4012 Curbside Recycling """"'" ".. ""~m,_~"" ""U"oo","'~ll~m",-".,oo - A Petition to the Salina City ec-hsion We, the undersigned, are willint} to PilY an ao1iUon:J! $¿.5U monthly for city- wide curbside recyclin' in Salina. Moreover, we would be willinq to pay $5.00 monthly for the privilege of clJrbside recyclinq by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Siqnature Name ^ddress and phone ""tltl~ t. ..~¡¡~ m,""¡~t~ --- --------- ----------- ------------ ----~ . ,,",t<oo t."~lI~m,_¡~¡oo _..~... ........- ._-_..~ ..- A Petition to the Salina City Com8ission We, tt1e unucr'5iqneú, are willinq to pay an adr1iUonaJ $2.50 monthly for city- wide curbsit1e recyclin'1 in Salirta. Moreover, we would be Milling to PdY $5.0J monthly for the privilqe of curb'5ide recycling by subscription. Please return this petition to MIchael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. SiQnature Name Address and phone 'P<UU~ ¡."""HM m"_I,,'~ A Petition to the Salina City Cœ81ss1on We, U,e undersigned, are willing to pay an additional $2.50 monthly for city- wide curbside recycling in Salina. Moreover, we would be willing to pay t5.0Q monthly for the privilege of curbside recycling by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Signature Name Address and phone ;,~""" --.---- A Petition to the Salina City C088ission We, Ul~ unuersi!)ncd, are wilUnq to pay 'in additional $2.~O monthly for city- wide curbsi¡ ~ recyclin! in Salina. Moreover, we would be willing to pay t.~.OlJ monthly for U1e privileGe of curbside recycling by sllbscriplion. Please return this petItIon to Michael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. S~Qnature Name Address and phone """"OO",..~¡".m",""¡",oo --- _.~- A Petition to the Salina City Co88ission We, the undersiqned, are willinq to pay an additional $7.~U monthly for city- wide curbside recycling .in Salina. Moreover, we would be willinq to pay $~.OO monthly for the privilege of curbside recyclinq by subscription. Please return this petitIon to MIchael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 Hay. Siqnature N3me AdeJress and phone --- A Petition to the Salina City C088ission We, tIle undersigned, are willintj ::'0 pay an additional $2.5'J monthly for city- wide curbside recycling in Salina. Moreover, we would ~ willing to pay $:'.00 monthly for the privileGe of curbside recycling by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Siqnature Name Address and phone """UOO'"t~""œm""""",oo --"-~~~" -- "-~~ A Petition to the Salina City Co88ission We, the undersigned, are willing to pay an additional S2.~U monthly for city- wide curbside recycling in SalIna. Moreover, we would be willing to pay $5.00 monthly for the privilege of curbside recycling by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 H. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Signature Name Address and phone ',,"UUM "'"""H,,,m"-'~¡M --- ------ ----- A PetItIon to the SalIna City C088IssIon We, the undersigned, are willinq to pay an dddilional $2.~O monttlly for city- wide curbside recycling in Salin;]. Moreover, we would be willinq to pay l).OJ monthly for the privilege of curbside recyclinq by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 H. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Siqnature Name Address and phone ""'¡U~t".",¡~m,Coooo1,,!~ A PetItIon to the SalIna City Co88Ission We, the undersigned, are willinq to pay an additional $2.50 monthly fur city- wide curbside recycling in Salina. Moreover, we would be willing to pay $5.00 monthly for the privilege of curbside recycling by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Signature Name Address and phone . "t!t!~ '" <C. '""" ca, "",,,"~ A Petition to the SaliM City Cœ.ission We, ttlC unllersiqncd, are willinr to pay an ,Jddilional $7.)¡j monthly for city- wide r 'Jrbside recycling in Salina. Moreover, we would be willinq to pay $5.00 monthl y for the privilege 0" curbside reeyel inq by subscr iption. Please return this petition to Micl~el Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 Hay. Signature Name Address and phone . ,,"""00 '" .. "'.. m, 0..;"'00 A Petition to the Salina City Co88ission we, tile undersigned, are willinq to pay an additional $2.~(J monthly for cit)'- wide curbside recycling in Salina. Moreover, we would be willing to pay $~.OQ monthly for th:>. privilege of curbside recyc I inq by subscription. Please return this petition to Michael Yeakey, 1015 N. 12th, by Monday, 6 May. Signature Name Address and phone