters of the city shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requE!sting the governing body of the city to cause such question to be submìtted to the qualified v~ters thereof to be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty (30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do submit this .PETITION to the Governing Body of the City .ofSalìna Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a Director and assistants with all the necessaJry equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following qUestion. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a coJIDnuni ty historical museum .as authm,- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et.seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" YES 0 NoD CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I am a Registered Jnector of the State of Kansas and of the CITY OF SALINA,Salìne County, and my residence address is correctly written after my name; AND I believe the statements Jillade in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. STREETADDRI~SS I>ATE tt~¿~~ /cu7- I~£A I~ 9!t~ ~/~? '(CONTINUE SIGNÀTURES ON REVERSE SIDE) OF REGISTERED VOTEl{(S) r ";""TC""':'~""',~,!""""" '-,' '~~'?'~X""";"¥""'~"'~":">:"'"'I'.,~";t'1"""~"",,,,,"ä:,,'N??'"""","é""'~!:'>,7¡~ß-"'7"""""~""'?'~-'~'~~\~" 7!"",,,4',,,?"""""""""'~""'?"'i\~"""""l~';""~:'? DATE SIGNED //;""'7 ~-' , r-7~7 ;??7~~ -:£) d fII" Y f/ r/ S. 'f' ~Q~~,t ~~~ /l?M~ ~ - (L., ~~~ ~A ~~V / -fJ:Ø::t ~ B~~ :'ß- I, ~ , 1>0" ¡:3ú I~};)t(v.fr b (" Ib~~<l°;¿ .° , Cf5 3> S 5* i\'3';¿~. \~ ~. f r~ ..<] 'f-- &-C[ ~9A q11-1¡ 'ß -q At AFFIDAVIT --------- , am THE SJ?ONSOR and only C]ERCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. All of the signatures, writ:ten hereupon were written in my presence. To the best of my knowledge every'signature;is that of the person whose name it purports to.be. I am a Registered Voter. I,~.Etdv. (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) NOTARY PUBLIC: "~.,,,'" """"""-,,,-'--'" ærai E. cou: IoIOI8fY PdO - ... of K8ßIIIIIII 11t111Ø.~ t-t- r1 DA'.l'E:Sr!B '.12 -1'1"'/ /' have, this date witnessed the signature of the above Sponsor of this' petition. (SEAII) '!1 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: f'" ;~ - 75 (DATE] '~"'~>è',!", ~rJ' ~'~if'I"!'" p""~",",~---"~, ~~"'~""~F'4""",9~r'""." """"""p,",,~",p,",,,~';"'n\,l;'~",;~~,"$!i;~;"Y~1"If,\,:,~""""":,:,,,;'¡!¡,,,;;n,;,"";; ~,;",,~;h.:;"j"~"V~~!""?j The following PETITION was initiated, and is presented for "public/voter cònsideration" by CENTRAL KANSAS TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION: A CIVIC ORGANIZATION. Officers and Directors - Wilber H. Davis, Pres.; Robert G. Mason, V.P.; Charlene Pitcock, Sec. Tr.; Ernest cole, Delroy Hill, Benjamin Frick, Mar1yn Pitcock and William Ledford. ALL COPIES OF mIS petition' 'must' be returned to: Wilber H. Davis, 317 W. Jewell, Salina, KS, 67401 :... :gy THE SPONSOR OF EACH PAGE. . " " .) PETITION -------- TO: The Board of City commìssioners. City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. SUBJECT: Establishment of a COMMUNI~~ HISTORICAL MOSgUMas authorized by K.S.A. l2~168l'thru K.S.A. 12-1691 and amendments thereto; in the City of Salina, Kansas. K.S.A. 12-1681. Authorizes any city may establish, promote and operat,e a community historical museum and acquire or lease land, buildings or other facilities and equipment and employ a direc- tor and assistants and vote and expend funds for said purposes. The City already owns a museum facility, at 211 W. Iron Ave.. The major problem with the present operation of the museum is: It is not a HIS'l'ORICAL MUSEUM and nevery will be as long as The Arts and Humanities Commission resides in the building and has control of the facility. Large rooms occupied by the Arts and Humanities ,could be, and would be, used for the permanent display of HISTOR1CAL ARTIFACTS in enclosed wall cases and enclosed floor cases. The ARTIFACTS which have been hidden away in the. museum basement f"or.many years, would under this plan be brought out into public view. K.S.A. 12-1684. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) ofK.S;A. 12-1688 (amended 1990) and before a community historical museum may be established and operated as provided by K.S.A. 12-1681 and 12-1682, a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) of the qualified and reg~s- tared voters of the city shall be filed with the. clerk thereof, requesting the governing l>òdy of the city to . cause such question 11:0 be submitted to the qualified voters thereof to be voted upon at the next regular or special election of the city to be held more than thirty'(30) days after the filing of such petition. THEREFORE, We The People, whose names are appended hereto, who are qualified registered voter of the City of Salina, do .submit this PETITION. to the Governing Ðody of theCity.of Salina Kansas, requesting "the city" shall establish a COMMUNITY HISTORICAL MUSEUM, employing a. Oirector arid assistants with all the necessary equipment, funds, and necessities; and that all registered voters of the City of Salina, Kansas shall have the opportunity to vote upon the following question. "Shall the City of Salina Kansas establish a community historical museum as author- ized by K.S.A. 12-1681, et.seq., as amended, at 211 W. Iron Ave.?" YES 0 NoCl CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned do certify that I am a Registered Elector of the State of Kansas and;of.the.CITY.OF SALINA, Saline County, and my residence address.is correctly written after'my name; ANI) I believe the statements made in this PETITION are true. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SIGN THIS PETITION MORE THAN ONCE; OR, TO SIGN ANOTHER PERSONS NAME, HERETO. VOTER(S) L 5- 8~7'~9, ¡: - 7- 7 / 6>- f"f-9j Õ' :7- Jj 1tZ:::x};f-;£ ~~ '.~ ~-.~ ¡ I ¡?' t¡z' v ~ê';1~'~'"/'~'~ê'h,,' "q,-~-, ,,".:-,~ '~""~~ F -7 ~ 7/ fÇ-;?- '1, é-P-CZ¡ <g-=¡-C:¡{ "..../ AFFIDAVIT --------- I, -' am THE SPONSOR and'only CIRCULATOR of this copy of this PETITION. All of the signatures wri1:ten hereupon were written in my presence. To the best of my knowledge every signature is that of the person whose name it purports to be. Voter. I am a Registered I,E~Y£".l~- (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY' DATE: S5l'7. Ii. ..¡ rr¡( NOTARY PUBLIC: have, this date witne,ssed the signature of the above Sponsor of this petition. (SEAL1-",. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 9" - ? ---1' -3 (DATE)